Mr Grunwald 33 | 2126
27 Sep 2009 / #151
It hurts, but you gotta draw the conclusions and learn. Smarten up, Slavs! Stop fighting!!!
Well thinking about Poland slavism isn't much of a thing. to be Polish is much more important then to be slavish think of a Russian for example.
Just becaouse somebody speaks a language similar to another DOESN'T MEAN that they have to have any further connection with each other!!!
A brother doesn't have to talk the same language to be an other fellas brother!
More of the same ideas (brotherhood?) some languages allmost forces one to think specificlly but still can choose something else!
Just becaouse Czechs and Poles seem to have similar language doesn't mean they have to love each other!!! If it was so then it wouldn't been any conflicts among native speakers!!!
One has stance others have a different stance across everything!
If everything was blank white and everything started from the beginning and everyone had the same language it would still be conflicts and dividing. Also new languages would errupt!
While looking at historical friendship and so on is an other matter.