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Russia: Poland responsible for WW II

ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
10 Jun 2009 /  #61
"....in a moment of honesty, confessed that he would have voted for
Hitler in 1933 :)"

What BB probably meant was this; Germans were caught up 'in-the-times' in the 30's and being 'obedient' to authority, it is not unlikely that even BB would have been swept up in the 'proudness'.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
10 Jun 2009 /  #62
I mean, we're not angels
but compared to some of our dear neighbours we're not far from it :)

Well....not that you were given much possibilities to do something lately!
And WHEN you ruled yourself you too ended up eating yourself in Moscow, running amok with Napoleon and invading and annexing other peoples lands...some angels!

What BB probably meant was this

Torq knows exactly how it was meant.
And seeing his thread about hungarian marches of remembrance about that treaty which stole so much land from Hungary and his sympathy I'm quite sure he would have voted for a hungarian strong man who campaigns with a promise to make things right again too..(if he were a real Hungarian that is)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
10 Jun 2009 /  #63
Poles are always only brave, righteous and have always right...don't you know that!

Of course not but we definitely had our moments more than Germany and defnitely more than Russia who's history is basically one epic account of how barbaric human beings can become given right conditions.

We saved Austria and by extention other German countries from Turkey, we refused to wipe out the monastic state of Teutonic Knights, we were the first country in Europe to instill democracy (even if only noble) and religious tolerance, of course there were black marks here and there but our history was always more humane and liberal than German or Russian (or for the fact most European countries).

Remember that when you guys butchered each other in religious wars we accepted everyone regardless of religion, thats a pretty stark contrast woulnt you say?

Man, you Poles are such hypocrits!

Why? We rarely used military strength to destroy our enemies only to defeat them, if we were truly such cold hypocrits you wouldnt be living in a strong wealthy Germany because Prussia would get wiped out when it was still called the Teutonic Order, Germany is what it is because we were humane and forgiving almost at all times, even when a bit of bloodthirsty genocide would greatly improve our safety (still talking bout the teutons not Germany at large).
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
10 Jun 2009 /  #64
Ja ja Sokrates...spare me!

One thing I learned here on PF, there are two kinds of history...the polish version and everybody elses!
OP Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
11 Jun 2009 /  #65
the polish version and everybody elses!

Oh, come on, now, BB! Have some mercy, your statement is unjust.

50+ years Poles were spared from anything regarding the history about them, the world was spared the history from Polish point of few, hence stereotypes, twisted views etc, etc.

Now, when the Poles finally can speak out and they actually do, they are being constantly ridiculed by people like you - no hard feelings, just generalizing - who are/were brought on certain 'common truths'. These truths are being shattered now, so don't blame the Poles for finally stading up for themselves.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
11 Jun 2009 /  #66
50+ years Poles were spared from anything regarding the history about them, the world was spared the history from Polish point of few, hence stereotypes, twisted views etc, etc.

Maybe I just need a break...
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
11 Jun 2009 /  #67
the polish version and everybody elses!

Your second name is "everybody"? :P
freebird  3 | 532  
11 Jun 2009 /  #68
One thing I learned here on PF, there are two kinds of history...the polish version and everybody elses!

how true
11 Jun 2009 /  #69
No, it’s not. You are just pissed cos it puts a damper on well-established stereotypes about Poland and the Poles.
Babinich  1 | 453  
11 Jun 2009 /  #70
Hitler was just another politician. The same as Chamberlain, Petain and many others. Before September 39' there wasn't any gas chambers, mass murders etc.

Oh no?

* Nacht der langen Messer
* Kristallnacht
Nathan  18 | 1349  
11 Jun 2009 /  #71

No, it’s not. You are just pissed cos it puts a damper on well-established stereotypes about Poland and the Poles

How come people from Lithuania, United States, Britain, Ukraine, Germany, Canada are wrong when it comes to history and other members are right all the time? Seems unnaturally strange to me. Don't you think?
freebird  3 | 532  
11 Jun 2009 /  #72
Poland responsible for WW II

yep, you even have a movie about it "jak rozpetalem II wojne swiatowa" ;-)
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
11 Jun 2009 /  #73
How come people from Lithuania, United States, Britain, Ukraine, Germany, Canada are wrong when it comes to history and other members are right all the time?

Your premise is false. It assumes that the above countries are in sinc when it comes to (their) interpretations of history. You'll find incredible disagreements, for instance, between Britain and Germany or Lithuania and Ukraine, etc.

Many stereotypes are constantly disproven and uneducated asses should strive to be open and objective so that even they can comprehend the 'full truth'.
11 Jun 2009 /  #74
Torq knows exactly how it was meant.

Of course I do, but seeing as you weren't playing fair calling Poles
hypocrites, I also played foul. It's like a football game - you have
to use your elbows sometimes ;)

*lowering his voice*

Now - if you say anything about Poland-Germany football
games in your reply to this post that will be very unsporty
and deserving a red card!

freebird  3 | 532  
11 Jun 2009 /  #75
You'll find incredible disagreements, for instance, between Britain and Germany or Lithuania and Ukraine, etc.

yep and what is it telling you?
but I would say more like Germany and Poland or Lithuania and Poland or Ukraine and Poland. Germany and Britain, I don't think it's a big deal (not anymore anyway).

Lithuania and Ukraine?
Nathan, do you know about any problems between Lithuania and your country?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
11 Jun 2009 /  #76
Now - if you say anything about Poland-Germany football
games in your reply to this post that will be very unsporty
and deserving a red card!

*makes zipping mouth shut move*
OP Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
11 Jun 2009 /  #77
you even have a movie about it

Nathan  18 | 1349  
12 Jun 2009 /  #78
Nathan, do you know about any problems between Lithuania and your country?

Not a zip.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
12 Jun 2009 /  #79
but I would say more like Germany and Poland or Lithuania and Poland or Ukraine and Poland. Germany and Britain, I don't think it's a big deal (not anymore anyway).

So could you tell me exactly what are the disagreements between Ukraine and Poland and Lithuania and Poland ,captain stupid?:)))

As for Germany - Britain it has always been a big thing since Germany aims for domination and Britain for counterbalances :)))
HWPiel  1 | 64  
12 Jun 2009 /  #80
Hitler made those demands because he didn't want Poland to become a superpower and he was trying to sabotage it!

Dear Barbara, when will the revisionist historians give up on trying to reinvent historical fact?!

Fact: Hitler wanted to level Poland and Russia, and then inhabit those conquered lands with Germans = Germania.

Fact: Poland did not start the second world war, nor did Russia.

Opine: Has the world gone so ignorant that no one can read and use analytics, specifically the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact of '39?!?! Suddenly, we should go back to believing Goebbels' propaganda about 4 Polish soldiers taking over a NAZI broadcasting station?!

Conjecture: I know some people here actually believe that [opine] story.

Opine: I have always found the Russians/Soviets blame everyone else (i.e., Katyń), so I am not surprised to hear this; my only surprise is that it is in 2009 and not 1979. 80+ years of oppression in Russia, and those people cling to what they know, and perhaps want. If Russia wants to clear its tablets of history, why not admit to the Lenin/Stalin purges? 55+ million of your own people, Russia, and you still choose to ignore it. What next, America was responsible for the Kursk "mishap"? England was responsible for Chernobyl?

Want/Wish/Will: Sometimes I wish an "Uncle Joe" would come back and clean house in modern Russia.
freebird  3 | 532  
12 Jun 2009 /  #81
captain stupid?:)))

listen you idiot, I'm going to tell you just this one more time, don't even measure yourself with me. You never met me to call me names. Your sorry a** will be learning for the rest of your miserable life and you still won't get even close to what I've achieved so far so shut your communist dirty mouth and talk to someone of your quality. Poles like you ruined the whole reputation of the rest of your country men and the country itself.

Please, keep the name calling to an absolute minimum.
Thank you.

13 Jun 2009 /  #82
How come people from Lithuania, United States, Britain, Ukraine, Germany, Canada are wrong when it comes to history and other members are right all the time? Seems unnaturally strange to me. Don't you think?

Don't kid yourself: peoples from those countries - with exception maybe of Ukraine – don’t know or care about Polish history. They barely know their own. I'm not saying that Polish history is all glory but it's pretty good. Even better in comparison to other nations. And that’s something most of you are jealous about.
Ironside  50 | 12941  
13 Jun 2009 /  #83
listen you idiot, I'm going to tell you just this one more time, don't even measure yourself with me. You never met me to call me names. Your sorry a** will be learning for the rest of your miserable life and you still won't get even close to what I've achieved so far so shut your communist dirty mouth and talk to someone of your quality. Poles like you ruined the whole reputation of the rest of your country men and the country itself.

See what I meant !
What about yourself ? Don't you think what an impression you make?
Your attitude stinks!
You may have or not some achievements in real life but you on PF as a ***bird and nobody knows about your greatness!
And you are judged by the merit of your arguments - which are poor.
I personally doubt that you have achieved something worth mention because you would not bring is as argument - its pathetic.
And last but not least if you keep referring to people you have disagreement with as a communists, you better back it up with some sound argument.

And whatever else you might be good at - history is not our cup of tea!
Nathan  18 | 1349  
13 Jun 2009 /  #84
And that’s something most of you are jealous about.

I wish I could be jealous. But it goes about facts written by non-Polish people and they seem to be always wrong.
Anyhow, I see the sun rising now and it makes me happy and silent inside. Bzibzioh, let's relax and contemplate. Have a nice day. Let's forget all nonsense and live ( don't get offended, I talk mostly to myself) :)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
13 Jun 2009 /  #85
You never met me to call me names.

No but i'm reading your uneducated redneck posts which is enough to call you stupid, notice i'm not calling you an idiot or a moron which would be an insult, i'm just calling you stupid and uneducated, you've been given historical facts and sources and your answer was "LOLcommunisthistoryOMGROTFLcommies!!!" so yeah, you're captain stupid:)

Your sorry a** will be learning for the rest of your miserable life and you still won't get even close to what I've achieved so far so shut your communist dirty mouth

I will definitely be learning for the rest of my life, as for personal achievements they're completely pointless, for all you know i could be a plumber or a history major, the point is that for all your achievements your responce when you were forced to conceed that you're stereotyping was bloody daft :))

Poles like you ruined the whole reputation of the rest of your country men and the country itself.

First of all while you're a typical American and god knows thats an insult in itself just disagreeing with you on your silly stereotypes doesnt make me communist and for ruining reputation, reread your post and see who's rep is being wrecked:-)
freebird  3 | 532  
13 Jun 2009 /  #86
I will definitely be learning for the rest of my life

you have to sOKRATES, because you don't have the ability to learn quick. People like you need three times longer than anyone else.
Being an underachiever is in your blood.


if there's any stereotypes you sOKRATES deserve every little bit of it.

doesnt make me communist and for ruining reputation

your posts are making you sound and look like a typical post communist and as such, yes you are ruining nowadays Polish reputation.
I've met many different thinking Poles than you sOKRATES.

See what I meant !
What about yourself ? Don't you think what an impression you make?
Your attitude stinks!
You may have or not some achievements in real life but you on PF as a ***bird and nobody knows about your greatness!
And you are judged by the merit of your arguments - which are poor.
I personally doubt that you have achieved something worth mention because you would not bring is as argument - its pathetic.
And last but not least if you keep referring to people you have disagreement with as a communists, you better back it up with some sound argument.
And whatever else you might be good at - history is not our cup of tea!

since I don't like to waste my precious time just look above what I wrote to sOKRATES, you guys can share my answer, you both deserve it to the same extent.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
13 Jun 2009 /  #87
you have to sOKRATES, because you don't have the ability to learn quick. People like you need three times longer than anyone else.
Being an underachiever is in your blood.

What does personal achievement have to do with our discussion and the fact that you humiliated yourself with a childish reaction when confronted with historical sources that highlited your bias and ignorance?:)

your posts are making you sound and look like a typical post communist and as such, yes you are ruining nowadays Polish reputation.

In communist Poland Poles humiliate YOU:))))

Hail zombie Lenin!

I've met many different thinking Poles than you sOKRATES.

But thinking about what? We've been discussing city of Gdańsk, when you were presented archeological and chronologican evidence you started trowing communists around.

Initially i was thinking you were prejudiced like Harry or Sjam, people who come here to insult all things Polish to feed their bias but you're just bloody daft mate:))

The funniest part is that making you look stupid makes me a communist :)))
freebird  3 | 532  
13 Jun 2009 /  #88
confronted with historical sources that highlited your bias and ignorance?:)

you are a freaking ignorant saying that Danzig was always Polish (and built by Polish, bull).

In communist Poland Poles humiliate YOU:))))

now you need to give up your drugs or alcohol, whatever you just took too much

makes me a communist :)))

you act like one so you must be one, simple is that
Communists are known to twist historical facts and you're the master of it. I bet Gomulka, Jaruzelski and Co. would be proud of you sOKRATES.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
13 Jun 2009 /  #89
you are a freaking ignorant saying that Danzig was always Polish (and built by Polish, bull).

I never said it was always Polish, please dont lie:) I merely said that it was built by Poles and inhabited by a Polish majority for over six centuries, i also provided sources both historical and archeological while you provided some propaganda pamphlet which served us selective history:))

you act like one so you must be one, simple is that
Communists are known to twist historical facts and you're the master of it. I bet Gomulka, Jaruzelski and Co. would be proud of you sOKRATES.

If you scroll the topic backwards you will see that i've provided reliable sources and commented on how biased your source text was.

Not only was it German which means its a side in a dispute but it ignored virtually every historical period where Gdańsk was dominated by Poles and the confirmed archeologica fact that we built it.

Communists are known to twist historical facts

Its ok freebird you're just a biased uneducated redneck i'd never suspect you of communism, or maybe?:)))
Crow  154 | 9531  
13 Jun 2009 /  #90
Russia: Poland responsible for WW II

why Russia doing this sh** in moment when Serbians need support from both- Poles and Russians???????

its sh**, BIG one

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