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Will a net monthly salary of around 3000zl be enough to live comfortably in Silesia?

manseca  1 | -
21 Aug 2011   #1
Ok, so I've asked this once before and sort of got enough information but am curious for more input....

Will a net monthly salary of around 3000zl be enough to live comfortably ..

this is my definition of comfortable...

- able to pay the rent and utilities
- enough for basic groceries
- able to have some drinks a couple times a week
- a weekend or two every few months to travel

The job is in Silesia, in an average sized city, Rybnik, so not in Krakow or Warsaw where the price of living is obviously much higher.

Preemptive gracias!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
21 Aug 2011   #2
Will a net monthly salary of around 3000zl be enough to live comfortably ..

Yes, but what's the job?
Seanus  15 | 19666
21 Aug 2011   #3
Manseca, you've asked this before so my answer to you should still be in the archives.
pawian  226 | 27539
20 Nov 2020   #5
- able to have some drinks a couple times a week

Yes, but do you mean drinking at home or in licensed premises. Coz I imagine there is a huge difference. I don`t know coz I don`t drink except some home-made fruit wine from time to time so I spend nothing on alcohol.

Dolno, as an expert, what can you tell us about it?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
20 Nov 2020   #6
3000zl is not enough if you are renting , I know a uk pensioner who gets 3500zl a month and he struggles even tho he owns his own house.

Paw we are responding to a 2011 post
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 Nov 2020   #7
Will a net monthly salary of around 3000zl be enough to live comfortably ..

That's a pathetic salary.

The job is in Silesia

Let me guess, is it a teaching job? The salary would match what teachers make.
pawian  226 | 27539
21 Nov 2020   #8
Paw we are responding to a 2011 post

Yes, but I mentioned certain dilemmas which remain the same for centuries.
21 Nov 2020   #9
I wonder what the first 3 posters and other former members are doing.

Home / Work / Will a net monthly salary of around 3000zl be enough to live comfortably in Silesia?
BoldItalic [quote]
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