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"jesteś" - "you are" - Polish word for your?

Crazy Toad 6 | 17  
15 Aug 2009 /  #1
Hey there I was just wondering would this be "jesteś" or would that be "you are"?

The context Im thinking of is something like "your father" or something along the lines.

Thanks in advance :)
McCoy 27 | 1268  
15 Aug 2009 /  #2
your, yours - twój
you're - jesteś, jesteście
OP Crazy Toad 6 | 17  
15 Aug 2009 /  #3
Ah thanks would "your father" be "twój ojciec"? Or is there some kind of special rule for using it?
15 Aug 2009 /  #4
Also 'SWÓJ', depending on the sentence:

Zapomniałas twoją gazetę! = You forgot your newspaper. (fem./informal)

Pani zapomniała SWOJĄ gazetę! = You forgot your newspaper. (fem./formal)
OP Crazy Toad 6 | 17  
15 Aug 2009 /  #5
Oh man! You change the beginnings of your words too?

Some days I wonder what I have got myself in for hahaha!
15 Aug 2009 /  #6
Everything hinges on context! There are other times when, f.ex. one says: "Tu jest PANA portefel." = Here is YOUR wallet. (masc./formal) vs. "......PANI " = YOUR wallet. (fem./formal). Rather old-fashioned here would be "PAŃSKI", but this is not used often.

All languages have their particular twists and turns. English is no different from Polish in this regard-:)

"SWÓJ" in my example was reflexive.
OP Crazy Toad 6 | 17  
15 Aug 2009 /  #7
I suppose it is :). Its easy to take for granted being a native speaker is and how difficult it maybe for foreign people to learn (referring to both languages).

Also I must admit,Ive avoided the polish grammar in favour of learning useful phrases and words that would help me get by in basic conversation.
SzwedwPolsce 11 | 1593  
15 Aug 2009 /  #8
Lyzko, you make it too complicated for him. Step by step you know. ;)

I think it's enough (to begin with) that twój (masc), twoja (fem), twoje (neutr) means 'your'. Your father, your ball, your house.
OP Crazy Toad 6 | 17  
15 Aug 2009 /  #9
I appreciate both replies but at the moment the latter is what Ive been learning (masc,fem,neut).

Also can I ask,certain words are masculine,feminine or neutar right? Say I was talking about a girl but using a masculine word,would I have to change it?

Thanks for your your patience haha :D
15 Aug 2009 /  #10
SzwedwPolsce's right though: Step by step! I think I bit you off a little more than you can chew at this point-:) lol


Some words don't ever need to be changed, e.g. 'gość' (guest, visitor, company etc.) referring to both a male as well as a female, just like English.

With verb/adjective agreement, it's tricky though, 'cuz the past tense ALWAYS shifts depending, plus the adjective's gotta agree:

ByłEM zmęczonY. = I was tired. (masc.)
ByłAM zmęczonA. = I was tired. (fem.)
Dziecko by£O zmęczonE. = The child was tired. (neut.)
OP Crazy Toad 6 | 17  
15 Aug 2009 /  #11
Yeah I understand that :)

Im just thinking for example "piwo" which Im guessing is the neutar is quite often used as "piwa" regardless of the gender in subject,so thats what had me wonder.
15 Aug 2009 /  #12
Your statement of 'piwa' as genitive for 'piwo' is A-one correct, only your reasoning is off.
The 'a' in 'piwA' has nothing whatsoever to do with the femininity of the noun in this instance.

You've already seen thus far I'm sure that there's a heck of a lot of ending repetition in Polish cases-:)

Plurals are yet another story. LOL

Sorry, your reasoning's correct. I misunderstood you at first.
SzwedwPolsce 11 | 1593  
15 Aug 2009 /  #13
"piwo" which Im guessing is the neutar is quite often used as "piwa"

It depends on the so called grammatical case, but it's still neuter. Piwa is the same word as Piwo, but different gram. case. A noun can never change gender, but it can change its ending depening on the grammatical case.

We can take for example the word herbata wich means tea. There are 6 more commonly used grammatical cases.

nominative: herbata
accusative: herbatę
genitive: herbaty
dative: herbaty
instrumental: herbatą
locative: herbaty

All these forms are neutral gender. The gender can never change.
15 Aug 2009 /  #14
'Herbata' however is feminine, I thought-:))

Maybe I should check back into that Swedish hospital; I think I'm going nuts. lol
SzwedwPolsce 11 | 1593  
16 Aug 2009 /  #15
'Herbata' however is feminine

Hahaha.. I must have been too tired. Of course herbata is feminine. But it doesn't really matter because feminine nouns are always feminine as well. It was just to show an example of the relationship between gender and case. And that case can change, but gender can not.
17 Aug 2009 /  #16
-:) LOL (yaaawwwwwn!)
17 Aug 2009 /  #17
In this way, Swedish is even more "regular" than English, at least as regards conjugation since nothing ever changes (older or literary forms excepted!):

jest etc....


I am
you are
he is


Jag ar vi ar
du ar ni ar
han ar etc... even in the plural

Please keep this thread to polish words only.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Language / "jesteś" - "you are" - Polish word for your?Archived