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Western Europe and America vs Russia WWII - chances of Poland being saved

nunczka  8 | 457  
1 Jun 2009 /  #241
You can throw nukes at civilians to "save" your soldiers and win the war...my what brave and heroic you are!

We learned from the best FRITZ, You guys did a good job on civilians in Auschwitz. Treblinka, and Sobi Bor.

Yep BBQ was your specialty
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11908  
1 Jun 2009 /  #242
We learned from the best FRITZ, You guys did a good job on civilians in Auschwitz. Treblinka, and Sobi Bor.

Oh puleeeze...as if you had given a **** about the Jews. You were scared about the Nazis..they might had come over and hid under your bed. YOU SH*IT YOUR PANTS!

You nuked the Japs women and children even as they hadn't gassed any Jews...all apologies....you were cowards who were the only one to profit and to get fat from that war! Congratulations!

What will you do should you once have NOT the absolute material superiority? Losers!
Oh wait...didn't you bake the whole of Vietnam with more bombs than the whole of Germany? And those sandal wearer just laughed about you in the end...what losers! You are fantastic in killing civilians from far above in the sky, credit where credit is due...my what winners you are!
nunczka  8 | 457  
1 Jun 2009 /  #243
You nuked the Japs even as they hadn't gassed Jews...all apologies....you were cowards who were the only one to profit from that war! Congratulations!

Yep, and profit we did. America grew into a great nation after the war. We remained great for over 65 years. We even threw you Krauts a few crumbs with the Marshall plan.

Deutchland ober alles PHFFFT!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11908  
1 Jun 2009 /  #244
Yep, and profit we did. America grew into a great nation after the war.


How about another war to get you back on your feet?
Wait...Iraq didn't went that well, didn't it....I mean AFTER your airforce flattened the houses and the infrastructure from far above...as the "real" fighting started I mean..

Just a little food for thought (if you have any brain capacity left):
WWI was a war about the dominance in Europe between the old dogs and their empires (GB, France) and the new kid on the block (Germany)...WWII was the perverse sequel of the unfinished business of WWI (thanks to the meddling of the US)

But now look who dominates Europe! Who did win in the end!
nunczka  8 | 457  
1 Jun 2009 /  #245
But now look who dominates Europe! Who won in the end!

Yeah, Actually who did win? I would say that everybody that survived was a winner. England remained free, Poland and France regained their freedom. The Marshall plan rebuilt Germany..

Hell it's time for another European war. This time you could be the new Fuhrer. With your brilliant statesmanship. You would be a shoe in.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11908  
1 Jun 2009 /  #246

Great Britain lost it's "Greatness", becoming just the small island they naturally are.
The same with France losing all their colonies...now needing some photo ops to say cheese to look good.
We don't need another Führer...we have what we want! The Euro is in essence the Deutsche Mark, the EU is our backyard to sell our products too..we RULE!

You still don't get it, don't you!

PS: The marshall plan was nice (for WEST Germany) but it needed more than that to rebuild Germany...it needed Germans for that!
After all GB and also France got much more support money from you but didn't do half as much with it....no "Wirtschaftswunder" for them!

But admitted, it was a good thing....another punishment action like the Treaty of Versailles and we would probably fight each other again instead of screaming at each other over an internet board :)
nunczka  8 | 457  
1 Jun 2009 /  #247
We don't need another Führer...we have what we want!

A lot of TURKS

You still don't get it, don't you!

NOPE, But then again i am just another stupid YANK.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11908  
1 Jun 2009 /  #248
A lot of TURKS


NOPE, But then again i am just another stupid YANK.

You said that..
scrappleton  - | 829  
1 Jun 2009 /  #249
But now look who dominates Europe! Who did win in the end!

Yeah, how the f.uck do think you got here? Pay us back anytime. You'd be sucking on snowcones in Siberia if it weren't for the US. Viet Nam wasn't exactly defending our homeland and you didn't fare that well against Soviets on horseback did you? What with all your glorious panzers. Your infantry sucked in close hand to hand combat.. that was well documented. I guess the untermench weren't so unter after all. Wasn't like soccer where you can run and dance like some brazen p.ussy.

Only utter idiots would follow some buffoon like Hitler and due his ridiculous bidding. The weirdo used to have an erection as he spoke!! And your people followed him?? Yes we are all beneath your intellect, it's obvious. You are laughing at us? Doesn't look like it when I see your pasty white skin haunting California.
nunczka  8 | 457  
1 Jun 2009 /  #250
You said that..

Always willing to oblige
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11908  
1 Jun 2009 /  #251
I'm an East German Scrappleton...I owe you exactly NOTHING!

Only utter idiots would follow some buffoon like Hitler and due his ridiculous bidding.

Without you doing the bidding of the Brits without taking another look and letting them abuse you there wouldn't had been a Hitler.
Think about that when you next time mourn your dead.
Germans were desperate after the Treaty...a Treaty YOU helped to concive...a Treaty which even made a mad man like Hitler look good for many Germans, THANK YOU MAN!

Your infantry sucked in close hand to hand combat.. that was well documented.

Oh puleeeeze...ROFL
nunczka  8 | 457  
1 Jun 2009 /  #252
Only utter idiots would follow some buffoon like Hitler and due his ridiculous bidding. The weirdo used to have an erection as he spoke!! And your people followed him??

Sorta like American disciples following Obama.

Gut durch Fritz. Wird froh sein, mit Ihnen in einer anderen Zeit zu sprechen. Sie sind ein Schmiere-Gegner
scrappleton  - | 829  
1 Jun 2009 /  #254
a Treaty YOU helped to concive

Don't sink the Lusitania with women and kids aboard. Hello genius! We wanted for all the world to stay out of European foolishness. Still do, for that matter!! How smart was it to invade Poland, bring in GB .. and then the icing on the f.ucking cake.. actually DECLARE WAR on the world's largest economy. You declared war on us not the other way around.

Oh puleeeeze...ROFL

Laugh it up.. Stalingrad anyone?? What's wrong? You blew the whole thing to smithereens. Isn't that the logic you just used about Iraq? Why couldn't you close the deal?? Snipers and hand to hand combat you could not over come.

East German Scrappleton...I owe you exactly NOTHING!

You'd still be shining commie boots!! You wouldn't even be on this site if we hadn't bankrupted the Soviets. I know I'm a little mongrel but even I can figure that out. Moron, take off with your stupidity. Stop patting yourself on the back. You have some fast trains you produce some nice cars, factory parts. You won't even ripple the Chinese pond or ours for that matter. You always have such pride but in the end you f.uck it up like always.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11908  
1 Jun 2009 /  #255
Don't sink the Lusitania with women and kids aboard.

What! Still treading the old propaganda line?

It is now known that the Lusitania was carrying munitions onboard


Included in the Lusitania's cargo were 4,200,000 rounds of Remington 0.303 rifle cartridges, 1250 cases of empty 3 inches (76 mm) fragmentation shell cases, and eighteen cases of non-explosive fuses,[52

Only a passenger ship, right? On the way to GB just accidentally, ja?

A dive team from Cork Sub Aqua Club, diving under license, discovered 15,000 rounds of the .303 (7.7×56mmR) caliber rifle ammunition transported on the Lusitania in boxes in the bow section of the ship. The find was photographed but left in situ under the terms of the license.[62] In December 2008, Gregg Bemis discovered a further four million rounds of .303 ammunition and announced plans to commission further dives in 2009 for a full-scale forensic examination of the wreck.[63]

The German Embassy in Washington had issued this warning on 22nd April.[18]

TRAVELLERS intending to embark on the Atlantic voyage are reminded that a state of war exists between Germany and her allies and Great Britain and her allies; that the zone of war includes the waters adjacent to the British Isles; that, in accordance with formal notice given by the Imperial German Government, vessels flying the flag of Great Britain, or any of her allies, are liable to destruction in those waters and that travellers sailing in the war zone on the ships of Great Britain or her allies do so at their own risk.
Washington, D.C. 22nd April 1915

You've got to be kidding!
Did you know that at the same time the Brits and the French had installed a blockade which would be the reason for 600.000 civilian deaths even after the war was over??? That was mass murder!

British propaganda

It was in the interests of the British to keep US passions inflamed, and a fabricated story was circulated that in some regions of Germany, schoolchildren were given a holiday to celebrate the sinking of the Lusitania. This story was so effective that James W. Gerard, the US ambassador to Germany, recounted it in his memoir of his time in Germany, Face to Face with Kaiserism (1918), though without substantiating its validity.[39]

The sinking turned public opinion in many countries against Germany, and was instrumental in bringing the United States into the war.[4]

What an accident!

Gregg Bemis, as well as other people on the team, believe the British Royal Navy deliberately bombed the Lusitania site to "make the wreck as unattractive as possible, to prevent further salvage" and to "prevent divers from going in and finding that there was contraband cargo".

You should better take another look at your "special relationship"!

Still do, for that matter!!

Then why don't you?

How smart was it to invade Poland, bring in GB .. and then the icing on the f.ucking cake.. actually DECLARE WAR on the world's largest economy. You declared war on us not the other way around.

Hitler was a fool but he did what he thought was honor demanded...to show support for the ally Japan...but then he invaded Russia too...breaking a treaty....I dunno what was going on in his brain...sorry!

You always have such pride but in the end you f.uck it up like always.

Always??? What do you mean with always...
Quite to the contrary..we are mostly successful in what we do...to successful for some!

YOU brought us into it.

The Lusitania shipped ammunition to Great Britain...already breaching the rules of neutrality...the Germans even gave you a fair warning...you WANTED this reason to get into the brawl...nobody forced you to!

The Brits played you like a fiddle...and laughed at you behind your back at how good and nice they could manipulate you!

Uhhh.. 2 huge wars , 2 huge losses???

Against what? Against what odds?
YOU, the mighty big USofA NEEDED the hordes of F*UCKING STALIN AND TWO NUKES!!!!

make your money, brew your little beer.. and stay the f.ck home.

We want nothing else..and we are good at it! :)
scrappleton  - | 829  
1 Jun 2009 /  #256
the Germans even gave you a fair warning...you WANTED this reason to get into the brawl...nobody forced you to!

You gave us fair warning?? Well it got Dresden melted didn't it? It meant you had to live with Communism 45 years. Hope your stupid fireworks were worth it. You are genius idiots at the end of the day!

Against what? Against what odds?

Didn't need Stalin at Normandy, didn't need him at the Bulge.. Stalin needed us, GB needed us you simple Kraut bastard. Yeah we used nukes so our boys wouldn't be tortured. You're goddamned right! You say Hilter wouldn't have used them? Give me a fu.cking break! Hypocrite! We would all be plucking harps if that little weirdo had the bomb!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11908  
1 Jun 2009 /  #257
You gave us fair warning.. Well it got Dresden melted didn't it? It meant you had to live with Communism 45 years. Hope your stupid fireworks were worth it.

Tja...I doubt the citizens of Dresden were graced with a fair warning...neither were the women and children of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Man, what proud warrior you are! Be proud!

Didn't need Stalin at Normandy,

Oh yes you did!
Would have like to see you run when you had to face our best troops (161 Divisions) which were tied down in the East instead of old sick men and kids...

But then, using your mighty airforce pounding them into pulp before going forward one step and your material superiority you did it here in the end too...congratulations...my what proud warriors you are!

Stalin needed us


GB needed us

Don't they always?

Yeah we used nukes so our boys wouldn't be tortured.

Your army used nukes against civilians to spare their soldiers the fighting...a thing the Nazis were blamed for...interesting, isn' it!
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
1 Jun 2009 /  #258
Theres always a choice, the main excuse was the fact the the Japs bombed Pearl harbour unannounced.

No, actually it was because Japan wouldn't surrender after given many opportunities and lots of bombings by conventional means.
sjam  2 | 541  
1 Jun 2009 /  #259
There is some pretty convincing evidence that German sourced uranium and maybe even a German nuclear device was used on Japan by the US. Interestingly "Little Boy" was never tested before it was used on Hiroshima. There is a story that a third nuclear device was dropped but failed to detonate.

"Unterseeboot 234 (U-234) was a WWII German Type XB submarine (U-boat) whose first and only mission into enemy territory consisted of the attempted delivery of uranium and other German advanced weapons technology to the Empire of Japan. After learning of Germany's unconditional surrender, the submarine surrendered to the United States on 14 May 1945."

The uranium on board Unterseeboot 234 was secured Robert Oppenheimer at the The Manhattan Project.
Ironside  50 | 12924  
1 Jun 2009 /  #260
Would have like to see you run when you had to face our best troops which were tied down in the East instead of old sick men and kids...

He got a point!

Stalin didn't need you, he was wining a war on his own.USA were there to make sure that all Europe wont be red and soviet.

As for Hitler he was an incompetent moron if not for blind German obedience he would not survive long, although he was brilliant PR-man.
scrappleton  - | 829  
1 Jun 2009 /  #261
incompetent moron if not for blind German obedience he would not survive long,

Well what does that say about their super brilliant minds?? Also, Stalin begged and pleaded for a 2nd front. Yes Russians did the lionshare, but facts are facts.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
1 Jun 2009 /  #263
you all needed to hold hands with your buddies to beat little plucky Germany...

That comment and others make it sound like you are proud of Germany's WWII activities.
There is nothing to be proud of there. Nazism cannot be defended on any grounds.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11908  
1 Jun 2009 /  #264
Well...Nazism was shite!
But I don't blame the people who voted for Hitler (as I'm not sure I wouldn't had fallen into the same trap) nor do I blame the soldiers who did their best fighting against all odds.

And yes, I am proud of brave feats....that the brave men fought for a ****** thing didn't made the deeds any less brave...that's life and war!
scrappleton  - | 829  
1 Jun 2009 /  #265
That comment and others make it sound like you are proud of Germany's WWII activities.

HE IS PROUD OF IT! He's a damn Nazi. Why do you think the Poles go after him so much on here! Look , this is modern Germany, they're already ramping up again. The signs are obvious.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
1 Jun 2009 /  #266

There is nothing to be proud of there. Nazism cannot be defended onany grounds.

Nothing about WWII was worth it. The brainwashed onthis forum try to rationalize the ****** war by saying there was some good but all of it was disgusting and stupid. It was pure idiocy and it makes the humanrace look monstrous. It was hideous!
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
1 Jun 2009 /  #267
I don't blame the people who voted for Hitler

Most interesting.

nor do I blame the soldiers who did their best.

Yes, invading innocent villages, machine gunning down families etc is something to be proud of.

I am proud of brave feats

Yes indeed. Brave feats ..."just following orders". Very obedient Germans......
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11908  
1 Jun 2009 /  #268
Yes, invading innocent villages, machine gunning down families etc is something to be proud of.

Yeah sure...if they had done that all the time they wouldn't had gone out of Poland...there was a war to be fought...you do that best when you fight the enemy army.


Does that come from the same source where your "obedience" wisdom came from? You should look for better sources!

Terror bombing and nuking whole towns were such peaceful feats compared to that, didn't they...you didn't even saw the people you killed!

None of your goddamn business. You slimy bastard.

13? 14???

No more video games for you!
There you win always I'm sure....but abit estranged from the reality! :)
sjam  2 | 541  
1 Jun 2009 /  #269
Stalin didn't need you, he was wining a war on his own.

That is not strictly true.

Without the $11.3 billion of miltary hardware transfered to the Soviet Union under the US Lend Lease programme Stalin would have run out of hardware long before Soviet industry developed enough production capacity to supply the Soviet war effort until 20 September 1945 when all Lend-Lease to the Soviet Union was terminated. Though this does not take away from the fact; that without the enormous blood-sacrifice of the Red Army and Polish 1st and 2nd Armies on the Eastern Front the Nazis would not have been defeated soley from the Normandy beaches.
scrappleton  - | 829  
1 Jun 2009 /  #270
Sh*itting your pants beforehand already?

Hahahaha... over you? I've been to your beloved Germany. You're nothing but a bunch of pale nerds with hairy women. At least we're allowed to have nukes.. when do you think you'll be able to have some? Nobody trusts you, they never will.

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