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Why has Poland been attacked so often by its neighbors?

plk123  8 | 4119  
11 Jun 2008 /  #31
Hmm...then Poles and Poland never deserved much, right?

not the sh.t we got from you or the god damn commie fvcks.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
11 Jun 2008 /  #32
Incomplete list of Polish wars: forum.poland.com/index.php?showtopic=1290

Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, Poland fought mostly to defend itself from the German eastward expansion, but at the same time tried to conquer its eastern neighbor, Ruthenia. Occasionally, it encountered Bohemian, Tartar, Prussian and Lithuanian raids, to be finally challenged by a new powerful neighbor from the north - the Teutonic Order.

not the sh.t we got from you or the god damn commie fvcks.

Then your logic stinks...


In future could you just give us a small quote from the article you're linking to ;)
11 Jun 2008 /  #33
Hitler wasn't the start.. Germans have hated Poles for a long time.

Fredick sure as hell did..

(From the wikipedia on Fredrick the Great)

However, Frederick looked upon many of his new citizens with scorn. He had nothing but contempt for the szlachta, the numerous Polish nobility, and wrote that Poland had "the worst government in Europe with the exception of Turkey".[17] He considered West Prussia as uncivilized as Colonial Canada[19] and compared the Poles to the Iroquois.[17]

Of course, Fredrick was also a raving homo, which the article also points out.
pawian  224 | 27236  
12 Jun 2008 /  #34
the only two armies that were going to Russian in all of history were the French and the Nazis everyone else was after something in PL.

Hey, you are diminishing the Polish contribution in Russia`s history. :)
After all, it was Poles who successfully invaded Russia and occupied Moscow for a year or so. Nobody repeated that stunt afterwards. Germans never got to Moscow, while the French did enter it but had to leave immediately.

The Times of Trouble is a term that Russians invented to describe a period of civil wars and the Polish intervention in the beginning of 17th century. The story was made into a film by Russians: 1612. There are a few nice scenes with Polish winged riders. When a Russian child saw them, she cried out: Mommy, look, angels!

But they weren't angels.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
12 Jun 2008 /  #35
wrote that Poland had "the worst government in Europe with the exception of Turkey

VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
12 Jun 2008 /  #36
Many Poles seem to have an inate ability to wind people up. Perhaps that has something to do with it
eastprussian  - | 7  
12 Jun 2008 /  #37
Yes plk123....Pommern has been German for over 800 years and, recently, only 63 years under Polish administration. And before you attempt to rip that apart with some reposting of something from wikipedia, which contains mostly drivel, bear in mind that the Goths, a germanic tribe, was in that area around 2,000 years ago until the Slavic tribe, the pomerani, hence the name today, pushed them out slowly during the 5th and 6the centuries. About 600 years later, the pushee's pushed back.

That being the case, borders tend to be fluid over the centuries and most likely will be again in the future.

did someone say something about whine or wine? goes good with cheese.
cyg  5 | 119  
12 Jun 2008 /  #38
Why has Poland been attacked so often by its neighbors?

Because it was inconvenient for its non-neighbors to attack.
Ozi Dan  26 | 566  
12 Jun 2008 /  #39
In my view, Poland was attacked because its neighbours were jealous and fearful of what it could have become. Poland/Lit allowed the existence of Prussia and Russia in an age when political/military/social weakness was crushed.

The fact that Poland's geography was conducive to invasion is only peripheral to the real core issues. Its concepts on government liberty and democracy were exercised in the wrong era, and it paid the price, however unjustly.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
12 Jun 2008 /  #40
You mean:

Poland = To good for this world!

Seanus  15 | 19666  
12 Jun 2008 /  #41
Some say Poland is paradise/heaven on earth, I see only Hel in Poland ;)
celinski  31 | 1258  
12 Jun 2008 /  #42
s concepts on government liberty and democracy were exercised in the wrong era

Freedom always brings out the best in people.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
12 Jun 2008 /  #43
Poland is prime property. Everyone wanted some. Even the Swedish tried :)
OP masks98  27 | 289  
12 Jun 2008 /  #44
I would say that Poland was just unfortunate to be in the middle of aggressive neighbors, but then look at Switzerland, it's been around for a while, in the middle of all the tyrannical empires that have come and gone...somehow they managed pretty well, and were left alone for the most part.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
12 Jun 2008 /  #45
I would say that Poland was just unfortunate to be in the middle of aggressive neighbors

You like this view, don't you?
Be glad Poland wasn't the neighbour of England or France...
osiol  55 | 3921  
12 Jun 2008 /  #46
There is a story about the deposed leader of an African country, talking to the leader of another African country. The one who was still in power said to the other "I told you not to build any roads." It was the roads he'd had built that were his downfall - they made it easier to someone else's army to come in and take over.

Look at a map of Europe and Poland's situation will make sense. Bounded on the north by sea and on the south by mountains forming natural boundaries more easily defended. To the east and west there is very little. Rivers aren't too much of a defensive boudary. Notice how it is the eastern and western neighbours who have posed the most problems for Poland throughout history.

Then, of course, there is the whole international scene. Sweden's fighting with Russia in the early 18th century didn't help. Other than meddling in Poland's internal politics and generally not making friends in the Baltic area, Sweden managed to lose all of it's territories around the southern side of the Baltic, including Livonia which was lost to Russia. A westward-looking Russia doesn't bode well for Poland.
VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
12 Jun 2008 /  #47
"I told you not to build any roads." It was the roads he'd had built that were his downfall

Poland shouldn't have any problem then
plk123  8 | 4119  
12 Jun 2008 /  #48

big difference in terrain. poland is much more conducive to being conquered just in that aspect. it just makes a hell lot easier to do.

Then your logic stinks...

how so? just because you don't like what i said doesn't mean it's not valid.

Yes plk123....Pommern has been German for over 800 years and, recently, only 63 years under Polish administration. And before you attempt to rip that apart with some reposting of something from wikipedia, which contains mostly drivel, bear in mind that the Goths, a germanic tribe, was in that area around 2,000 years ago until the Slavic tribe, the pomerani, hence the name today, pushed them out slowly during the 5th and 6the centuries. About 600 years later, the pushee's pushed back.

that's BS and you know it. kashubs weren't/aren't germanic, EVER. just because the tutons and the pruss exerted their will over the area for a little while doesn't mean that the region was theirs. i am not sure which 600 years you think pomeraniia was ruled by the krauts but you maybe off by 200-300+/- years.

the kashubs consider themeselves polish and their blood line is more slavic then sour.

Poland is prime property. Everyone wanted some. Even the Swedish tried :)

i don't think the Swedes were in PL for property, neither were the Tartars.

Poland shouldn't have any problem then

lol but they are building some nice highways now.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
12 Jun 2008 /  #49
how so? just because you don't like what i said doesn't mean it's not valid.

"You get what you deserve!" was a clear statement...what's good for the goose is good for the gander right?

the kashubs consider themeselves polish and their blood line is more slavic then sour.

Tusk is a kashub, isn't he? His grandpops was german enough for the Wehrmacht...
Oh and the Sorbs feel quite German too...I never heard they fled to Poland to their slavic brethren...

just because the tutons and the pruss exerted their will over the area for a little while doesn't mean that the region was theirs.

And now exchange "tutons" and "pruss" with "slavs" and we are on the way...

Poles often bragg that Berlin was founded by slavs but somehow that seems okay and nothing bad with "Drang nach Westen"...since 2 millenia the slavs pushed west, but beware the Germans push back..now that is just baaaaaaaad, right???
plk123  8 | 4119  
12 Jun 2008 /  #50
Tusk is a kashub, isn't he? His grandpops was german enough for the Wehrmacht...


"You get what you deserve!" was a clear statement...what's good for the goose is good for the gander right?

hey, you attack nations willy nilly then get pounded by everyone else, yeah, you got it. that's what happens. it's coming US' way next.
Wildstein  - | 5  
12 Jun 2008 /  #51
k is a kashub, isn't he? His grandpops was german enough for the Wehrmacht...

his grandfather was Kashubian (slavic) Germans taken him by force to wermaht and he deserted after 2 weeks.

Poles often bragg that Berlin was founded by slavs but somehow that seems okay and nothing bad with "Drang nach Westen"...since 2 millenia the slavs pushed west, but beware the Germans push back..now that is just baaaaaaaad, right???

It was always Polish land google lusatian culture. You German skinhead ;)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
12 Jun 2008 /  #52
Germans taken him by force to wermaht and he deserted after 2 weeks.

Crap...no non-german was eligible for the Wehrmacht.
(And of course, after the defeat all where victims, right?)

It was always Polish land google lusatian culture. You German skinhead ;)

Always polish? From when on? You polish dumbhead???
Wildstein  - | 5  
12 Jun 2008 /  #53
Crap...no non-german was eligible for the Wehrmacht.

he was German citizen, his desertion just after 2 weeks, and joining alies army is the best prove of his Polish/Kashubian ethic group.

Always polish? From when on? You polish dumbhead???

Lusatnian Culture is Polish culture. Anyway you are the best example why Poles have been so often invaded by Germans.

(I am not Polish)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
12 Jun 2008 /  #54
Anyway you are the best example why Poles have been so often invaded by Germans.

Cut the crap!

Lot's of ex-Poles served in the Wehrmacht and we were not talking about the Sorbs but your statement "this land was always polish".

If you would had read books you would know that the Slavs invaded germanic land and pushed always further west.
Wildstein  - | 5  
12 Jun 2008 /  #55
If you would had read books you would know that the Slavs invaded germanic land and pushed always further west.

Wasn't that Germans who joined Huns in their invasion of Rome empire ?

annyway Lusatian culture is Polish so this land was always Polish.

temporarily it was land of my family ...

Long life for Poland !
Wildstein  - | 5  
12 Jun 2008 /  #57
I am Israeli citizen.
pawian  224 | 27236  
12 Jun 2008 /  #59
I would say that Poland was just unfortunate to be in the middle of aggressive neighbors, but then look at Switzerland, it's been around for a while, in the middle of all the tyrannical empires that have come and gone...somehow they managed pretty well, and were left alone for the most part.

Yes, the Swiss were able to defend and then keep their independence. Probably the mountains helped a lot as a natural barrier to aggressors, but beside mountains the Swiss were also indomitable warriors. Though Polish gentry was obliged to answer the king`s call and go to war in times of trouble, they prefered a quiet life in the countryside. That is why, in 18 century, the most militirised country in Europe (10% of the Polish population was gentry - the descendants of medieval knights) was unable to defend itself and fell prey to its more determined neighbours.

What a paradox, really.

Yet despite being one of the most embattled group of people in Europe, The Poles somehow got their act together and reestablished Poland as one of the major economies of Europe. Wow.

Yes, it was impressive. But before it there had been millions of victims and a ruined country. If the Polish elites had been wiser, more patriotic and less corrupted in the past, Poland would come out much better.

Yet I never hear a peep out of the mouths of Poles "we've had to fight everyone to survive,,,blah blah blah." Though I guess that mostly old people would whine about that, but seeing that I don't speak Polish, I never hear of it. I guess the Poles are made of tougher stuff than most of us.

You can`t hear or understand whining because it is in Polish. But it takes place quite frequently. It is true, though, that mostly mature people like discussing Polish past misfortunes, occupations, betrayals by "friends," ingratitude of allies etc etc. Younger generations don`t care.

Yet, Polish schools still infuse this kind of rememberance patriotism into students. We were talking about scythes as the main weapon of Polish insurgents. Look at the school play about Kosciuszko Insurection
hanns  - | 1  
12 Jun 2008 /  #60
Poles unwilling to fight for their independence ,it is something new :))))))))

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