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Poles Living in the Chicago Area

9 Nov 2017   #1
I am an Polish-American living in Chicago. I know there are lots of Poles here but I am not having any luck finding any. I really would love to meet someone from Poland to have as a friend here. I am trying to learn the language and the culture as my grandfather is from Poland (but moved here as a child so he doesn't remember anything) and his parents never taught him the language or passed on the traditions. I want to be able to bring back the language and some culture into my family.

If there are any Poles in the Chicago area that are willing to make a new friend that would be awesome! I am 20 (21 in 18 days) and go to college at Concordia University Chicago. So I would love to meet someone my age that is fluent. If you are an Au Pair or new to America too I would gladly love to help you with English and show you around the Chicago area!
DominicB  - | 2706
9 Nov 2017   #2
I used to live in Chicago myself, up in Lakeview. I know what you are talking about. Poles in Chicago keep to themselves and fly under the radar. You might not know they exist until you speak the language well, and then they are very easy to find. So learn the language! It's really hard work, and it will take you years, but it is worth it. I ended up living in Poland for twelve years myself.

The best place to start is at the international student office at your college and at other colleges near you. There are quite a few students from Poland in Chicago.

Also, you have to go out and look for them in the real world, and not on your computer. The air and sunshine will do you good.

Good luck!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
9 Nov 2017   #3

The best place to meet other Poles is up and down Belmont. There's a few decent clubs where the crowd is mostly Poles esp Stereo, Martini Bar and the infamous now closed Jedynka. Sound Bar is also popular amongst younger Poles.The Polish girls that come are more beautiful hands down than the US girls. They're smart, sexy, tall, skinny but nice curves, blonde/brunette with blue eyes, wearing black dresses and spiked heels. Many of the FOB and 1st gen Poles who are fluent in Polish like myself have since moved to the suburbs due to the high crime, taxes, traffic, etc of the city - especially families. Nonetheless there is quite a few that remained in the old Polish strongholds like Jefferson Park, up and down Belmont, Harlem and Irving, southside, pockets of Niles, Norridge, Park Ridge, etc., Polish triangle, and a few others. Also, a lot come to the Polish hotspots whether its clubs, delis, supermarkets, cafe's, restaurants, often especially on the weekends. You can find Polish owned businesses from the south side to downtown to the north shore.
Crow  155 | 9736
14 Nov 2017   #4
Poles living in Chicago are lucky. A lot of Serbians there who keeps order
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Nov 2017   #5
I was told by my Polish Babcia that when the Polish came to America they settled in the areas that looked like and had about the same climate that Poland does.

The highest percentage of Polish in the U.S. live in New York, Illinois (Chicago), Michigan and Pennsylvania all with about a million each.
mafketis  38 | 11284
15 Nov 2017   #6
when the Polish came to America they settled in the areas that looked like and had about the same climate that Poland does

A nice idea, but it would be more accurate to say they settled in areas that had jobs for them soon after they got off the boat and those areas were mostly in the industrial belt. Decent jobs that they could do were much scarcer in the South (which is why there was large scale Black migration from there to those same states), further west or New England.

The old northern industrial belt has long been the cultural capital of southern and eastern European groups that started arriving in the late 19th century like Italians, Poles, Greeks, Hungarians, Orthodox Jews etc.
Joker  2 | 2464
16 Nov 2017   #7
There's a few decent clubs where the crowd is mostly Poles esp Stereo, Martini Bar and the infamous now closed Jedynka.

I miss Jednyka or before that it was called 123`s Italians owned it the whole That Martini Bar is a huge rip-off imo. I remember they sawed their cheap plastic glasses down to save on liquor and you could almost cut your lip off of it...This was a few years back, I used to live by Belmont/Central, Polonia

A lot of Serbians there who keeps order

Hahaha what a joke! You live in a fantasyland and still don't know wtf you are talking about.

The highest percentage of Polish in the U.S. live in New York, Illinois (Chicago),

More Poles live in Chicago that any other city in the world besides Warsaw, or it used to be years ago.

I don't know why anyone would want to stay around this place much longer than they have too.

Its going to start getting really cold around here and thats a good thing bc it keeps the Pavement Ape crime down.

If thats not enough to make ppl want to move away theres always the joy of being a sanctuary city

You just gotta love what 84 years of Democratic control can do to a city:(
Crow  155 | 9736
17 Jun 2018   #8
Madness in Chicago! Would Slavs of Chicago blockade entire city? Establish even Slavic rule? Would major of Chicago declare emergency situation?!


Poland vs. Serbia - Volleyball Nations League 2018
Joker  2 | 2464
17 Jun 2018   #9
Would Slavs of Chicago blockade entire city?

Give it a break fool. Theres arent that many slavs here to even begin with your fantasy.

Poland vs. Serbia - Volleyball

Nobody cares, it didn't even make the local
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
17 Jun 2018   #10
I am an Polish-American living in Chicago.

Just asking: how many generations must pass for the next one to remove that hyphen?
Joker  2 | 2464
17 Jun 2018   #11
Ive met people who claim they are Polish and then you find out it was their great grandfather who actually came from Poland. It goes the same for the Irish as well. I have many friends that have Irish tattoos and never been there, too funny!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
17 Jun 2018   #12
Ive met people who claim they are Polish and then you find out it was their great grandfather who actually came from Poland.

When my kids - both born in the US - told their friends that they were Polish, I told them that they were not and that they are 100% Americans. Period. End of the story.

No hyphens, split loyalties, and Polish language are allowed under my roof. Oplatek once a year is enough and only because my wife likes it.
Crow  155 | 9736
17 Jun 2018   #13
Nobody cares, it didn't even make the local

True? I must check my Sarmatian connection then.

Ive met people who claim they are Polish and then you find out it was their great grandfather who actually came from Poland.

Just wait. First serious economic crisis in US and Polish and any other roots would become increasingly important. See, USA already isn`t dominant world power in the world and must share its power and control. This trend will accelerate and it won`t become possible to innitiate some war just because it suits to US economy, cheap fuel, etc. Crisis knocking on the door. Use to it, its normal in entire world from time to time.
Sylvio  19 | 154
18 Jun 2018   #14
Catholic Church 502 S. Park Blvd., Streamwood, IL 60107
Crow  155 | 9736
20 Nov 2018   #15
Sad in what turning our Slavic Chicago thanks to hostile non-Slavs

Chicago hospital shooting: A young cop, doctor, pharmacy resident and the gunman all die in Mercy Hospital attack

Dayna Less, 25, a first-year pharmacy resident, was hit as she walked out of an elevator.

Serbian News confirms Dayna Less is girl of Serbian origin active in local numerous Serbian community


Dayna Less with her brother

Joker  2 | 2464
20 Nov 2018   #16
our Slavic Chicago thanks to hostile non-Slavs


Have your even been to Chicago, Crow? Its not a Slavic city at all except for a few Polish and Ukrainian neighborhoods, and most of them hate Europe and never want to return back there.

local numerous Serbian community

Where are these numerous serbian communities in Chicago? Can you provide me some addresses? You cant because they dont exist. Pure fantasy from Crow, again!

Stop spreading lies about Serbs controlling Chicago. The last time you claimed this, it was de-bunked as a soccer team! lol

Dayna Less with her brother

Too bad about the girl:(

Tell me Crow, since you know so much about Chicago. How did he get the gun within a sanctuary city and the nations strictest gun laws?

Hurry up and google it!
Joker  2 | 2464
20 Nov 2018   #17
I just heard the report on the real Chicago news. The girl was from Indiana and just recently graduated from Purdue University and was active in Greek life and planning to get married next year. Very sad indeed. The shooter by the name of Lopez, just more proof that we need immigration enforcement.

After watching the past 20 minutes of the local news, there was NO mention of attachment to serbia or slavs....DeBunked!
Crow  155 | 9736
20 Nov 2018   #18
The shooter by the name of Lopez

yes. Lopez and his friend Jimenez. Lopez shot her when she came out of the elevator. I hope Trump put that wall and separate degenerics from normal people.

Hurry up and google it!

500.000 Serbs live in Chicago. You google.

Why are you that crazy Jokere? You seams to be good man. But somehow crazy.
Joker  2 | 2464
20 Nov 2018   #19
his friend Jimenez.

Wrong again, Crow.

Jimenez was a police officer that was killed.

Please mind your own business and stay out of our affairs!

This has absolutely NOTHING to do with Serbs! Youre using the murder of this poor girl to promote your political agenda. You should be ashamed of yourself!

stick to the topic everyone, please
Crow  155 | 9736
6 Feb 2019   #20
Blessings on brat Corey Lewandowski and entire Polish US diaspora. Brotherly Poles are sane and that fact warm my heart. I just learned how Polish diaspora formed company `Twin Rocks`. Good symbolical name. Company that will facilitate path for joint Polish-Serbian strategic projects.

So, Polish US dispora is against Duda. Interesting.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Feb 2019   #21
Polish diaspora are everywhere in North America and surprisingly south America. And of course Europe, some in Australia. During the prl years many poles lived in iraq Libya s Africa but most have went back home or the west as wages were high.
Crow  155 | 9736
6 Feb 2019   #22
Yes, yes Polish diaspora have capacities for great changes. I am fascinated with moves. I hope this `Twin Rocks Co.` makes Poland and Serbia bigger, on the behalf of our entire civilization.
Miloslaw  22 | 5247
6 Feb 2019   #23
500.000 Serbs live in Chicago

That's one zero too many.........try 50,000.
Crow  155 | 9736
11 Jul 2019   #25
This way or another Chicago is free and will stay free even when US is no more. Good God arranged that weak people of westerner European origin aren`t majority here.
Joker  2 | 2464
11 Jul 2019   #26
This way or another Chicago is free and will stay free even when US is no more.

Get lost with your weird messages already. Stop trolling the Chicago thread with incoherent posts.

Im sure you won't get any sort of warning for trolling this thread and the other 5 below it. Sad!!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
12 Jul 2019   #27
This way or another Chicago is free and will stay free even when US is no more.

Are you guys gonna pull a srebnica or Sarajevo in Chicago?

Short of that, I don't see any other way to clean up Chicago.

Dude the serbs have no power. Even the poles don't because they're overwhelming conservative so the Dems dont have much of a relationship aside from a token visit during taste of polonia. Poles are leaving the city in droves. It's kind of sad because all the areas that were majority polish are now like 90% Hispanic with only a few babcie left and the old neighborhood church.

Back in the day Belmont was a sea of red and white on may 3 with the young dudes doing sideshows in their ricers, everyone partying it was grea. The clubs used to packed every weekend with poles and the few odd Latinos hoping to grab a hot polish girls. Then it turned to like half and half. Now poles are a minority in the old areas - even Belmont, Jefferson Park, portage park all those old neighborhoods. Everyone moved to the suburbs, indiana, Wisconsin or other states and are scattered now. The only big gathering of poles now is the picnics in Yorkville but it's not the same because like everyone is a stranger. Back in the day people would like have drinks with you just bc ur Polish, dance together, hang out. Man I miss those times.
Joker  2 | 2464
12 Jul 2019   #28
picnics in Yorkville

Do you know of any Polish festivals this summer besides TOP? Ive heard of the fest in Yorkville, but haven't been to it. You say its a picnic, any good bands? I haven't visited TOP in a few years as well, and thinking about going this year before my trip back to PL
Crow  155 | 9736
12 Jul 2019   #29
Are you guys gonna pull a srebnica or Sarajevo in Chicago?

Only if elements provoke wrathful respond and start first to attack.

Dude the serbs have no power. Even the poles

Compare to Anglos we are titans. You heard Chinese Xi who nicely said how is Britain insignificant country. Man, one can speak better of African countries then of Britain. I know, you may say how is USA something else. And it is. US belong to us all. Chicago belong to Poles and to Serbs. Elements try some f*** there and they get quick respond. One Serbian and one Pole count as 20 hostiles. That much we are stronger. Better man, nicer woman, healthier.
Joker  2 | 2464
12 Jul 2019   #30
One Serbian and one Pole count as 20 hostiles.

Stop spamming our Chicago thread with your Serbian nonsense, again!

They already binned the rest of your crap earlier today and this new rhetoric has absolutely nothing to do with Poles or Chicago either!

Home / USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area

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