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Poland Betrayed in WW2

BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
27 Jan 2008 /  #61
Don't mind Bubba, Davey. He's just angry, and doesn't really mind what he has just written.

its not anger Maty its sheer bemusement that so many of your countrymen are able to spout such utter crap

what has happened in your life that enables you to present a fair and rational argument whilst they seem unable to produce anything but complete bollox

what makes you special...?
Crow  154 | 9557  
27 Jan 2008 /  #62
Just what did the romans ever do for us?

not that much

in very short and a little vulgarized, this is the story...

they separated England from its native European heritage and then England as `good` cancer spread its influence all over the Britain and further
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
27 Jan 2008 /  #63
When I read interantional press half of world dreams about ending Engish - American hegemony. Arabs, Russians, Germans, French, Chinese, whole Latin America. I think that we should consider if we really want to be first line of front (as it was in WWII). Go and read German French Russian forums ... everybody just waits to kick them. I started to change my mind in some issues. I think it would be better for Poland to be more responisble for our achievements after '89
Crow  154 | 9557  
27 Jan 2008 /  #64
Go and read German French Russian forums ... everybody just waits to kick them.

it would be enough to get rid of them

But, i believe that Germans aren`t good example. They both consider themselves as germanics and kin nations. No, they won`t go against each others. Their conflicts thru history were just a hoax, `dust` in the eyes for others.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
27 Jan 2008 /  #65
I know form my expirience that Germans hate American and English people.

Honestly I don't want to get rid of them because I like liberal democracy but I think that Poland can be sold in future ...

atmosphere in Europe changes.
rafik  18 | 589  
27 Jan 2008 /  #66
which only leads to one question... what sort of p*ssy nation are they?

the one wich was unfortunate enouhg not to be an island and wasn't supplied with weapons from americans and great pilots from already defeated nation..
isthatu  3 | 1164  
27 Jan 2008 /  #67
isthatu wrote:
UK,I shouldnt bother if I were you,you wont get a reasond argument on here,just rehashed old Polish Communist propaganda dipped in a soupcon of Polish nationalism with a side order of woe is me self pity.....

Oh and polish inferiority complex. You forgot about that. :)

lol,nice one :) (no,i leave that to ,er,others...)
Yes,sorry,I should have said, except a few such as Matyjasz you will not get a reasond etc etc
Keep it up .

isthatu wrote:
Just what did the romans ever do for us?

not that much

well,apart from the roads,wine ,aquaducts........sorry,isnt Life of Brian well known elsewhere?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
27 Jan 2008 /  #68
life sucks huh - no wonder youre all so miserable
osiol  55 | 3921  
27 Jan 2008 /  #69
They both consider themselves as germanics and kin nations

Is that kin nations or 'kin nations. Spot the difference, abbreviation fans?
I don't consider myself as 'a Germanic' and I'm English.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
27 Jan 2008 /  #70
But, i believe that Germans aren`t good example. They both consider themselves as germanics and kin nations. No, they won`t go against each others. Their conflicts thru history were just a hoax, `dust` in the eyes for others.

yep,you are sectionable arnt you crow,ww1 and ww2 were just pretend wars between our nations,no british or germans ever actually killed each other,it was all a hoax,like the moon landings and the Yeti.....

the one wich was unfortunate enouhg not to be an island and wasn't supplied with weapons from americans and great pilots from already defeated nation..

er...way off buddy,polands airforce was chock full of Czehks in 39 and the US and GB had been supplying poland with weapons since 11/11/18.......
Crow  154 | 9557  
27 Jan 2008 /  #71
yep,you are sectionable arnt you crow,ww1 and ww2 were just pretend wars between our nations,no british or germans ever actually killed each other,it was all a hoax,like the moon landings and the Yeti.....

from the perspective of British islands rest of Europe look like one great object for exploitation. Sufferings of European nations (especially Slavic) is absolutely unknown to you.

I don`t know for Yeti but, collaboration between Hitler and magnates of Britain and USA is well known fact
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
27 Jan 2008 /  #72
British islands rest of Europe look like one great object for exploitation

come on crow, the world is our oyster after all
isthatu  3 | 1164  
27 Jan 2008 /  #73
Sufferings of European nations (especially Slavic) is absolutely unknown to you.

fek off back to your hole.what the hell do you know,sat in some bunker in belgrade planning mass murder and ethnic cleansing.No serb is going to lecture me on suffering,you lot are the last ones to cause death and destruction to slavs.
OP matthias  3 | 429  
27 Jan 2008 /  #74
no serb has a right to tell you, isthatu that's a little racist. just a lttle.

Also you can't be comparing the exploitation and suffering caused by Britain that is much higher then anything the Serbs have done. Except Serbs is a little more recent.
southern  73 | 7059  
27 Jan 2008 /  #75
Sufferings of European nations (especially Slavic) is absolutely unknown to you.

Crow means that you were never invaded in the last 1000 years due to sea barrier.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
27 Jan 2008 /  #76
well why didnt he just say that? as crow knows serbs were the last people to slaughter slavs on an industrial scale.

no serb has a right to tell you, isthatu that's a little racist. just a lttle.

whatever kid,no serb who supports what his country did in the past years has any right to a moral superiority.end of.
OP matthias  3 | 429  
27 Jan 2008 /  #77
He doesn't support it, I just think he doesn't believe it. there is a difference.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
27 Jan 2008 /  #78
Crow means that you were never invaded in the last 1000 years due to sea barrier.

and Poland have seen everything Nazists, Commies, Holocaust, up rises, nationalists everything it is graveyard . We had everything here. I would call our capital "War show"
isthatu  3 | 1164  
27 Jan 2008 /  #79
He doesn't support it, I just think he doesn't believe it. there is a difference.

so,holocaust denials ok as long as you dont say the nazis were right?......

and Poland have seen everything Nazists, Commies, Holocaust, up rises, nationalists, . We had everything here. I would call our capital "War show"

Cant agree more,your country has been the whipping boy of the 20th century,Britain suffered in the last war,but not near the scale Poland or indeed most of eastern europe(please no semantic arguments..east/central...you know what i mean..) did,this doesnt mean some serb who wants to see albanians beheaded can lecture me.as Im sure you will agree lukasz.Peace out.
celinski  31 | 1258  
27 Jan 2008 /  #80
holocaust denials ok

1/2 has been, Holocaust people say it Jewish victims, they forget the other half. I hate the word, "Holocaust" because it has always ignored the real victims, "Polish".
OP matthias  3 | 429  
27 Jan 2008 /  #81
I didn't say its ok, I was just explaining his thinking because you seemed confused. Anyway Serbia was like Israel in the sense they were being attacked by muslims. They retaliated by genocide(took it the extreme) Over the top self defense. Not right but understandable. Not condoning it but condeming it. On the otherhand no one attacked Germany, they started the war. Their is a difference.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
27 Jan 2008 /  #82

Read posts of Crow they are ready to kill just wait for moment when so called "west" will leave region.

1/2 has been, Holocaust people say it Jewish victims, they forget the other half. I hate the word, "Holocaust" because it has always ignored the real victims, "Polish".


I hope this century will be better but honestly last was horrible.
osiol  55 | 3921  
27 Jan 2008 /  #83
the real victims, "Polish".

... and the rest.
OP matthias  3 | 429  
27 Jan 2008 /  #84
Lukasz I agree, crow is over the top. Don't agree with his views. But hey at least he loves Poland. Got to like him for that.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
27 Jan 2008 /  #85
Anyway Serbia was like Israel in the sense they were being attacked by muslims.

No buddy,"Serbia" was never attacked by "muslims", Serbia proper never had a single enemy fighter set foot on its soil.this whole " Muslim" thing has only come into the equasion post 9/11.

isthatu wrote:
holocaust denials ok

1/2 has been, Holocaust people say it Jewish victims, they forget the other half. I hate the word, "Holocaust" because it has always ignored the real victims, "Polish".

Do not take half a sentence and mis quote me. Maybe in your eyes it ignores "real" victims...not sure what that means though,as jewish people call it the Shoah.the Holocaust has for many years included all the victims,catholic/jewish Poles,Gypsies,Gays,Jeahovahs(duck,a rock...) witnesses Commisars etc etc. only fools think otherwise. (yes,stick that in your pipe carol,the first victims of the "final solotion" were Russian soldiers and poitical commisars)
OP matthias  3 | 429  
27 Jan 2008 /  #86

Isthatu read this wiki entry. The attacks on the Serbs started before the Genocide of muslims. Then Osama decided to join the fight and help the KLA, if he already wasn't helping from the start. The serbs were defending themselves but took it to the extreme. They did not recognize the distinction between KLA and muslims. They wrongly used collective punishment.

Also you can't blame Crow for hijacking threads. His country is about to be divided. Kosovo which has been the cultural heartland since the middle ages and nobody seems to care or even discuss it.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
27 Jan 2008 /  #87
So lets not teach history in school because it might antagonize people

you have a point matt. Crow and I were discussing in another thread about
Ancient history, really, everyones version is going to be different.. its how
they seen it at the time..

you know history has to be discussed.. its going to be wether we want to or not
people want to know. or at least get somewhat of a better picture..

I understand what bubba is saying when he speaks about sterotypes..
because its the same with other nationalities that dwell in the past. to which
I wont mention ( thats a whole nother issue) but at the same time, its hard to not
discuss it, people keep saying we did this, you did this, and they did that..

but, this was much worse then anything weve ever experienced in our civilized
world as we know it.. people say get over it, but thats not reaching into the compassionite side of yourself.. and saying, well, I have to just let this go.

yes, we are in a war right now, but, its nothing like what happened then, and
war is horrible in any way you look at it, now and then..

there is now sterotypes against Americans, even though some know us very
well. our country is still the BAD GUY and I am sure it creates Problems NOW>
what can we do about it?? well. lets see, how about we try to understand better
each others countries for one.. try to come together on a certain level, instead of
heated battles..

theres never going to be happy medium until we all find a way to agree on history
and the present.. we cant all see it one way.

Bubba, you came to America.. did you see anything that would make you think
we are heathens?
we are sterotyped by all of the world for our war on terror..
OP matthias  3 | 429  
27 Jan 2008 /  #88
Patrycja good post, I agree with everything that's been said. Just like to add theres a difference between holding on to the past and discussing it. It safe to say Poland has moved on. We have friendly relations with all our allies from WW2. This is why its safe and appropriate to discuss this topic without anyone being offended. If they are then they are the ones who have not moved on.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
27 Jan 2008 /  #89
The whole slogan that "the allies sold Poland in 1939" was a product of Communist propaganda. That's a fact and I'm not going to deny it.

I have a little problem with that being an alleged "fact". Commies were a lot of bad things but they did have pretty good sense of propaganda. If they claimed that Poland was sold (and thus ended up being under the great rule of the Soviet saviors) then the selling was actually a good thing to the commies, wasn't it? If the allies did not sell Poland then Poland might not have been under the majestic and live-giving rays of the sun named Stalin.
plk123  8 | 4119  
27 Jan 2008 /  #90
you continue doing whatever makes you feel good matti but youre just re enforcing a very negative stereotype of poles...

so poland wasn't betrayed in your opinion? there was no treaty? is that what you're saying?

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