The BEST Guide to POLAND
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plk123  8 | 4119
19 Feb 2009   #31
I believe the date you have in mind is February 24th 2009.

mardi gras ends on the 24th but 'fat thursday' (pączki day) is the 26th.
19 Feb 2009   #32
Yes, it is Paczki Day in Chicago for All Polish People who keep their traditions alive and we never forget our homelands.

As for Polish people living in Chicago aren't doing well because they lost their jobs due Companies files for Bankqupts. It doesn't mean Polish People are meant and fighing. They are well manners if their health problems get worse. I can see them having problems and they usually go back home and some do stay but it is getting worst if they refused to go home. It is their choices but not mine. I am American born. Good Luck with your Dreams!!!!!!!
Randal  1 | 577
19 Feb 2009   #33
While the focus of the article on Polish people paying taxes here may at first seem odd, there may be good reason for it.

What one has to understand is that Philadelphia is for the most part inhabited by lazy minorities on the public dole sucking the system. There are more tax consumers than producers there, leading to a perpetual financial problem for the city. So at every chance they attempt to put on a good face for the city in an attempt to make it more attractive to investors and to draw new tax payers. (Rarely do you see mention of the high murder rate in the city.)

I suspect the tone of the article reflects the need to be tolerant of others –foreigners- (something our bitter and lazy minorities are not known for) because they bring with them financial benefit.

In other words, the article is saying “Be nice and welcoming to the Polish since they are hard working and are paying your taxes!”
28 Feb 2009   #34
Polish Americans like just any other Americans.
2 Apr 2009   #35
chicago is the 2nd largest polish city, after warsaw
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
9 Oct 2010   #36
Merged: Polonia - transitory necessity?

There are those who value patriotism for its own sake and others who say my country is the one that pays me the most. The same holds true for Polonia. Do you believe it has some intrinsic value and should be cultivated and maintained for it's own sake. Or, on the contrary, is it simply a convenient temporary stepping stone for new arrivals who still aren't fluent in English and don't know the ropes. Once they do, they should move on and forget Polonia.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
1 Aug 2021   #37
I studied migration in history (mostly Norwegian&american) and there it was about how many of poorer countries and Catholic refused to attend the school system as much as possible (in the U.S.A) seeing it as useless and a waste of time, compared to Scandinavian immigrants who had fewer children and focused on them gaining education (as high as possible).

Among other things, Polish immigrants tended to wife up Americans of African descent (most legal migration was/is performed by young male men, as it takes a lot of bravery and courage to venture outside ones comfort zone. Later on comes the closest family members if there are any)

So I am not surprised by the fact that the Polish Polonia uses white knee socks, or even socks in sandals for that matter (German tradition). A lot of Poles during the 1800's were oppressed by partitioning powers, and easily could sympathize with the African-American plight. Only Poles who truly are racists are those who have succumbed to their hosts country's social rules and lifestyle/mentality. Which history proves time and again
johnny reb  49 | 8003
1 Aug 2021   #38
it was about how many of poorer countries and Catholic refused to attend the school system seeing it as useless and a waste of time,

That certainly holds true with all my Polish relatives back then.
When the boys of their Polish families turned 14 years old their Polish parents encouraged them to quit school after the 8th grade and get a job to support themselves.

Most of these kids worked 60 plus hours a week doing 'go nowhere jobs' breaking their backs.
I think we can conclude that the 'timeout generation' of today didn't produce as good of citizens as the 'ass beating' generation did.
Joker  2 | 2458
3 Aug 2021   #39
Most of these kids worked 60 plus hours a week doing 'go nowhere jobs' breaking their backs

When was this back in the 1930s? You must be really old or just making up stories again.

Polish families turned 14 years old their Polish parents encouraged them to quit school

Total BS, stop spreading fake stories against Poles!
Crow  155 | 9722
3 Aug 2021   #40
I love Polonia because Poland financing Bosnian Serbs at a time when western Europe and Vatican hold Bosnian Christians as hostages of their deals with Islamic league, gave Bosnia to subjugate to the sharia law. When western Europe and Vatican betrayed Europe, Polonia didn`t. When western Europe and Vatican betrayed Christianty, Polonia didn`t, western Europe and Vatican supported extreme Muslims, Polonia didn`t.

That is why I love Polonia. Good Slavs of Poland there in Polonia.

I love Polonia because Poland financing Bosnian Serbs

Pardon. Polonia financing Bosnian Serbs, not Poland. Poland helping by allowance to Serbia to transport most heavy weaponry from Russia via Poland`s air space. Poland also helping much, blessed be for that.

Just to be precise.
Miloslaw  22 | 5228
3 Aug 2021   #41
Poland helping by allowance to Serbia to transport most heavy weaponry from Russia

You keep banging on about this, it is not something I have followed, so I don't know if it is true or not.
But please post some links or shut up.
Joker  2 | 2458
3 Aug 2021   #42
But please post some links or shut up.

He cant because they dont exist.

I love Polonia because Poland financing Bosnian Serbs

Just to be precise.

Just to be precise, your post has nothing to do with the US/ Polonia thread at all.. Just more trolling about Scabia which Poles couldn't get a rats ass about.


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