Hey I was born in Poland my father is polish the other half unknown maybe like Jewish or Arab mixed some whacky ****. Anyway I saw a Christian disembodied hand more than 2 times . How do I get one? Things is pretty cool
What's up poles, anyone from Canada
Anyway I saw a Christian disembodied hand
Where did you see it?
I'm 15 mins from square one in Mississauga I saw it inside my Italian neighbours house he lives right across from me and I also saw it in a car while I was parked to convenience store two different people I assume
Wow, that's interesting.
They used to be traditional where I'm from and had a very specific use. Sometimes they turn up inside the walls of very old buildings. We call them the Hand of Glory.
They used to be traditional where I'm from and had a very specific use. Sometimes they turn up inside the walls of very old buildings. We call them the Hand of Glory.
Yea I checked and there is mention of it in the bible in book of Daniel, i trust in Jesus
What's up poles,
Poles and Polesses, if you please. Omitting Polesses isn`t the wisest thing to do in Poland - you can pay dearly for it. E.g. you can be put out to pasture. Like PIS bolsheviks.
A made up word
Stop azholing like Atch, jon. It is unhealthy. :):):)
As is your made up word. It doesn't exist.
Hey I was born in Poland my father is polish the other half unknown maybe like Jewish or Arab
What religion are you, if I may ask?
I'm Christian, with Muslim name.
Christian, with Muslim name.
Thank you but my choice is obvious, Islam is gay
It doesn't exist.
Really?? Then what we all can read here as Polesses is just your hallucination??? Amasing you admit to it so openly. What else do you see that doesn`t exist??? hahaha buhahahaha
we all can read here as Polesses is
A mistake and bad English
What else do you see that doesn`t exist
A forum that isn't daft
A mistake
Darling, this is the Polish forum, not British or American. Stop azholing. Polesses will remain even if you shytted your pants with desperation. hahahaha
It's in English.
Take a Valium.
Take a Valium.
Yes, darling, it is in English which is a living language and undergoes natural change like all languages. The new word Polesses was introduced into it in 2008 and has been used since then. Ha!!
What is Valium?? Your fave stuff, I suppose. :):)
What is Valium?? Your fave stuff, I suppose. :):)
natural change
And not unnatural change.
Your fave stuff, I suppose
You suppose too much though I once found an unused packet in PL.
I once found an unused packe
Not mine. :):):)
No, yours have a picture of a chimp on
a picture of a chimp on
Good! You have to start somewhere. From chimp to champ! Ha!!!
Mash with spring onions in?
I prefer it with leeks if anything.
dannytoro1 5 | 102
7 Apr 2024 #24
I was born here in Happy Valley.
Daily happenings
Daily happenings
Did you see polar bears every day?
dannytoro1 5 | 102
7 Apr 2024 #26
Oh no. They usually move down following the Seals. Then the move back north. Big Black Bears are the biggest problem. Big old dump bears always near town.
I hate this ignorant country (dictatorship called Canada) with all my body and souls, it robbed me of everything. :(
johnny reb 49 | 7888
11 May 2024 #28
Plus, it smells like smoke all summer.
That might be as much the result of yurts as easily as that of smoldering forest fires.