Bratwurst Boy 8 | 12020
31 May 2009 / #211
and opened up with a machine gun
And who do you think manned these gun?
The fresh troops Peiper got for this operation were very young boys as Germany scraped the barrel of manpower at this time already!
The SS especially had set down the entry age to 16 to get the "best" from the young before the Wehrmacht...there you have your "mad" SS!
And no...I wouldn't call that brave...but then...I wouldn't call the American shooting german POWS as brave either!
The 21 men shot were actuallly elderly police reservists and firemen housed in the cellar of a Spitze inn.
I don't remember any you?
An isolated case? For sure was war and **** happened and nobody was interested in allied crimes!
But sometimes they were:
Many massacres of prisoners of war were committed by the American 45th (Thunderbird) Division during the invasion of Sicily in 1943. At Comise airfield, a truck load of German prisoners were machine-gunned as they climbed down on to the tarmac, prior to be air-lifted out. Later the same day, 60 Italian prisoners were cut down the same way. On July 14, thirty six prisoners were gunned down near Gela by their guard, US Sergeant Barry West. At Buttera airfield, US Captain Jerry Compton, lined up his 43 prisoners against a wall and machine-gunned them to death. West and Compton were both arrested and convicted of murder. They were sent to the front where both were later killed in action....
Many massacres of prisoners of war were committed by the American 45th (Thunderbird) Division during the invasion of Sicily in 1943. At Comise airfield, a truck load of German prisoners were machine-gunned as they climbed down on to the tarmac, prior to be air-lifted out. Later the same day, 60 Italian prisoners were cut down the same way. On July 14, thirty six prisoners were gunned down near Gela by their guard, US Sergeant Barry West. At Buttera airfield, US Captain Jerry Compton, lined up his 43 prisoners against a wall and machine-gunned them to death. West and Compton were both arrested and convicted of murder. They were sent to the front where both were later killed in action....