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Joined: 17 May 2007 / Male ♂
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27 May 2007
UK, Ireland / gay guys in London seek surrogacy female [134]

It says new polish muslims 500-1.000.There are currently no statistics concerning this group.This is the polish muslim minority?I mean muslim Poles,not muslim foreigners.

there are muslems in poland,, what a surprise n they have been there for quite a long time.. dont believe my bruv check it out.. planetaislam

27 May 2007
UK, Ireland / gay guys in London seek surrogacy female [134]

If you like It or not I've got a right to express my opinion, If you don't like, just stay away and stop spreading your intolerance and insults.

Who is a moron?Grzegorz is one of the few who refers some scientifically and research based arguments and his opinions are interesting.Yesterday a muslim tried to pass out as a Pole and spread non-sense based on that,but Grzegorz faced him.Does it make him a moron?

He says I do not have any problem with gays,if they do not interfere to straight lives,that is if they do not try to make other people gay one way or another.If gays stayed in gay clubs,gay parties and enjoyed the gay community there would be no problem.there is a problem because they join straight clubs,straight oarties and try to find sexual partners.And now they try to appear normal by adopting children etc,so in the future they will make a generation with total sexual identity distortion,metrosexuals,asexuals,freaks where straight will be some kind of freak.
27 May 2007
News / Polish/German/Russian relations [304]

Actually there was a very important battle the Russians won at this period of war.It was the battle for Moscow in 1941 when the german army faced the possibility of a total destruction.(How it managed to survive the winter of 1942 and the soviet counterattack is one of the greatest achievements in military history).

Americans also managed to stop the germans in Tebetha despite the big losses.
The El Alamein battle was won due to the 800 brand new Sherman tanks the americans offered to the 8th english army between the June and September of 1942.Rommel managed to defeat the british in Tobruk although he had less soldiers(only 100.000 were german) and less tanks(only 400 german) and less planes than the british.Very few armies have advanced when the enemy has superior air power.One was the Africa corps against the british.Only 4 german divisions against 12 english,new Zealand and canadian.

The americans ho landed in Omaha had 6.000 casualties in 3 hours due to german mashine guns.English troops faced no resistance at all at Sword and the other places they arrived.Kaen was supposed to be occupied by day 3 after D-day and the british managed to take it over only in August after 2 months of battles against the german PanzerSS divisions.The americans in the same tme managed to encircle the german troops and so the latter had to retry from France to avoid total annihilation.The panzer divisions which fought against the english in Caen had already lost 50-60% of their tanks due to heavy bombardment from american Mustangs P51 on their way to Caen.

They came there after 20 days route but the bristish had not managed to penetrate the front.

You forget to mention that 9th and 10th Panzer divisions were there to relax after the big battles in Normandy and the retreat in France where they lost almost all of their ammunition.They almost had no tanks and they were totally unprepared for the operation.They just happened to be there by luck.

On the other hand the Arnem operation was very carefully planned by the english who wanted to bring a quick end to the war.They sent for it their best troops and had absolute air superiority.

The english delayed the rapid movement of Patton who wanted to encircle the germans in Sicely.The germans managed to get to Italy from Sicely without any losses because the english did not advance fast enough.

They landed to Italy in August 1943 and needed 1 full year to conquer Rome,300 km away.They mrached 300 km in one year the slowest advance in history,Italy proved to be the worst choice,a place without any strategic interest where the ground morphology allowed very few germans to defend effectively.

Stalin proposed the Normandy operation since 1942.English constantly delayed it.Americans wanted to do it in 1943,the english said no,and then said maybe in 1946 or later.Americans became so angry,they threatened the british in order to put an end to the war.Churchill wanted to land in Balkans,not in Normandy but Stalin forbid it to him.He said Balkans will be a political operation,the military operation is in Normandy.

When the germans moved forces from the eastern front to France to fight the allies,the Russians managed to crash them completely.(25 german divisions destroyed in eastern front in the russian offensive of June-July 1944,the russian troops enter the polish borders).
26 May 2007
News / Polish/German/Russian relations [304]

yeah good thing us Americans didnt get involved

The americans did excellent logistics.How is it possible to have only 300.000 dead in a war and be a winner with the germans have 4.000.000 dead soldiers?

The americans knew how to count the possible soviet losses.For every thousand of dead they gave some ammunition,tracks and food to Russia.To be able to cope with the germans but not to become too strong.And they advanced calculating the number of corpses.
26 May 2007
News / Polish/German/Russian relations [304]

NO....Since Britain is an Island that had the biggest Navy in the world!......No I don't think I would be speaking German.

Do you know how many british divisions were in the West?The germans had 180 divisions in the east and 50 divisions in the west.Do you know how big was the soviet army and what ammunition it had?

Is there any battle that the british army won against the germans accept El Alamein,which had no strategic consequences since the americans had already landed in Algeria?

France 1940,Kreta 1941,Africa 1941,Tobruk 1942,Arnhem 1944,even in Normandy the british troops could not penetrate the german front.Had there not been the americans with Patton in France and Italy,the british army would never advance.

The soviets were beasts.They died in masses.British were not prepared to die.

about his ''Feared Worriers'' Since it was Bomber Command that killed about 3/4 of a million Germans.......I don't think you could say we were ''shaking in our boots''!!

You forget that british airplanes did not exactly bomb the warriors but dropped the bombs in some dense populated cities full of civilians.It is not sth to be proud of and there is doubt if this bombing had any effect on the course of the war at all.
26 May 2007
News / Polish/German/Russian relations [304]

[quote=ajgraham] forgot.....It was Bomber Command that bombed the hell out of those fearsome people!!
Do you have any doubt that if there had been no Russia,now you would write in german?
26 May 2007

certainly not because of my comments ab britsh women...because its a true statement,,,,,i left because of people just slagging fellow forum menbers off and getting personal....whats the point

It was exactly because of your comments on british women that the others got personal.When you write that they think you refer to them personally,which is absurd.

You were accused of being twat,fool and drug dealer,I was accused of being twat,gay,zigolo,loser,psycho and misogynist.
This happens when you try to express an opinion.Personal attacks follow and you have to defend.
26 May 2007

Away guy this black guy vanished not because he is black but because he made comments on english women.It is not your victory after all.
26 May 2007
Language / What is the most annoying thing about non-native Polish speakers? [90]

It has to do with the use of article in slavic languages.Generaly the Slavs do not use articles at all at the sentence,so they cannot understand their meaning in foreign languages,that is why the articles should be refered and not ommited.For example whether you say the table or simply table for a Slav it is the same.It is a table.

An english would say.The table is big.
The Slav would say.Table is big.
He does not feel the need to add the artcicle because his language ommites it.
26 May 2007
News / Polish/German/Russian relations [304]

Crow tell us.If Putin proposed to Serbia to become the 19th province of Russia,like he proposed to Belarus,would you accept?
26 May 2007
News / Polish/German/Russian relations [304]

much refined title in Russian is Gaspodin/ Gaspodina

I do not like woman gaspada.Better the polish word pani.
25 May 2007
Love / Someone please explain this to me [14]

same ex, i sent her money the other day cause she had problems. It was a one off cause she has been in hospital and stuff. But she comes back to me, tells me she got robbed

My advice.Never ever send money to women.Do not think of it as afuture investement.It is like throwing your money out of the window.You get no results by that.Women who ask for money well....well...They will ask you for more money.And then for even more.And you think O.K. I have already invested I will give a little more not to lose everything,this is the trap,the black hole,she learns you are weak and uses you.

The most funny?In many cases she already has a new boyfriend or husband who she gives the money you send to her.It is simple.One lover and one provider.

Nic if you indeed sent money,cut it off immediately.Never send again,whatever she says.If she threatens to leave you,say go ahead.She will come back to you after a while begging for your attention.(There are people burnt,we know sth).
25 May 2007
News / Polish/German/Russian relations [304]

Russian marshal Tukhachevski was near Warshaw

It is fair to say that Poles at that time saved Europe from bolshevics.Because if Russians entered Germany who was going to stop them?Germany had only 100.000 soldiers and no ammunition after the Versailles treaty.40.000 armed german communists waited for the russian army to enter to start revolution.
25 May 2007
Love / Polish attitude towards sex [194]

There was a survey among teenage Russian girls a few years back. 90% aspired to be an Escort.

There are rich russian women who join trojchkas in the night to see how much their value is.(in trojkas the women are divided into 50$ girls,100$ girls and 200$ girls).They claim they like that also because it gives them the chance to make love to people they hate,they are disgusted from(!) like men from Caucasus from example.

I read an interview of a famous russian pro,she said I was born to be a pro,I love it,even if I were rich I would be a pro and nothing else.
25 May 2007
Love / Polish attitude towards sex [194]

There are more ways out.They can be cleaning ladies.But is an attractive russian 20 year old ready to become a cleaning lady?Making 5 euro per hour,while in the sex buisness she can make 100 euro per hour or even more in GB?

Escorts in Russia are among the elite,they make more on average than any other women.They view their job very positively.All the protest comes from the western feminists,not from these girls.
25 May 2007
News / Polish/German/Russian relations [304]

In 1917 Germans were punished fore their arrogance

Who punished them?The Brest-Litovsk treaty?What happened in 1920 between Russians and Poles?
25 May 2007
Love / Do mix culture marriages work in Poland? [68]

This is only irony,you do not see it?In fact it is a kind of argument,to exacerbate the other's opinion to make it seem absurd.They pass it as humor.
25 May 2007
Love / Polish attitude towards sex [194]

'legal prostitution' that causes the 'exploitation' of young girls from the East of Europe (Romania,Bosnia,Ukraina,Poland..)

In my opinion these girls want very much what they do and it is silly policy trying to stop ''trafficking'' claiming that girls are forced to that by pimps who cheat them etc.Many girls in Ukraine would like to travel to Europe and do some prostitution,they see it as a way to luxury and quick,easy money.
25 May 2007
News / Polish/German/Russian relations [304]

You thin that we fogive 1815 and Polish gussars in the Napoleon's Armade?
Do You think tha

1812 not 1815.Napoleon in Moscow.Indeed polish soldiers were the most brave among the french troops.
But in Tannenberg the bravest were the russians,not right?
24 May 2007
Love / How to get to know a polish guy better? [102]

Polish girl. I think you shouldn't hit on him directly. I agree, that man loves when woman is forward and sometimes it can make them "fire", but only for short period (even girl is beautiful).
My advice is to look at him in a special way, with admiration. Say him very innocent compliment. You can also suggest a meeting, but neutral. Don't say that you like him! Show it a little, but don't say

Thank you,very enlightening.I have noticed these tendencies in polish girls,first time I see them so well written.
24 May 2007

Not literally vanished.I mean you stepped back.You did not insist about polish vs english women.

Maybe there is no point trying to defend against the feminazis.I agree with your view about polish women as an easy lay in general.I also agree about superior apperance and quick spoiling when abroad.
24 May 2007
Love / Do mix culture marriages work in Poland? [68]

Maybe she had.However she did not talk about women pleasing women but about women techniques on men.

She stated clearly.European girls do it better.
24 May 2007

please climb back under whatever rock you came out from under writing this mesg from my jailhouse hahahahahah

Warmmilkychoc1 you are really very brave.By first appearance of femmi attack you chose to vanish.You should insist a little bit,if most men in England are so scared,your suffering is no surprise.