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Poland: the 51st state of America

missewa  3 | 20  
3 Jul 2008 /  #1
According to CIA man James Pavitt, "Poland is the 51st state of America". How does it make you feel Polish people, that Poland is looked upon by the CIA as nothing but a puppet, slave state of America. Poland has no choice but to accept black sites for torture, build missile bases in Poland that don't work for foreign soldiers, and engage in dumb wars for America like in Iraq.
urszula  1 | 253  
3 Jul 2008 /  #2
that's cool.
JohnP  - | 210  
3 Jul 2008 /  #3
According to CIA man James Pavitt, "Poland is the 51st state of America". How does it make you feel Polish people, that Poland is looked upon by the CIA as nothing but a puppet, slave state of America. Poland has no choice but to accept black sites for torture, build missile bases in Poland that don't work for foreign soldiers, and engage in dumb wars for America like in Iraq.

Poland is Poland. The CIA world fact book is available for download free (pretty sure you can go straight to their website
to see the official info CIA puts out for various countries. Nothing about Poland being a 51st state (although if they wanted to be, I'd like to think they would be welcome-it wouldn't be the first time a country decided to become part of the U.S.) at all. Anyone can look at it for themselves.

Mr. Pavitt is just another blow-hard voicing his personal bitterness and hatred, IMHO, don't let him get you down.

John P.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
3 Jul 2008 /  #4
Yeah, everybody would like to be a part of the USA...I'm sure Poland would.
Polish people love America. There are towns and villages in Poland where every home has a family in the USA (Limanowa, Tarnow, Bialystok), is going to have one or the whole family is here already...the few young hotheads who get on the "bash 'merica wagon" don't really count.
OP missewa  3 | 20  
3 Jul 2008 /  #5
I think Polish patriots that fought for Polish independence like Pulaski and Kosciuszko must be turning over in their graves.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
3 Jul 2008 /  #6

they say britian is not too.. so where ever you get your info..it seems to be
kinda spreading like a weed.. weeds are like trolls.. trolls are ugly..

In a weekend article in the New York Times newspaper, unnamed CIA officers tell of one of the presumed dozens of sites, hitherto vehemently denied by the Polish government as having been located within the country.


it also says *UNNAMED* so its easy to accuse someone in high rank as well..
another media fed garbage.

poland denys and britian denys.. no one likes us..

boo hoo.
urszula  1 | 253  
3 Jul 2008 /  #7
How many Poles are there already in the US? Chicago alone? You give Poland an inch, they take a mile and then they want more.

Poland should be thankful for what America did for them not for what they didn't get because they think the world owes them.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
3 Jul 2008 /  #8
You give Poland an inch, they take a mile

Hey, we all want more..here or there. Why should I be satisfied with a pinkie when i can push and have the whole hand? :)
3 Jul 2008 /  #9
that Poland is looked upon by the CIA as nothing but a puppet,

Of course, it's fashionable to say these things. It's cool and hip, right? The Middle East loves Catholic Poland.. they wouldn't blow up her trains like Spain maybe? They're good guys, ask a Danish cartoonist.

Sorry, Poles don't seem very puppet-like.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
3 Jul 2008 /  #10
Poles don't seem very puppet-like.

Not any more and proudly so. We've been Soviet puppets for way toooooo long to fall for it again. This time is more like "what's in it for me?"
urszula  1 | 253  
3 Jul 2008 /  #11
I wasn't born in Poland but know many of them in the US. I had a relationship with a Pole and the more I gave him the more he wanted. So based on my experiences I see Poles as wanting more while stepping all over you.

Of course, they are not all like that, but haven't met any yet. ;)
3 Jul 2008 /  #12
"what's in it for me?"

.. that's natural. don't blame them a bit ; - )
Eurola  4 | 1898  
3 Jul 2008 /  #13
I don't blame them.
Business is business and even the darn shield/missile bases are simply a business.
Some lose, some benefit, both benefit or both lose.
3 Jul 2008 /  #14
Business is business

Well sure can America lecture somebody for being opportunist, business wise? Still Spain and England run away.. Poles stand fast.. says something. Ahh well I'm out.. Limey parade is coming any way. C ya' in the yank quarantined section. PF weird addiction when your Slovak/ German. Nite.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
3 Jul 2008 /  #15
Awww, where is Waldo? :)
Do not let yourself being quarantined. Ever.
JohnP  - | 210  
3 Jul 2008 /  #16
it also says *UNNAMED* so its easy to accuse someone in high rank as well..
another media fed garbage.

You got the last part right.
The NYT is IMHO so involved in the political process at this point that they are lashing out an anyone for possibly disagreeing with their (and, their party's) views on America, the war, and especially this administration. Which is why when things are going well, it is not reported. When they go badly, it runs, unless their favorite people are involved.

Take them with a grain of salt. If the NY Times says a country is a "51st state" it is because THEY hate that country, just for being pro American when their favorite party isn't in the White House. There are movies, and all sorts of articles all already assuming the rumors of torture are true, however none of the rumors have been to my knowledge substantiated. A man (with HUGE media coverage) claiming he was captured by CIA, taken all over the place and tortured, then released.....

Doesn't ring true to me. CIA aren't in the business of announcing who they are, after all, and if so many illegal things were supposedly done to him at the hands of CIA or American officials, why not just add one more illegal act and kill the wind bag if it were true?

I think it's a lot of wash, and not only do I seriously doubt the veracity of the "victim" from what little I've seen, but also doubt Poland (or a few of the other countries "indicated") actually would have anything to do with torture either.

Now, if the man is saying someone raised their voice at him, or threatened him? Grow a thicker skin, such is not torture. Still these days if a man flies on an airline to Poland and thinks the airline food is bad, the NY Times will say he was tortured and that the CIA did it and that Poland offered to host the party.

The NY Times is still in the business of stirring up contempt for Americans, thinking it will be directed only at the Republican party. Some of them are so full of themselves they wouldn't know a real news story if it hit them in the side of the head. One could probably find better, more accurate news in a comic book.

So, again, don't let what a NY Times writer says get you down. It isn't what Americans think, but what one bitter person with no life beyond his indoctrination in journalism school, and probably lives a lonely life in front of a computer screen hashing through the thoughts of his favorite celebrities in Hollywood. Like they REALLY have any idea what is good for the country or what real life is about.Generally, anyway.

Sorry for the ramble again...

Just my opinion, of course.
Night folks

John P.
Crow  154 | 9463  
4 Jul 2008 /  #17
Poland: the 51st state of America

no, i don`t think so. Currently, it`s just `political` petting

after all, Why would every USA war become Polish war?!?
Puzzy  1 | 150  
4 Jul 2008 /  #18
According to CIA man James Pavitt, "Poland is the 51st state of America"

- Is he right about it? Why?

How does it make you feel Polish people, that Poland is looked upon by the CIA as nothing but a puppet, slave state of America.

- But does the CIA 'look upon' us this way? where, when?

Poland has no choice but to accept black sites for torture

- What do you mean by this?

build missile bases in Poland that don't work for foreign soldiers,

- And what do you mean by this?

and engage in dumb wars for America like in Iraq.

- Here at least I think I know what you mean. Well, some 90 % (if not more) of Poles have been against this war and our participation. By the way, you don't seem to like us Poles apart from Mr Pavitt's dumb and false opinion about Poland (he should more true to the facts call 'Israel' a 51st American state, but perhaps he wouldn't dare). Are you American? One of those ethnicks (Third World?) who attempt to raise their low self-esteem by joining real-American racists in slamming the Poles? Where did you come from, eh?

randompal  7 | 306  
4 Jul 2008 /  #19
Polish people love America.

although Poland is one of the more pro-US nations in Europe, your statement is a bit presumptuous and outdated. America's refusal to get rid of entry visas for Poles, Bush's stupid remarks, and the Iraq invasion have started to turn many Poles against the US. Not outright hatred or anything, but rather a vague sense of "fukc those idiots, who needs 'em" kind of feeling...its increasingly common.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
4 Jul 2008 /  #20
According to CIA man James Pavitt, "Poland is the 51st state of America". How does it make you feel Polish people, that Poland is looked upon by the CIA as nothing but a puppet, slave state of America

From my angle it's not so good but
this makes me feel much, much better than Poland being the 18th republic of the USSR.

Yeah, everybody would like to be a part of the USA...I'm sure Poland would.

That statement seems to have been written quite late at night.

There are towns and villages in Poland where every home has a family in the USA (Limanowa, Tarnow, Bialystok), is going to have one or the whole family is here already

I'm pretty sure they'd swapt America for Germany or UK if they could. Or perhaps it's not about the love for America but the Dollar?

the few young hotheads who get on the "bash 'merica wagon" don't really count.

Who decides that your statements count?
Franek  8 | 271  
4 Jul 2008 /  #21
To share our good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea..

Witamy wrzyske Pollacki do Ameryce..

There are ten million Poles in America...
Mattewoflv  - | 8  
4 Jul 2008 /  #22
I saw someone state something about Kosciuszko turning in his grave because Poland has such good relations with America?

Well the history proves that Kosciuszko was one of the leading foreign generals that helped the Americans in many wars. He was infact used as a forign diplomat for America. So, if anyone Kosciuszko would be very happy to have Poland as a 51st state, since he was very very well respected in Poland and America, as he fought for American independece (as well as Polish).

However, at the end of his life, he left Poland because he couldnt take the fact that the Polish were divinding their own country up (partion), so he left to America, and I belive he die somehwere other then Poland, (his body was later moved back to Poland for burial)

So to make my point short, even tho the Poles are sometimes very anti-american. The new generation of Poles have been influced by American culture so much and so many Poles have moved to AMerica, that it wouldnt be hard for this 51st state to become true (if only the EU allowed for it hehe)
Franek  8 | 271  
4 Jul 2008 /  #23
American is an American citizen of Polish descent. There are an estimated 10 million Americans of Polish descent.

More than one million Poles immigrated to the United States, primarily during the late 19th and early 20th century. Exact immigration numbers are unknown because, due to the partitions of Poland, the Polish state did not exist at a time when the precursor to the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service classified immigrants according to country of origin rather than to ethnicity. In particular, the three partitions gave rise to the terms Russian, German, and Austrian Poles, Polish Germans, respectively, as seen in the context of Polish immigration to the United States. According the United States 2000 Census, 667,414 Americans of age 5 years and older reported Polish as the language spoken at home, which is about 1.4% of people who speak languages other than English, or 0.25% of the U.S. population.
VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
4 Jul 2008 /  #24
that it wouldnt be hard for this 51st state to become true (if only the EU allowed for it hehe)

I would worry about America letting you in before you do the EU letting you out. You know what I mean ;)
4 Jul 2008 /  #25
I thought the UK was the 51st state according to Matt Johnson from The The
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11874  
4 Jul 2008 /  #26
Total population 10,000,000 3% of US population

Hmmm....I dunno.....would Poles really like to live between so many Germans?


German Americans... are citizens of the United States of ethnic German ancestry and currently form the largest self-reported ancestry group in the United States, accounting for 17% of the U.S. population

...In the 1990 U.S. census, 58 million Americans claimed to be solely or partially of German descent...


I think IF one country could claim to be the 51th state it's Germany...but we don't wanna...
shopgirl  6 | 928  
4 Jul 2008 /  #27
I think IF one country could claim to be the 51th state it's Germany...but we don't wanna...

Oh come on! We have sauerbraten and bier over here too! And awesome coffee! And parts are very green, lots of coast line area! You would LOVE it! hehe

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11874  
4 Jul 2008 /  #28
Okay...will come over to try your Sauerbraten! :)
Crow  154 | 9463  
4 Jul 2008 /  #29
There are ten million Poles in America...


they would greately strengten Polish economical and biological potential when they (or their children) one day return to Poland

in the meanwile, Poles, please support Serbian lobby in USA

Long live Poland! Long live Serbia!
Franek  8 | 271  
4 Jul 2008 /  #30
Hmmm....I dunno.....would Poles really like to live between so many Germans???

I have lived in America all of my life..We do not display the hate here in America as you all do in Europe.. We co-exist with each other..


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