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Can any international computer science student get software development job in Wrocław or Warsaw?

Novichok  4 | 8992
30 Dec 2023   #31
Can you understand English?

... excluding those where I revealed my age.

That fits "revealed". Directly or indirectly ... doesn't matter.
The lowest kind of scum is a person who uses confessed information as a debating tool. To your credit, you are not the only one here doing this.
Paulina  17 | 4537
30 Dec 2023   #32
That's like saying the human mind is just meat.

Nope. Atch is right. What tech bros are marketing these days as "AI" isn't an actual AI yet (the one you know from films like "Terminator" or "Matrix"). It's just machine learning.

the tech industry wants AI in order to produce value and increase profits by reducing and eliminating high costs and inefficiencies caused by labor both in the tech industry itself and other sectors of the economy.

Yes, they want to replace humans. Not just "unneeded third worlders", but your white, Christian people too.

can also, potentially, be quite dangerous if misused, so I wouldn't dismiss them with "oh, it's just another - a bit more complicated - 'Hello, World' program".

Considering the damage "AI" is doing already and what damage it can potentially do in the future, I can defenitely agree that it's not "just any software" or "like any other tool". It's not real AI yet though.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
30 Dec 2023   #33
Yes, they want to replace humans. Not just "unneeded third worlders", but your white, Christian people too.

That was never part of the conversation but thanks for admitting that feminism caused birth rates to be below replacement levels and that while importing the third world may prop-up population numbers they won't bring any advancements to society.
Paulina  17 | 4537
30 Dec 2023   #34
That was never part of the conversation

Then I made it so :)

birth rates to be below replacement levels

Thanks to AI revolution you don't have to worry about birth rates anymore. It's possible that at some point there will be too many "redundant" humans even in Western countries. So, rejoice at the ingenuity of men and their relentless greed :)))
Poloniusz  5 | 970
30 Dec 2023   #35
Thanks to AI revolution you don't have to worry about birth rates anymore.

No, thanks to feminism the AI revolution was necessary because making up for the fall in birth rates with increased levels of immigration didn't and wouldn't result in a sustainment or increase in the quality of productivity or innovation.

It's possible that at some point there will be too many "redundant" humans even in Western countries.

At some point?

Feminists have never talked about there being too many redundant humans outside of Western countries. And they never will.

They only cried for decades (even until today) about the populations within Western countries being a societal and environmental burden while standing at points of entry with big smiles and big signs saying "Welcome Refugees!"

So, rejoice at the ingenuity of men and their relentless greed :)))

Nope. It's female narcism and greed which brought us the problems facing the West today. The only blame goes to those men who bent over backwards to please such women.
Paulina  17 | 4537
30 Dec 2023   #36
No, thanks to feminism the AI revolution was necessary

No, it wasn't. "AI" at present isn't replacing factory workers, construction workers, cleaning ladies, nurses and others that are usually in short "supply" in Western countries. It's replacing people like graphic designers, photographers, programmers, journalists, writers, voice actors, etc. - jobs that "first worlders" were actually willing to do. And I'm guessing it's just going to get worse.

Also, automation isn't anything new and has nothing to do with feminism.

standing at points of entry with big smiles and big signs saying "Welcome Refugees!"

That's actually a Christian thing to do, rather than a feminist one, Mr Religious One :)))

It's female narcism and greed which brought us the problems facing the West today.

Of course not :) It's men's relentless greed :)))
johnny reb  49 | 8058
30 Dec 2023   #37
It's men's relentless greed

Then why have I only heard of women being called money grubbers but never a man ?
pawian  226 | 27539
30 Dec 2023   #38
why have I only heard of women being called

That`s what various chauvinists and incel losers call women to belittle them and thus make up for their own life failures.
johnny reb  49 | 8058
30 Dec 2023   #39
Is that what you have been indoctrinated with ?
Once your nuts drop you will understand.
Paulina  17 | 4537
30 Dec 2023   #40
Then why have I only heard of women being called money grubbers but never a man ?

Because you have selective hearing? :)) You've never heard about the greed and lack of empathy of big corporations? Really?
Novichok  4 | 8992
30 Dec 2023   #41
Also, automation isn't anything new and has nothing to do with feminism.

It has plenty...Feminism's first objective is to make men and women equal.
Since they can't make women stronger, faster, and more creative, they pussify men to drag them down to the stay-at-home mom level to achieve that equality. See smart wife - dumb husband ads.

This creates a need to replace the missing men with robots with different levels of intelligence.
Paulina  17 | 4537
30 Dec 2023   #42
It has plenty...

No, it hasn't.

Since they can't make women stronger, faster, and more creative, they pussify men to drag them down to the stay-at-home mom level.

Nonsense. As I already wrote - automation isn't anything new. It's not about feminism, "pussifying men" or anything of this sort. It's the result of technological and scientific development that allows for more automation and more sophisticated automation. And the main driving force behind automation in all kinds of industries was and is chasing profit. Capitalism. Money.

See pawian.

That's a bad example, considering that pawian is the sole breadwinner in his marriage and his wife is a housewife and a stay-at-home mom :))))

This creates a need to replace the missing men with robots with different levels of intelligence.

Nope. Greed creates this need.
Atch  22 | 4299
31 Dec 2023   #43
That's why you see AI as just software.

I decided to have a little chinwag with ChatGPT this morning:

  • Screenshot2023123.png
Torq  8 | 1060
31 Dec 2023   #44
a little chinwag with ChatGPT this morning

Aaaah... women...

You say that you are a form of software 'in a way". Why not be a man and be more decisive, come on - you are software, admit it!

All right, all right - I am software... plain and simple.*sighs*

At least now we know the gender of ChatGPT - he is a man and he knows better than to argue with women, so he just gives in. Typical.

Novichok  4 | 8992
31 Dec 2023   #45
he is a man and he knows better than to argue with women, so he just gives in. Typical.

You lose, you lose.
You win, you lose.
You walk away, you lose more.

Home / Work / Can any international computer science student get software development job in Wrocław or Warsaw?
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