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Searching for a disco polo song

pakitow 1 | 5  
4 Sep 2009 /  #1
Hello everybody!
I'm from Spain and this summer I went to Poland.

In a disco from Warsaw I heard songs that I liked it very much, like "Jestes Szalona", "Cialo Do Ciala" or "Sasiadka".

But I'm searching for a disco song that I couldn't find out its title.
It sounded like "Modern Talking", and in the middle of the song sounded the wedding march.

Any idea? Thanks!
MareGaea 29 | 2751  
4 Sep 2009 /  #2
Any idea? Thanks!

Go do a search on Usenet for "Disco Polo". I am sure you get many hits. download the entire cr*p and play parts of every piece of sh*t that you've downloaded. I am sure you will find it amongst them.

M-G (bored)
SzwedwPolsce 11 | 1593  
4 Sep 2009 /  #3
It sounded like "Modern Talking", and in the middle of the song sounded the wedding march.

I think that I have heard this one, but I can't remember title or artist.
OP pakitow 1 | 5  
4 Sep 2009 /  #4
Hahahahaha man i can't stop laughing, this sounds really, reaaaaaally wrong hahahahaha

¬_¬ I don't understand...
I meant the music style of the song I search is very similar to Modern Talking style. Is that funny? :p

Well, I want to avoid to download hundreds of disco polo hits and listen to all of them. Besides, I don't know "usenet", sorry...

SzwedwPolsce, do you remember some lyrics of the song? Any clue will be wellcome :)
MareGaea 29 | 2751  
4 Sep 2009 /  #5
Well, I want to avoid to download hundreds of disco polo hits and listen to all of them. Besides, I don't know "usenet", sorry...

Well, if you have a decent Inet connex, then it shouldn't take too long as I don't believe there can be more than 100 Disco Polo songs in all. Bad taste is one thing, but I don't believe that even the ppl who make this cr*p are that stupid anyway.

As for usenet, do a search on Google, I am sure you get loads of hits. Usenet is a little parallel to to the Internet. It uses the nntp protocol and is perhaps the oldest form of Inet like networking. Started out as newsgroups and still uses this format. Advantages are: nearly untraceable downloads, faster, much faster than torrents, 99% chance of getting no crap, but the real stuff. All movies appear first on Usenet before they even make it to the torrents. Usenet is maybe a bit too complicated for newbies or Inetbimbos who just know how to click on a link on a site, but it is in my opinion the best way to get stuff for free. Well, not entirely for free. Due to the very nature of Usenet, as it basically is considered a little extra by ISP's on Mainland Europe (here in Ireland they don't even have Newsservers), the options you get with your ISP are good, but you have to be very fast in order to download stuff. Better idea is to subscribe to a good usenetserver for, say $40,= for 3 months and download as much as you like, fast and unlimited. Plus you can virtually find EVERYTHING on Usenet. But check Google for links and sites. I personally use

. It's up to you.

Movies, music, etc, are delivered to Usenet in the form of attachments to emails. Since the amount of data to attach to an email is limited, you will get the file split up in several .rar archives. For example: if you want to download a DVD of 4,37 GB, they you will most likely get it in 80 .rar files of 50 Megs. Since the .rar files can be broken, making the entire download useless, the posters generally add a certain amout of parity (.par or .par2) files to it. These nifty little files can actually repair broken .rar archives or even replace missing archives as well, providing the poster has made enough of them. And if you ask nicely, they might be willing to make even more for you. Just go check it out.

M-G (good luck)
OP pakitow 1 | 5  
4 Sep 2009 /  #6
No dude, nothing personal, its just that modern talking in Holland was catalogue as very "Wrong" but thats here. Besides the wedding match, just killed me....

Haha, ok, Modern Talking + wedding march = explosive combination :D

Hi MareGaea. Then, usenet its a software like eMule? I've already tried to download disco polo songs from eMule, but I don't find the one I want :(

Thanks anyway ;-)
MareGaea 29 | 2751  
4 Sep 2009 /  #7
Then, usenet its a software like eMule?

No, it's a network. But you indeed need special software to be able to download from there, they are called "newsreaders".

M-G (always glad to help)
OP pakitow 1 | 5  
8 Sep 2009 /  #8
No one knows de song? title, band, or lyrics? :(
mvefa 5 | 591  
8 Sep 2009 /  #9
still no luck? damn! you must be getting frustrating...

Sorry pakitow!

SzwedwPolsce 11 | 1593  
8 Sep 2009 /  #10
I don't believe there can be more than 100 Disco Polo songs in all

There are very many DP-songs. Many which you can't find on the Internet. But there a lot of DP on Youtube.
MareGaea 29 | 2751  
8 Sep 2009 /  #11
There are very many DP-songs

Where does the term come from anyway?

M-G (curious - after the shirts they're wearing?)
Kenneth78 - | 25  
8 Sep 2009 /  #12
I will give you a good tip, log in to youtube and search search for the NawrotkaTv channel. There are lots of disco polo there and if you don't find the song in this channel I doubt it is disco polo.
SzwedwPolsce 11 | 1593  
8 Sep 2009 /  #13
Where does the term come from anyway?

Disco Polo? I have never thought about it. But isn't it just Polish Disco? To show it's not 80's disco, Euro-Disco etc.
mvefa 5 | 591  
9 Sep 2009 /  #14
"Modern Talking", and in the middle of the song sounded the wedding march.

Maybe it was a tune in the new MareGaea Album?
OP pakitow 1 | 5  
10 Sep 2009 /  #15
good tip, log in to youtube and search search for the NawrotkaTv channel. There are lots of disco polo there and if you don't find the song in this channel I doubt it is disco polo

Ok, I'll search for it in that channel. Thanks!

Hi Mvefa! MareGaea Album? I don't understand what you mean, sorry :(
SzwedwPolsce 11 | 1593  
10 Sep 2009 /  #16
wedding march

Here is one that begins with the wedding march.
OP pakitow 1 | 5  
26 Nov 2009 /  #17
It was that!!!

SKALAR - "Dla mnie luty dla ciebie maj"

Minute 3:00, the wedding march sounds in the middle of the song as I remembered :)Thanks!! A lot of thanks!! :D :D :D

Thank you very much, SzwedwPolsce ;)

P.D: Anybody knows waht means in english "Dla mnie luty dla ciebie maj" ??

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