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Do Poles in the US come to Burningman?

mochadot18  18 | 242
28 Aug 2024 #1
Do you know anyone in Poland that comes to burning man?? Do people in Poland know and or talk about burningman?
Miloslaw  21 | 4867
28 Aug 2024 #2
Please enlighten us.Where is Burningman? Or are you a bit deaf?
28 Aug 2024 #3
Isn't it the satanist festival where all the filth and sodomy take place in the Nevada desert? There's no money they would pay me to go there. The 1969 Woodstock was a child's play compared to what they are doing there.
Feniks  1 | 485
28 Aug 2024 #4
It's held in the desert,I could be wrong but I think it;s some type of festival.
Miloslaw  21 | 4867
28 Aug 2024 #5
Isn't it the satanist festival where all the filth and sodomy take place in the Nevada desert?

Your words.How do you make a link with this weird and dangerous festival with Polish people?
28 Aug 2024 #6
I think Poles in the US aren't into that, I didn't refer to Poles but to the festival.
Miloslaw  21 | 4867
28 Aug 2024 #7
You are right it was @mochadot18 who did, when he asked;

Do people in Poland know and or talk about burningman?

He seems a bit weird to me...... but so many people on PF are!
Feniks  1 | 485
28 Aug 2024 #8
He seems a bit weird to me...

She. Mochadot isn't weird at all. She was a regular poster here years ago.

the satanist festival

Who says that it is? I've just read up about it and it doesn't sound like that to me at all.
Lenka  5 | 3534
29 Aug 2024 #9
Do you know anyone in Poland that comes to burning man??

Some celebrities go. I think not many regular Poles do.
jon357  73 | 22641
29 Aug 2024 #10
It's a really big music/arts festival and very popular. Quite leftfield. I'm not sure what music they play however it's been happening for decades and has its own traditions.

I think it can be quite expensive. Plus a lot of work since you have to prepare stuff well in advance. As far as I know, you can't just pitch up with a sleeping bag like at Glastonbury.

There are music festivals in PL of course, most of them very mainstream however there's one, somewhere north of Warsaw, which is the nearest thing to that. I forget its name.

satanist festival where all the filth and sodomy

Hard to know where you pulled that gem from.
29 Aug 2024 #11
Hell is big too. There are pictures from this "festival," I didn't look at them but they feature the Orgy Dome where anyone can have sex with anyone, they have beds ready for that, hundreds of people at the same time under a tent. The famous celebrities known for connections to satanism like Kate Perry and others attend it too. Poles, stay away from this.
jon357  73 | 22641
29 Aug 2024 #12
anyone can have sex with anyone,

Have you ever been to Blackpool during Glasgow Holiday Fortnight?

Katie Perry? I'd heard the name but wasn't sure who she was so had to google her. It said she's religious. Christian apparently.
29 Aug 2024 #13
I've never been there and don't want to be there. The mainstream media shapes the views, but it is usually a lie or propaganda. It takes an effort to find out the truth.
pawian  220 | 24927
29 Aug 2024 #14
Do people in Poland know and or talk about burningman?

No, they don`t. Why should they??? They only know Birmingham in the UK.

Ask Przelotny Ptak, he might have visited it on one of his hunting trips. You know, he got lost in the deep forest and suddenly walks out straight on Burnin sth.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 394
30 Aug 2024 #15
You know, he got lost in the deep forest and suddenly

Comprehension problems are constant in your postings. Total misunderstanding; that's the curs following your attempts at being funny. It's not a bad attempt in itself,
but it's missing accuracy. I didn't go deep into the forest and got lost. I went deep into the bush and lost my mind, experiencing immense pleasure. Do you see the difference?
Przelotnyptak1  - | 394
31 Aug 2024 #16
[qTrusia, also known as Pawian, realizes that his false stories about Ptak's hunting skills have had a negative impact. He is ashamed of his writing skills and is hiding in a shallow burrow, too ashamed to show his face.
pawian  220 | 24927
31 Aug 2024 #17
I didn't go deep into the forest I went deep into the bush

Stop lying! If you met the beaver which lives in the forest, you went to the forest!
Przelotnyptak1  - | 394
31 Aug 2024 #18
At least one time you come to the right conclusion, yes, yes I often dream of beaver my favorite fantasy
Miloslaw  21 | 4867
31 Aug 2024 #19
yes, yes I often dream of beaver my favorite fantasy

Pawian, "Beaver" has a completely different context in American Ptak's comment flew well over your head..... LOL!!!!!
Please research American English more, it is weirder than you might expect.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 394
1 Sep 2024 #20
Yeah, Milo, in the love-for-sale industry in not-so-distant Baltimore, ladies of the night were spreading the plague of crabs, so the authorities, as solution prescribed
shaving the pubic hair of the ladies of the night and calling them bodies..Prostitutes fourth bask by fashioning the pubic hair using the beaver pelts, that's where term beaver originates from. Did you get that, Pawian?
pawian  220 | 24927
1 Sep 2024 #21
has a completely different context in American English..

What, namely???


Stop telling us the story of your life in the US. It is disgusting.
Bobko  26 | 2170
1 Sep 2024 #22
Prostitutes fourth bask by fashioning the pubic hair using the beaver pelts

Virgin Mary, what did I just read?
pawian  220 | 24927
1 Sep 2024 #23
You just read expert`s memories. Ha!
jon357  73 | 22641
1 Sep 2024 #24
your life .... It is disgusting.

I've been saying that all along.

Beavers, bushes, pubes, prostitutes. He can't control himself...
Novichok  5 | 7666
1 Sep 2024 #25
In the meantime, as we race towrd WW3...

...or did it already start...
Przelotnyptak1  - | 394
1 Sep 2024 #26
Stop telling us the story of your life in the US. It is disgusti

It is impossible to relate the word's true meaning or original source when dealing with comprehension-deficient mediocrity. He gets disgusted, stumbling
upon mighty fine-looking muff.
pawian  220 | 24927
1 Sep 2024 #27

mud, would be a more accurate word to describe your sick activity here. Yes, we stumble over your disgusting mud all the time. Yuk!
Joker  2 | 2142
2 Sep 2024 #29
There are pictures from this "festival,"

Watch what happened to the blue haired weirdos last year..

Just like the great flood! LOL

Home / USA, Canada / Do Poles in the US come to Burningman?
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