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Would a Polish woman marry to get into the USA?

Slavictor  6 | 193
27 Jun 2018   #1
Anything is possible. The story cites a man who got taken by a Russian bride, among others. I found the fear peddling portion about terrorism an un-necessary segment. In any case, buyer beware in this type of marketplace.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
27 Jun 2018   #2
unless the guy is very rich, there would be a little reason to move to the US from Poland to there- after all there is no reason to go to the USA when one can go to France or the UK.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
27 Jun 2018   #3
The story cites a man who got taken by a Russian bride, among others.

Nobody is duping anybody. The problem is that older men are unable to look into the mirror and be honest. They are looking at an overweight, out-of-shape, bald or balding remnants of themselves and think they are a gift from gods. And so totally irresistable.

The second and even worse act of utter stupidity is their belief that some drop-dead gorgeous chick is actually "in love" with them, while forgetting that women always lie, even when not really necessary. And that lying is in their DNA and a skill they practice on the gullible every single day.
Paulina  18 | 4547
27 Jun 2018   #4
@Rich, actually, before you'll leave this forum (hopefully forever), I'd just like you to know that according to various research and articles that I've read men lie more than women (even despite the fact that women talk more!) and they feel less guilty about it:

And RubasznyRumcajs, is right, I think, the US isn't such a popular destination for emigrating Poles anymore.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
27 Jun 2018   #5
, I'd just like you to know

Please don't hold up his departure, he might think we will miss him and reverse his decision.

I wonder what his next reincarnation will be, Marie Curies love child (AKA radioactive man?)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
27 Jun 2018   #6
Men lie about stupid sh1t like I'm busy, I only had 3 beers, I forgot, I'll do it next week, I'm sick etc.. usually work related sh1t... Women lie about fairly important things like I'm single, I'm divorced, I've only had x partners, i swear i dont have herpes its just a zit with the especially stupid hos having a whole ream of lies and excuses about their baby daddy who they claim to hate yet have him on speed dial. Plus the infamous 'im fine, really.' Id rather have a jackhammer in my ear than a stupid hi.

That's why it's best to not ask stupid questions like are you okay, are you mad at me, are you cheating etc if you don't want stupid answers or lies. Plus whenever a woman thinks a man cares about her more than she does they'll use it against them in some form or fashion. Women are a hell of a lot smarter and more intuitive than men That's why you gotta treat your woman like mushrooms if you want to have a good relationship - keep em in the dark and feed em bull sh1t
27 Jun 2018   #7
after all there is no reason to go to the USA when one can go to France or the UK.

May you explain better? Why is USA similar to UK/France, and why Poland is not? What is the essential difference?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
27 Jun 2018   #9
US isn't such a popular destination for emigrating Poles anymore.

Not since the mid 2000s. East euro immigration has slowed down to a trickle. Every so often there's the new odd Albanian Russian Ukrainian Lithuanian or Pole coming in. But it's not like 10 20 years ago where you could go to a handful of cities in the US like NYC and Chicago go to the eastern European areas and half the people there are all recent arrivals. Even Mexicans Dominicans etc aren't coming in like they use to. Now it's more central Americans like Hondurans Salvadorans Guatemalans.

Even Brighton beach and greenpoint in NYC nor Belmont and the triangle In Chicago aren't what they use to be. It's almost all Mexicans that have been moving in with only the older generation fobs who never moved out.

In uk it peaked, plateaued and now is declining. Poland is a lot better off than it was 10 years ago and although the wages are higher abroad once you factor cost of living and taxes its not really worth it. A lot more poles are realizing that. But nonetheless a lot of youth still go abroad to experience it, some stay, some come back but all keep their ties.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
28 Jun 2018   #10
May you explain better? Why is USA similar to UK/France, and why Poland is not? What is the essential difference?

one can easily find a better social security in those two countries (when compared to the US). that and person is less likely to be shot at by someone.

sure- if you are filthy rich US is probably a better place for you, but most people aren't.
cms neuf  1 | 1907
28 Jun 2018   #11
Also in the UK and France she is only a 2 hour Ryanair flight from her family and they can visit her without a visa, kids can spend summers with Babcia etc
Paulina  18 | 4547
29 Jun 2018   #12
@Cms neuf, exactly, not only the West of Europe is closer to Poland than the US, but a Pole can go and work there legally without any visas - one doesn't have to get involved in some kind of sham marriage in order to get into a country.

As for "Russian brides", I've seen a documentary "States of Undress" not long ago - an episode about Russia - it's about clothes and fashion, but it also focuses on the society. There was quite a bit about a situation of women over there. I was shocked by the disparity between the number of men and women in Russia. A greater disparity nowadays is only in worn-torn Syria. It started with the losses during WWII and it never got rebalanced. I know that there is probably quite a number of Russian gold diggers out there, but, to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if many normal Russian women were looking for a partner outside of Russia for this reason. Especially considering the attitudes and high expectations of Russian men towards their women (if you ever wondered why Russian women dress in such a sexy way - to some "trashy" - and wear make up all the time - I know why now).

Men lie about stupid sh1t like I'm busy, I only had 3 beers (...) Women lie about fairly important things

I literally KNEW that one of you misogynists will show up in this thread and come up with some kind of prejudiced bullsh1t that will make men look better and women worse even in the face of results of a research lol Rich Mazur wrote one really prejudiced comment which turned out to be a LIE and now you're just following in his footsteps.

Tell me, Dirk, what do you base your claims on? Don't tell me that on "your experience" or on experience of your probably equally prejudiced pals. Give me evidence, statistics, research results about women's vs men's lies.

Here you have some insight on the differences:

Btw, if you think that "I only had 3 beers" lie is such a "stupid sh1t" then go and talk to a wife or a child of an alcoholic. It won't be such "stupid sh1t" for them, trust me. The lying and cheating of alcoholics about their drinking is one of the worst things for their families.

And how can you even claim that men don't lie about important things? Are you serious? Do you think that me or other people are stupid? That we don't know life? I'm not some silly goose that you can sell such crap to.

Men lie about the same things and some other ugly stuff: I'm single, I'm divorced, I'm separated, I'll leave my wife for you, I swear I don't have herpes, I've never been with a prostitute, I don't have sex with prostitutes, I always use a condom but with you it's different, I love you/you're special/I've never fealt like this with anyone before/you're not just a piece of meat/spermbag for me (being said in order to have sex with a woman/girl and then dump her), I've never cheated on you, I'm not cheating on you, I'd never cheat on you, my ex means nothing to me, I don't want to have sex with my ex, my coworker, your sister, your friend, etc. I'm not interested in girls below 18 years old (in case of adult men), I wouldn't like a threesome, I wasn't flirting with her, I came to Poland to work/for a longer period of time (while they came here for two weeks only as sex tourists), I'm not trying to get you drunk and take advantage of you - I'm not that kind of a guy, how could you even suggest that?! (lol), I go to Thailand for the food and culture (lol!), I'm a monogamist, totally!, we didn't visit any strip clubs, I'll still respect you if you do this (concerning sex or sth sex related), I'm not with you to be able to rape your child, I'm not raping/molesting our child, grandchild, niece, etc. and I'd never do that, I'd never hurt you, I wasn't checking your messages, I've deleted my profile on that dating site, I don't have a drinking/drug/gambling/p0rn problem, I've never been married before, I don't have kids from a first/second/third marriage, I'm not watching p0rn (lol), I like our sex life, I don't have any weird fetishes, etc. etc. etc.

Dirk, if you'd bother to check the link that I've provided you'd see that the only important lie that women tell on that "top ten lies" list is "Nothing's wrong, I'm fine". It's on the first place. In case of men it's on the second place, so the difference isn't that big.

That's why you gotta treat your woman like mushrooms if you want to have a good relationship - keep em in the dark and feed em bull sh1t

You've just proved that the results of that research are true.

@dolnoslask, that's why I stressed the fact that he wrote that he's leaving the forum - so he couldn't go back on that. He was probably long gone when I wrote my comment anyway, I didn't write it only for his benefit, tbh. I have enough of the comments of a few individuals here who write about women as if we were some kind of subhumans and the fact that none of the men here is challenging them on that. Do you all share their views? Wait, why I even bother asking... I'll probably be "fed some bullsh1t" anyway...
Paulina  18 | 4547
29 Jun 2018   #13
"worn-torn Syria"

war-torn, sorry! lol
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
29 Jun 2018   #14
Do you all share their views?

Sorry I have only just caught up on this thread hhmmm Dolno and women Good Question.

My wife is the boss and I'm the boss on an equal footing ( well she is more intelligent than me I guees),if I were to make derogatory remarks about women (I don't by the way) I would get a thick ear.

My view on guys who berate women and treat them as subservient is as follows.

They will never find an intelligent woman that would put up with them, maybe that's what they want, If they do the the relationship won't last.

Many of them go off to foreign lands to find a wife whom after a while will realise that they married an oink and again they will be dumped.

BUT the vast majority of women hating guys are the cave trolls that would never even get a second glance from a woman, you know the type i'm on about , short dumpy ugly, stupid short or nerdy rejects.

Back to topic, I would strongly Advise any Polish woman not to marry the above type of man just to get into America.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
29 Jun 2018   #15
if you'd bother to check the link that I've provided

I did. It's a survey using a sample of 1000 people in the UK. Hardly representative of overall society.

And any man who utters the typical chick words of 'nothing's wrong I'm fine' to his significant other, friend, etc isn't a real man in my eyes. This is one of the many reasons why the West is in such a civilization decline - men have no spine, no balls anymore and act more like women and now women are the ones who are increasingly being the dominant assertive person in a relationship. At least in Poland couples still have well defined traditional roles.

And actually I've written that women tend to have an average higher iq than men. The difference is men lie about stupid things usually to impress women or their friends or because someone's bothering them. Women lie to manipulate and **** people over. And I rly dgaf if you or anyone else call me mysoginist chauvinist etc. If anything I wear that as a badge of honor bc it means I'm not one of the pussy ass beta cucks who are causing the decline of civilization. Maybe that's why I have mad respect for putin and Russians - they don't tolerate that bs.

nerdy rejects.

Idk about that... much of the nerdy types don't seem to habe a problem getting a date. It's mainly because they're successful so don't have trouble attracting women. Problem is they tend to attract the types of women that will use them and go **** another guy. Then the poor sap is spending thousands on couples therapy hoping his wife is somehow going to change.

They will never find an intelligent woman that would put up with them, maybe that's what they want.

Actually quite a lot of women are into being submissive, some only sexually some part time when they're horny some full time as a lifestyle. For example the women that come to our motorcycle club parties come knowing theyre going to get treated like sh1t. Even wives and gfs willingly wear a property patch whenever were riding around. And thats just a motorcycle club thats not even like a bdsm or swinger club. If you go on sites like adultfriendfinder or fetlife you'll see how many women are looking for a dominant man in their lives. Far more than women looking to find a partner to dominate although imo in society amongst more 'typical' I find its the opposite. But I can tell you this its hard to find for these girls to find a proper dominant partner bc or the pussification of western society.

Paulina maybe you can point out how numerous outlets State that women's main complaint with men is that they're not masculine?

Also research indicates couples that tend to be into polyamory or have otherwise open relationships tend to be educated, upper class, professionals etc.
Atch  22 | 4299
30 Jun 2018   #16
I did. It's a survey using a sample of 1000 people in the UK. Hardly representative of overall society.

Where did you get the figure of 1,000? It was 3,000. It was a proper study commissioned by the London Science Museum and carried out by a reputable agency. A sample of 3,000 people would be considered adequate in research terms. As for overall society, culturally the UK and other English speaking countries have many cultural similarities. I think one big that in the British Isles we're less blunt than many other European countries and are more likely to lie in order not to upset somebody, hurt their feelings or to protect them from something unpleasant. Not sure about the USA, what do you think?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
30 Jun 2018   #17
, culturally the UK and other English speaking countries have many cultural similarities.

I disagree. Most Anglo speaking western countries have not allowed invaders to establish parallel legal systems in the form of sharia courts. Neither is thought crime punishable by fine and imprisonment, especially not in the us where we have a little thing called the first amendment and Bill of rights.

in the British Isles we're less blunt than many other European countries

Maybe some. The Brits I've encountered (technically Englishmen as any turd worlder or eastern European plumber could now consider themselves british) ivr found especially are naive and blissfully ignorant. One English girl even thought the NHS was a eu organization. Their 'feelings' and naiveity are the reason why the Empire has been reduced to a few island and even that land has been invaded by undesirables. But I can't complain - the little cut i get exchanging pounds to zloty allows me buy a new pair of Jordan's every week. And i know my British will take care of my closest cousin with two left hands for life thereby reducing what would eventually be my burden. I even helped him translate the paperwork for benefits : )

The only person in the UK who speaks his mind is farage. And maybe Doug but only online because he knows if he repeated any of the things he said about poles in person he'd get stomped.

. It was a proper study commissioned by the London Science Museum

So determining whether men or women lie more is considered a proper study carried out by London science musuem... Maybe they should've studied whether Muslim brits or Christian brits are more likely to rape and groom kids... But everyone already knows the answer to that
Lyzko  45 | 9751
30 Jun 2018   #18
The number of foreign women in general who'd marry in order to come to America (legally) could fill several libraries, I've no doubt. Poles are scarcely the worst offenders in this respect:-)
Atch  22 | 4299
30 Jun 2018   #19
I disagree.

A childish and disappointing response. Not a properly expressed argument, yet more unhinged nonsense about Muslims. It's a waste of time trying to have a normal conversation with you. I won't be bothering again. Enjoy your monologues.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
30 Jun 2018   #20
Did you expect anything different? : )
You already knew my views about the United kaliphate...

But yes there are some cultural similarities. The UK is much further to the left than the us and possibly even Canada. No other Anglo country has a thought crime division nor does it prevent people from reporting on criminal trials and restating publically available information.
30 Jun 2018   #21
Hardly representative of overall society

And what is more representative? You saying 'This is how it is'?
And can you please stop boring us to tears with your propaganda? It's like reading 'wypociny' of some deranged sod

I know few ppl that went to US. One illegally two or three normally. Noone got married for the sake of staying there though
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
30 Jun 2018   #22
And what is more representative? You saying 'This is how it is'?

It doesn't take a scientist and a bunch of research to see that women's biggest beef with men today is their lack of masculinity. Since there's an ever declining amount of assertive men who have a pair and don't allow women to walk all over them it's a great time to be a gold digger and dominant woman...

There's plenty of ugly ass dud3s with hot wives and gfs even if they're not necessarily rich, it's because they have a pair and are confident. They're the type of men that women married to beta pencilneck cucks cheat on with.

And can you please stop boring us to tears with your propaganda?

Then don't read it, much less comment
1 Jul 2018   #23
So dirk, you would actually argue with a woman or try telling one what to do? even ones on the street and not a potntial date or girlfriend but some rude woman to you in a bar or something?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
1 Jul 2018   #24
Of course not. Why would I bother a woman I do not know and will likely never see again? If some random woman is rude to me at the bar or wherever else I'd act much the same as if it were a man - ignore her/him, get my drink and go back to hang out with the people Im already with.

If were interested in each other and want to hook up that's a different story. Although I generally dont go to clubs, parties raves etc for the purpose of getting crunk and hooking up. That was fun when I was in my teens and early 20s, not so much anymore. Now id rather just chill and relax.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
2 Jul 2018   #25
This whole women thing starts and ends with the fact that lying is programmed in their DNA.

There are only two ways to deal with adversities: physically and verbally. Women can't do it by force so that is why God gave them the mouth and a library of lies.

They lie about almost everything, including "I love you", to get married and nest. They will lie for attention and for money through 'go-fund-me' scams by shaving heads and claiming cancer. They lie that they didn't know about boyfriends banging their daughters. And, of course, the rapes to make some sucker jealous or as an "what the f*** have done" afterthought

But the ultimate in lying is bringing a kid to near death and lying to the hospital staff that they are clueless what led to it. All that while the doctors are fighting to save the kid's life. Now, I am sure men do it just as often. They just don't caught.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
2 Jul 2018   #26
" their DNA..", Rich???!!

Gettin' a wee bit nasty here, aren't we.
And so is it in our male DNA to physically abuse women??
Cuts both ways.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
2 Jul 2018   #27
This whole women thing starts and ends with the fact that lying is programmed in their DNA.

With a prick like you contaminating the forum probably explains why non of the regular female posters have been seen here for days.

What a complete tosser u are.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
2 Jul 2018   #28

None of that surprises me.. people are into some other ****... tne guy in uk hired a hooker to pour cement on him (the hooker and her bf.. robbed him can't rly say I feel sorry for him), an irish woman married a dead pirate ghost and swears she can feel his touch... a female teacher is about to get extradited from israel to australia for molesting some 50 kids..

but dogs and lil kids and **** that polish women admitted to.... nah that ain't right. Unfortunately that kind of **** that's just above and beyond and unhealthy is all over .. idgaf what people do behind closed doors as long as it's consensual, safe, etc some things I think are ****** up but if they're not harming or manipulating anyone I can't judge

lol shes a s & m ***** and loves to be dominated.

Cool.. she can join the stable anytime.. my gf and I will take good care of her
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
2 Jul 2018   #29
And so is it in our male DNA to physically abuse women??
Cuts both ways.

Absolutely. You are 100% correct. Testosterone is what makes men want to inseminate women whether they like it or not. At least this is the urge. More civilized of us know that a softer approach is better long term. Just like with the cops and their interrogating techniques.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
2 Jul 2018   #30
And so is it in our male DNA to physically abuse women??

Some guys are pos and feel inadequate whether it's because they're broke or their **** stick isn't working and take it out on their significant other.

Women abuse men too they're just smarter about it. Instead of punching them they put visine in their drinks and take all their cash and Rolex or they leave them foe amother dude or otherwise scar them on the inside or even cut off their junk as one woman famously did - and actually to much applause...

Home / USA, Canada / Would a Polish woman marry to get into the USA?
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