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Joined: 21 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Nov 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 1589 / In This Archive: 631
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Staram się... hehe. ;-)
Interests: Driving motorcycle, SCUBA-diving, playing guitar, delicious food etc.

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8 Sep 2009
Life / Searching for a disco polo song [17]

Where does the term come from anyway?

Disco Polo? I have never thought about it. But isn't it just Polish Disco? To show it's not 80's disco, Euro-Disco etc.
8 Sep 2009
Life / Searching for a disco polo song [17]

I don't believe there can be more than 100 Disco Polo songs in all

There are very many DP-songs. Many which you can't find on the Internet. But there a lot of DP on Youtube.
6 Sep 2009
Language / Prepositions in the Polish language. [16]


But be aware of the fact that some preps. often are involved in 2 different cases depending on the sentence. Eg. na (accusative or locative), z (genitive or instrumental) etc.

Mam ochotę na herbatę (acc). <---> Jestem na rynku (loc).

Lubię filet z kurczaka (gen). <---> Mieszkam z siostrą (instr).
6 Sep 2009
News / 14 year old rape victim from Warsaw denied abortion! [348]

It is an old story now. I'm sure it is too late for an abortion anyway.

The girl initially mentioned in this thread finally had an abortion if I remember correctly.

I think that people should not do abortions as frequent as it's done in many countries. But if you get raped, it's torture not to be allowed an abortion. People who deny someone that is against all kinds of dignity of the human race. Go visit an Eastern European Orphanage.

It's not difficult to get a safe abortion in Poland today. But it's (usually) illegal and costs a lot of money. And there are some cases when it's legal to have an abortion in PL.
6 Sep 2009
Language / Declension of "-ość" - miłość / zieleń [19]

But the question was "How to decline the word zieleń?", not "How the word zieleń will be declined in 75 years?".

I was not answering the question. It was a general reflection on the subject.

But regarding the question. Such linguistic differences are often dialectal or generation dependent.
6 Sep 2009

I was in Sweden Malmoe last year and the Arabs there always walk in big groups.There is clear frustration since swedish men manage to lay muslim women(obvious) but on the contrary arab men are very disproportionate and have very limited success with swedish women.As a result there are lots of horny Arabs walking up and down and I suspect a lot of rapes take place.

Arabs in Sweden can be divided into 2 groups. Those who integrate well, and those who do not. The first group usually does well. Many highly educated people (doctors, engineers etc) contribute a lot to society, are hard working etc. They should stay.

The other group creates big problem, both for themselves and society (criminality etc). They should be kicked out. Even the well-integrated, well-behaving, arabs (and other immigrants) want to kick out this group.

Malmö is the city with highest % of arabs (and muslims) in Sweden.
6 Sep 2009
Language / Declension of "-ość" - miłość / zieleń [19]

(At least I read dictionaries that tell me how to speak Polish without inventing words like "zielenio").

Languages are very dynamic. Grammatical rules exist only because people use them. It takes a long time to change such things (many decades). But if people in general stop following a principle in "the correct book" and make another grammatical construction, this new one will be in the "correct book" sooner or later. Even if some people try to resist it. It's analogous to all languages. What is considered correct now is for sure not the same as it will be in 75 years. And that's one of the beautiful features of linguistics. Speaking people always make the rules, it just takes some time to change the grammar books.
4 Sep 2009
Life / Searching for a disco polo song [17]

It sounded like "Modern Talking", and in the middle of the song sounded the wedding march.

I think that I have heard this one, but I can't remember title or artist.
3 Sep 2009
Life / Why do Poles drink so much? [161]

0,5 l = 50 cl, about 5 cl/shoot would be about 10 shots, or maybe 8 beers.

You start at 4 pm and finish 4 am the day after. That's 4.2 cl/hour. Less than 1 beer per hour. Maybe you will not be so drunk. But you will probably have an evil hang over the day after.
2 Sep 2009
Love / Polish Male Reputations.... [29]

drinking too much, being continually unfaithfull, and being impatient and hot-tempered

I know many Poles who aren't like this.

I only know one Polish man,

And still you write something like this.
2 Sep 2009
UK, Ireland / Poland Flying the Flag at Gay Pride in Manchester [75]

I agree that there are no reason for these people to show off their sexual preferences in a parade like this. But gay people never choosed to be gay, so they can't be blamed for being gay. Therefore they should be respected. They are humans like everyone else.

The people who conduct such studies would not even know where to find those deviants in Poland let alone for those same deviants to admit to a perfect strangers that they are one. So I ask you what studies would those be?

You don't look for a specific kind of people. If you carry out scientifical studies you always choose the people randomly. And as you probably know all good statistical surveys are anonymous. This isn't my scientific field, so I can't refer to any specific studies. But there are a huge number of scientifical studies about life style and sex life.

If you think statistical research means you go from door to door and ask people about there sex life you're wrong.
Good research methods mean high quality results.

Best regards
2 Sep 2009
Language / Possibly, probably, definitely, certainly not. [6]

"nie wiem" it's more like "I don't know" or "I'm not sure"

Nie wiem means I don't know.

But as you probably noticed it's also used today as a way to say 'probably not' or even 'no'. For example:

- Idziemy do kina. Idziesz z nami?
- No... nie wiem.

In this case I'd say it means more like 'probably not'. But of course it depends on how you say it.
2 Sep 2009
Language / a new Polish alphabet for internet and sms.... [29]

In Windows you can easily change so you can use Polish alphabet on English (etc) keyboard. And many mobiles have Polish dictionary for sms.

But I think people understand even if you write:
- mysle, ze oni maja piekny dom.
- lubie kawe, ale wole herbate.

But I agree that it's a little frustrating to read long texts like that.
1 Sep 2009
UK, Ireland / Poland Flying the Flag at Gay Pride in Manchester [75]

You don't find that many of those in Poland

As far as I know studies have shown that there are approx. the same percentage of homosexuals in all countries. But in some countries it's okey to be open about it, and in some countries people hide it very much. The reason why people "see" very few gays in Poland is that it's not accepted. Poles very seldome introduce themselves as "Dzień dobry... nazywam się Piotr, jestem gejem". But in Wawa people say that there are several popular gay bars/clubs etc. I have never been to any of those so I don't know.

I know one Polish girl who is lesbian. She's excatly like other girls (except that she prefers girls). If you don't know she's gay, it's impossible to figure it out by the way she looks, acts etc.

"Dzień dobry... nazywam się Piotr, jestem gejem"

By the way, I omitted Piotr's last name. He wants to be anonymous. After all, he lives in Poland. So insert any last name you wish.

I promise, it wasn't Kaczyński. :)
31 Aug 2009
Language / Possibly, probably, definitely, certainly not. [6]

What is the possibility anyone could add somethin to this list as put it in order of probability?

Być pewna - To be sure (eg. jestem pewna).
No pewnie - something like 'yeah, you bet'.
Nie wiem - used in the meaning of 'no, probably not'.

I would also consider zawsze and nigdy (nie) as words to express probability. Even if they formally are frequency expressions.
31 Aug 2009
Language / I'm really interested in learning Polish [33]

The case system is something that takes time to understand. The brain needs time to digest it.

31 Aug 2009
Language / Czy jest pan or czy pan jest? [14]

So would "jesteś pijany" or "czy jesteś pijany" be more suitable to use with friends as opposed to adults or strangers?

Ok, listen. To make it easy for you:

1. If you have a statement (not a question) never use 'czy'.
2. If you have a yes or no-question, always begin with 'czy'.

If you follow these 2 simple rules it will be correct, and you don't have to involve formal/informal considerations.
There are other possible options as well, but don't make it more difficult than it is.

voice "intonation".

Yes, that was the noun I was looking for.
31 Aug 2009
Travel / Help with travel to Gdansk [30]

every time I spoke Polish, they answered in English.

If you try to speak Polish with Poles who know English, many of them want to show that they know some English.
31 Aug 2009
Language / Prepositions in the Polish language. [16]

imagine that you are referring to words such as do, ku, przy, nad, pod ect These words are not actually prepositions

In grammar books they are listed as prepositions. So it would be interesting to hear what you actually mean.
31 Aug 2009
Language / What is the name for "I would", is it conditional mood or something else? [12]

I have been thinking about that. And I guess it depends on the verb. Some of them appears rather "clearly" when you compare perf. and imperf. forms. Some of them just make you confused. But I assume that this is a part of the language that becomes more natural when you get more and more used to the language.
29 Aug 2009
Language / Czy jest pan or czy pan jest? [14]

but is "jesteś pijany" not "you're drunk"?
Which is more of a statement than a question,or is it meant to be said in the style of a question?

It can be both a statement or a question depending on what "voice-melody" you use. Normally such a question should be with czy. Czy jesteś pijany? But it's common that people skip czy and use more melody to express that it's a question.

In English word order is very important to express who is the subject and who is the object. In Polish this is much more often determined by endings.

jesteś pijany = you're drunk

Or are you drunk? Just go out on the streets and listen how often people skip czy, and use more melody instead.
26 Aug 2009
Genealogy / Daughter, 30, disappeared August 25th Warsaw. Stayed in hotel Warszawa Chopin. [21]

I really hope she will be found soon!

But statistically, most people who "disappear" do it intentionally. It's likely that she will show up soon. But continue to check police and all hospitals daily. Please keep us updated.

Good Luck!

The phone company might be able to trace the signal

Good point!
26 Aug 2009
Love / Are Polish girls charity workers? [132]

In my opinion some people generalize to much about eastern block girls...

In everyone's, who knows something, opinion.

bet they are more accurate than those you made about myself.

Well written.