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WW2: Britain Declares War on Germany to Save Poland

celinski  31 | 1258  
5 Dec 2007 /  #61
US airplanes

Sadly, USA was helping "Stalin" and on the western side. When they wanted (along with Britian) to help Poland, it was "Stalin" that said no.

Thank God Polish are such strong people. With what they went through by all rights they should have perished. Polish people are, "strong like bulls". This was why men like Stalin had them "unarmed" and still had to tie their hands (Katyn) before shooting them in the head. Or attack them when "unarmed" on farms (kresy) with their families sleeping. Maybe we should be wondering what the outcome for Poland would have been had just the last two things not taken place?

5 Dec 2007 /  #62
Must you go into time out for name calling?

If you keep lying, I will continue to point out that you are lying. British servicemen and civilians were dying for Poland for six years. British servicemen starting dying for Poland on September 4. So don't lie about Britain doing noting.

Polish free forces were invited to the Victory Parade in London and refused to attend, so don't lie about them not being invited.

Speaking of not telling the truth.

Interesting that the film claims that Poles used Bofors guns when in reality 75% of the guns were Polish wz.36. And it claims that 378 German planes were shot down by the Polish airforce when in reality the Luftwaffe lost 285 planes to all caused. Nice to see the usual lies coming out.

600 000 plus 300 000 equals 900 000 and this is the number of Polish soldiers participating in the final stage of this conflict. Still some people die on the war and other people come to replace them. During the whole war there were over 2 000 000 polish soldiers participating in this conflict. Of course let's not forget that at least 89,000 Poles fought for the Nazis. ;))

"Military losses were 66,300 in the 1939 Invasion of Poland, 10,000 in Polish Armed Forces in the West, 24,700 with the 1st Polish Army alongside the USSR and 60,000 Polish resistance movement fighters."


But you say 1,100,000 Poles were killed fighting. Hmm....

"During the war 2.7 million Polish citizens declared their loyalty to Germany by signing the Deutsche Volksliste. A German source lists the deaths of 108,000 Polish citizens serving in the German armed forces.[31,115]."

So we can make that at least 200,000 Poles fought for the Nazis.
Maat  - | 21  
5 Dec 2007 /  #63
soon well have more Polish ppl in Natzi army than Germans... as far as I know US mustangs were flying over uk not russia. People fighting in ressistance during the Warsaw thing [dunno if it should be called upriseing or what...], westerplatte, all those resistace fighters, includeing young people [some from scouts] fighting for freedom, saying that so and so many Poles fought alongside natzis is imo like spitting them in face, most of those fighting in german army were eather forced or if they did it on their own they were germans liveing in poland, cant rly belive that a Polish person would join natzis out of their own free will and help them...
celinski  31 | 1258  
5 Dec 2007 /  #64
Harry, This is part 5 of 5.
5 Dec 2007 /  #65
Liar. Free Polish forces were invited to the Victory Parade.

Yes this is true they were invited but they were not allowed participate in the actual Victory Parade itself, the same was the story for the Polish Air Force Pilot's who were so offended that they did not attend.

The only reason for this was to not upset "Joe Stalin", and it's a sad part of our British history, but politics are politics and I suppose if they went against Russia at the time who knows what would have happened, and a possibility is that most of Europe would only now be emerging from Soviet rule.

It's a thought!!!
Polson  5 | 1767  
5 Dec 2007 /  #66
September 3: 11am Britain declares war on Germany.
September 3: 12.03pm first British plane bound for German airspace airborne.
September 17: Soviet Union invades Poland.

Looks like the person writing that text for wikipedia knew **** all

Wow, that's so big...i'm sorry i don't see where is the war ? For you, a plane "enjoying" a trip in the German sky helped the Polish armies attacked by German tanks ? That's your definition of "war" ?...
Crow  154 | 9463  
5 Dec 2007 /  #67
As a Slav and Serb it is my duty to warn Poles that Brits are treacherous allay partner, same as USA and France. They ride with worse mujaheedines when is needed that deal with Slavs.

On this Earth only other Slavs could be able to arise for Poland following their emotional bonds with Poles. For all others it is just matter of interest

As economist I would agree that interests must represent crucial goal. To say- pure efficiency. But then, what is one if does not live for some emotional goal
Polson  5 | 1767  
5 Dec 2007 /  #68
As a Slav and Serb it is my duty to warn Poles that Brits are treacherous allay partner, same as USA and France

Yeah Russia is better, YUK !!...Most of the people here are okay with Polish people ;)
southern  73 | 7059  
5 Dec 2007 /  #69
most of those fighting in german army were eather forced or if they did it on their own they were germans liveing in poland, cant rly belive that a Polish person would join natzis out of their own free will and help them...

Actually these ''Osttruppen'' of Wehrmacht were the worst divisions of the german army ever.They surrendered in masses to Anglosaxons in Normandy and showed no serious desire to fight.(opposite to norwegian,swedish and belgian SS who were first class fighters).

People fighting in ressistance during the Warsaw thing [dunno if it should be called upriseing or what...], westerplatte, all those resistace fighters, includeing young people [

The soviet army of course did not help them at all.They let them being slaughtered by Germans between August-Oktober 1944 while the red army stood only 20 km from Warsaw.Stalin simply refused to intervene to facilitate Poland joining the West.
Polson  5 | 1767  
5 Dec 2007 /  #70
Actually these ''Osttruppen'' of Wehrmacht were the worst divisions of the german army ever.They surrendered in masses to Anglosaxons in Normandy and showed no serious desire to fight.(opposite to norwegian,swedish and belgian SS who were first class fighters).

Maybe because Poles were considered by the Nazis as an "underrace", and the opposit for Norwegians and Swedes...why would the Poles fight for people who think they are just "sheeps"...
southern  73 | 7059  
5 Dec 2007 /  #71
Sadly, USA was helping "Stalin" and on the western side

Actually they helped Stalin only in the western side.In the japanese front,Soviet Union and USA were not allies!This was the agreement.
Had USA not helped SU with track and food supplies,USA would be now under german rule.They had to,because otherwise american soldiers would die in millions.Til the end of the war only 300000 americans died while red army losses reached 8 millions.

Maybe because Poles were considered by the Nazis as an "underrace", and the opposit for Norwegians and Swedes...why would the Poles fight for people who think they are just "sheeps"...

It was because Poles never embraced the nazi ideology.
Crow  154 | 9463  
5 Dec 2007 /  #72
Yeah Russia is better, YUK !!

Want facts?

Russian state in past was very cruel on both, on Poles and on Russians too. We just have to see what would be path of modern Russian state.

Currently, no matter that in `poor conditions` Russian state is moral giant for so called democratic false west.

Most of the people here are okay with Polish people ;)

Only Serbs on this Earth need Poles desperately for emotional and for practical reasons. In the same time, we feel same for Russians. That`s how it is with Serbs and that`s why we are alone

Others? They are maybe okay with Poles, maybe not. Poles knows ewerything
Polson  5 | 1767  
5 Dec 2007 /  #73
It was because Poles never embraced the nazi ideology

And you still wonder why ?...

modern Russian state

You mean the country were last elections were a big con ? Putin is gonna be Prime Minister, and then, next elections he'll be president again. Nice country. Poor people...

And personally, i don't see what i have in common with a Russian...
Wroclaw Boy  
5 Dec 2007 /  #74
The English saved the world from Nazisim - period. Our great nation stood up to the evil and prevailed albeit with the help of a few colonoliasts and eventually the US.

God save the Queen!!
5 Dec 2007 /  #75
The English saved the world from Nazisim - period.

Just the English then? No one else from UK bother to turn up?
Polson  5 | 1767  
5 Dec 2007 /  #76
The English saved the world from Nazisim

Without the helping hands of the other Allies (and Poland is part of it, do you remember ?), you would be speaking German today, mein freund ;)
osiol  55 | 3921  
5 Dec 2007 /  #77
The English

Who are they?

Our great nation stood up to the evil

The English nation, which is a part of the United Kingdom.

God save the Queen!!

Who came to the throne in 1952 (or was it '53?)
5 Dec 2007 /  #78
Without the helping hands of the other Allies

No, he said just the English...my history books are obviously wrong... :)
Wroclaw Boy  
5 Dec 2007 /  #79
Without the helping hands of the other Allies (and Poland is part of it, do you remember ?), you would be speaking German today, mein freund ;)

Thats exactly what I said. And even if we didnt we declared war on germany and made a stand before we even consulted the allies/colonialists. A noble and stance would you not agree?

Polson I now your french and a nation of Pussies, please give credit were credits due, we saved your ass.
southern  73 | 7059  
5 Dec 2007 /  #80
And you still wonder why ?

Yes,I wonder.Can you tell me why?
Wroclaw Boy  
5 Dec 2007 /  #81
The UK stood alone for two years while most of the other European nations rolled over - fact. I know it sucks and its really hard to swallow but those are the facts and they are undisputed.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
5 Dec 2007 /  #82
Polson I now your french and a nation

Translation ?
Polson  5 | 1767  
5 Dec 2007 /  #83
Thats exactly what I said. And even if we didnt we declared war on germany and made a stand before we even consulted the allies/colonialists. A noble and stance would you not agree?

Haha, you can give a kiss to the Channel (the sea), that's why Germans had so many difficulties, because you are not on the "same continent", if you see what i mean. If a big part of Europe lost, it's because it was "easy" to access their territory (and even more when they had no army for some of them...) while the UK was protected by the sea. Don't think you are "greater" than any other nation, please. You can thank Germans too for having made the big strategical mistake to attack the USSR while still attacking you.

I know France sucked, and particularly the gov, they collaborated, don't think i'm proud of it. I'm proud of those who fought, and there were not only Johnsons, Wilsons, etc. there were also Moulin, De Gaulle, Anders, and so on...

Plus i'm also half Polish, and i'm proud of Poland, they did not collaborate, they fought, they resisted, and they won.

Yes,I wonder.Can you tell me why?

Nope, the vid doesn't work, but for once, can you explain without any vid ?...
southern  73 | 7059  
5 Dec 2007 /  #84
The English saved the world from Nazisim - period

How did they save it?
1940:Defeat against Wehrmacht in France.Rescue in Normandy due to Hitler's generosity.
1941:Defeat against Wehrmacht in Norway
1941:Defeat against Wehrmacht in Greece
1941:Defeat against Wehrmacht in Kreta
1942:Defeat against Wehmacht in Tobruk.Surrender of british divisions.
1943:Defeat against Wehrmacht in battle for greek islands
1943-1945:Sluggish progress against Wehrmacht in Italy despite superior supplies and american ammunition and despite plenty of american,new Zealand and Australia forces
1944:Stuck up against Wehrmacht for two months in Caen despite air superiority,superior numbers of soldiers,despite american help.Unable to proceed at all at Normandy front

1944:Elimination against Wehrmacht in Arnhem
1945:Churchill begs Stalin personally to order red army to attack in order to relieve the pressure of allied forces in Ardennes
Wroclaw Boy  
5 Dec 2007 /  #85
How did they save it?

We WON, how do you think

Translation ?

What the hell are you talking about now? dont just quote and cut the sentance to make yourself look good, take the whole thing. You always pull the same ****.
southern  73 | 7059  
5 Dec 2007 /  #86
Nope, the vid doesn't work, but for once, can you explain without any vid ?...

Simply the Slavs with aryan characteristics are in greater proportion in general population than the Westerners with aryan characteristics.Germans discovered it when they tried to recruit Slavs in SS and stopped recruitement because of that.
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
5 Dec 2007 /  #87
The English saved the world from Nazisim - period. Our great nation stood up to the evil and prevailed albeit with the help of a few colonoliasts and eventually the US.

Pub landlord mode - not to be taken seriously, I hope.

God save the Queen!!

The Saxe-Coburg-Gothas from Hanover.
Paulie163  1 | 7  
5 Dec 2007 /  #88
Yeah England the greatest country in the world - ya right the fact of the matter is England let Poland down when they needed us.

Ok Helping us in what way??

Polish Pilots were helping themselves and avenging their loved ones. At the time we could use the pilots nothing else.

Helping us PLEASE!!

And do not disrespect the role polish pilots played in the Battle of Britain because you have no idea how the britsh govament treated them after the war. If it had not been for the Polish piolts and piolet from other nation we would of lost the Battle of Britain

There are always two side to a story Wroclaw Boy, you need to study both sides maybe then you would not talk the rubbish you are posting on this subject
southern  73 | 7059  
5 Dec 2007 /  #89
We WON, how do you think

Who did you win?The second quality german troops when they had been weakened enough through eastern front slaughter.And when you had absolute air superiority through american planes,when you had american tanks,american supplies and a lot of touch fighters like new Zealanders,Australians.And even then in many cases you lost against fewer,bad equipped and unexperienced german troops.

The real battle took place in the eastern front.240 soviet divisions against 180 german.
Africa front:4 german divisions against 12 british and australian.
Polson  5 | 1767  
5 Dec 2007 /  #90
Simply the Slavs with aryan characteristics are in greater proportion in general population than the Westerners with aryan characteristics.Germans discovered it when they tried to recruit Slavs in SS and stopped recruitement because of that

Hehe ;) Eventually they discovered that the "greater race" was not them, but Slavs, and most particularly Poles ;P LoL That's why Hitler commited suicide, so confused, that's the truth ;)

The Saxe-Coburg-Gothas from Hanover

Haha true :)

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