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Polish attitude towards sex

daffy 22 | 1153  
2 Apr 2007 /  #1
Is it a quite subject? is it in your face?

in the streets of your towns are the brothels hidden away or blatentantly in your face? porn shops?

swingers parties? etc? :) we all know the french, italians and Germans are very, VERY open about the subject on a personal basis

(and this thread is in Polish singles and more - lets focus on the 'more' :))
sapphire 22 | 1241  
2 Apr 2007 /  #2
I think they are so conservative that they cant respond to this. :)
RazZ 1 | 180  
2 Apr 2007 /  #3
isnt it a good thing?
peterweg 37 | 2305  
2 Apr 2007 /  #4
Italians open about sex? thats news to me.
2 Apr 2007 /  #5
Americans are sexually obssessed because they are sexually repressed.
szarlotka 8 | 2205  
2 Apr 2007 /  #6
Bit of a sweeping generalisation wouldn't you say? But, hey, why not? There is so much generalisation going on.:)
sapphire 22 | 1241  
2 Apr 2007 /  #7
Poles are closet sexual deviants
2 Apr 2007 /  #8
All of them?
versus out of the closet sexual deviants?
sapphire 22 | 1241  
2 Apr 2007 /  #9
yep, all of them. They generally like to keep in the closet because of their Catholic upbringing
RazZ 1 | 180  
2 Apr 2007 /  #10
its better to be conservative then be like an Americans
lovely - | 24  
2 Apr 2007 /  #11
which is...?
LATINA 3 | 73  
2 Apr 2007 /  #12
Polish people are NOT closet sexual deviants in NYC. They are all doing it like rabbits. I hear that the Polish girls in clubs are really easy for one night stands and all.
sapphire 22 | 1241  
2 Apr 2007 /  #13
I think there is a difference between promiscuity and sexual deviance isnt there? although I guess one persons deviance is anothers norm...and please dont mention rabbits :)
peterweg 37 | 2305  
2 Apr 2007 /  #14
If we are going to generalise, all women are sluts. Men are worse.

How do you think we ended up with 6Billion people on the planet?
forgetmenots 4 | 77  
2 Apr 2007 /  #15
If we are going to generalise, all women are sluts. Men are worse.

oh sheesh and all we can do is just to search for the nearest highest bridge in the neighbourhood :)

How do you think we ended up with 6Billion people on the planet?

Im sorry I cant I got lost with all that zeros after 6.
szarlotka 8 | 2205  
2 Apr 2007 /  #16
How do you think we ended up with 6Billion people on the planet?

More importantly, how can we explain that 3.5 billion of them support Manchester United and claim to have been to Old Trafford/
2 Apr 2007 /  #17
how can we explain that 3.5 billion of them support Manchester United

Bokanovsky's process mate. Too many Epsilons in the mix. :)
szarlotka 8 | 2205  
2 Apr 2007 /  #18
You're right. Science has an answer for everything, no matter how irrational it may seem on the surface:)
OP daffy 22 | 1153  
2 Apr 2007 /  #19
Is it a quite subject? is it in your face?

in the streets of your towns are the brothels hidden away or blatentantly in your face? porn shops?

swingers parties? etc? we all know the french, italians and Germans are very, VERY open about the subject on a personal basis

(and this thread is in Polish singles and more - lets focus on the 'more' )

moved off topic - im talking about the visibilty of sex in the country. ads etc shops, etc
forgetmenots 4 | 77  
2 Apr 2007 /  #20

I havent been here for a while.
Excuse me the off topic question but what happen to Huegel Huegel huh?

I dont really recognize the gast - ghost - guest -guess one :(
I wanna real Huegel back !!!:(
FISZ 24 | 2116  
2 Apr 2007 /  #21
Americans are sexually obssessed because they are sexually repressed

I'm neither of the 2. Please don't speak for me :) Anx mate .
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
2 Apr 2007 /  #22
Is it a quite subject? is it in your face?

Haven't you been in Poland ?
Ranj 21 | 947  
2 Apr 2007 /  #23
I'm neither of the 2. Please don't speak for me Anx mate .

That goes for me also.
slwkk 2 | 228  
2 Apr 2007 /  #24
yep, all of them. They generally like to keep in the closet because of their Catholic upbringing

ROTFL, all these generalisations about Polish people and Poland are quite funny... It seems that everyone in this country is catholic, drink vodka/beer/sth?, is racist, thief?, deviant and many many more ... but know what? I don't really care what anybody think about 'us'

I'm quite typical and let's see:

- I don't care about all these religious stuff (and I don't pretend I care like many people do)
- I nearly don't drink (only from time to time, some parties...) - but I know people who don't drink at all - ok, not many ;-) but they really exist here :P

- I don't care about anybody's nationality, skin color, sex preferences and so on [...]
- I don't feel need to talk about sex all the time like some people.... but sex is normal thing - nothing to shame about

I'm sure that many people think the same way so you don't have right to talk about all Polish people. btw, nice provocation :P
sapphire 22 | 1241  
2 Apr 2007 /  #25
thanks for your comments slwwkkk.. I stand corrected.. you are not all perverts, only 99%.. and I wasnt being entirely serious.
slwkk 2 | 228  
2 Apr 2007 /  #26
thanks for your comments slwwkkk.. I stand corrected..

Ok, no problem.

and I wasnt being entirely serious.

I though so ;)
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
2 Apr 2007 /  #27
which is...?

Honeybee 7 | 26  
2 Apr 2007 /  #28
so then would Polish priests be worse?
2 Apr 2007 /  #29
Why aren't you guys looking for brazilian girls??? they are really open about sex, I knew a guy who lived three years there, he told me they are ****. LOL
witek 1 | 587  
2 Apr 2007 /  #30
Yes I heard about Brazilian girls :) :) :)

One day I will pack up my 2 kitties and fly to Rio de Janeiro for vacation :) :)

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