UK, Ireland /
Poland Flying the Flag at Gay Pride in Manchester [75]
You don't find that many of those in Poland
As far as I know studies have shown that there are approx. the same percentage of homosexuals in all countries. But in some countries it's okey to be open about it, and in some countries people hide it very much. The reason why people "see" very few gays in Poland is that it's not accepted. Poles very seldome introduce themselves as "Dzień dobry... nazywam się Piotr, jestem gejem". But in Wawa people say that there are several popular gay bars/clubs etc. I have never been to any of those so I don't know.
I know one Polish girl who is lesbian. She's excatly like other girls (except that she prefers girls). If you don't know she's gay, it's impossible to figure it out by the way she looks, acts etc.
"Dzień dobry... nazywam się Piotr, jestem gejem"
By the way, I omitted Piotr's last name. He wants to be anonymous. After all, he lives in Poland. So insert any last name you wish.
I promise, it wasn't Kaczyński. :)