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18 and moving back from USA to Poland??

Patrycja K
1 May 2015   #1
Hi! So here's a little about myself:
I moved to the US when I was four years old (I'm 18 now), and have been living in NY ever since. Everything is great and all; I'm in college working on getting my bachelors etc etc, but there's something that keeps haunting me. All my life I've thought that living in the US was temporary and that someday I'd move back to Poland where most of my family lives. However, since that didn't happen when I was still a minor, it seems like now it it's up to me to make the decision, being a legal adult in charge of her own life and all. The problem of course is; what would I even do in Poland and would I be able to find a job? I've looked at similar questions posted by others and most of the answers are something like "Don't go back! There's no jobs here, especially if you don't have any experience!" Still, I can't seem to find a purpose in my life here, and I can't tell if that's a result of not being and living in my home country, or a variety of other reasons. By the way, going back to "visit and see how it is before you make the decision to move" isn't an option as I am undocumented. So my question is; what should I do- stay here, move back, or wait and finish my degree before coming back? Any advice is greatly appreciated!
terri  1 | 1661
1 May 2015   #2
Stay and finish your degree at least. Remember, unless you have something EXTRA to offer, you will be competing for jobs with better educated people who know the bureaucracy system in Poland. Unless you have that EXTRA factor - don't bother coming to Poland, except for an extended holiday.
jon357  72 | 23654
1 May 2015   #3
Agreed. Life isn't always easy in PL and there are lots of people chasing the same work. It's also a country which has high educational levels (in terms of the diplomas anyway, even though many of them are Mickey Mouse ones, employers still expect some sort of Magister) and a demographic spike around your age group. There's a reason people emigrate so often.

You might find the culture there (and the way people use language nowadays) to be not at all what you expect.

Terri's advice is right - complete your education over there and then think about it.
Polsyr  6 | 758
1 May 2015   #4
Agreed with Terri and Jon. However don't be afraid to come here for a summer holiday if you can afford it, just don't get stuck in the tourist mind set.
smurf  38 | 1940
1 May 2015   #5
Stay and finish your education.

However don't be afraid to come here for a summer holiday

She can't since she's an illegal in America and once she leaves she won't be allowed back in.

I think you'd be crazy to leave America tbh. Not being able to travel back there to see your loved ones in the future would be absolutely heartbreaking.

Good luck making your decision, but at the very least finish your education.
And be aware that wages in Poland are miserable compared to America and your purchasing power will probably be about 25-30% of what you'd expect from a job in America.

re: jobs, so long as you speak good Polish you'll be able to find a job. The employment rate is pretty good now (the official numbers aren't great, but many, many people work off the books, I reckon the actual unemployment rate in Poland is more like 4%, officially it's 7.8% [Feb 2015]). The problem though is that the jobs market is very competitive and there's almost always someone willing to do the same job as you for lower money.

Poland's a great country with a lot going for it, but being completely honest I would not move here for work. Why do you think so many educated and/or manual workers leave Poland? The answer is money.

Why are hardly any of them returning?
The same answer. Money

Why work in Poland for pittance when you can have the same job in the UK, Ireland, Norway, Spain, France etc. etc. for 3 or 4 or 5 times the wage?
1 May 2015   #6
Stay in the USA, finish your education, try to get US citizenship.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
1 May 2015   #7
before you make the decision to move" isn't an option as I am undocumented.

If you have lived in the United States for over ten years, have no arrests, can read and write English and pass a simple
immigrations test you're half way there.
(They even send you a DVD for the test with all the questions and answers on it)
I have no idea how you are going to college without a social security number.
You are going to HAVE TO get one to work, get a drivers license, pay your income taxes, ect. to live in the U.S.

So it seems to me that you have no option regardless if you go back to Poland or not to get your U.S. citizenship.

Right now is a very good time to apply as it is easier then ever.
The application fee is $680 and takes about a year of jumping thru their hoops.
I just in the last month helped one of my freinds get theirs so if you have any questions p.m. and I will be glad to help you.

Good luck girl.
DominicB  - | 2706
1 May 2015   #8
I have no idea how you are going to college without a social security number.

Even illegal aliens can get social security numbers in the US since 2012, and there are more than half a million undocumented aliens with social security numbers. The Social Security Administration does not report them to the INS. Having a social security has no effect on resident or immigration status.

Read about it here:
johnny reb  49 | 8003
1 May 2015   #9
Even illegal aliens can get social security numbers in the US since 2012

You are totally correct as the person I helped had a green card and was documented.
Thank you for clearing that part up D.
Polsyr  6 | 758
1 May 2015   #10
She can't since she's an illegal in America

Ops missed the "undocumented" part. Get yourself "documented" before you do anything.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
1 May 2015   #11
That is the part I don't understand.
How did she move to the U.S. without being documented ?
U.S. Immigrations would have a record of her embarkment from Poland.
Something isn't copesetic but not to say it's any major problem.
Polsyr  6 | 758
1 May 2015   #12
She probably means she stayed beyond the validity of her visa.
1 May 2015   #13
Doesn't she qualify for the DREAM act?
1 May 2015   #14
OP sounds like she can get conditional residency permit for 6 years under the dream act and apply for permanent residency afterwards.After her obtaining conditional residence she should go to Poland and check it out herself for couple of months so she can go back if she doesnt like it there.
smurf  38 | 1940
1 May 2015   #15
How did she move to the U.S. without being documented ?

go there on a holiday visa and 'miss' the flight home.
Crow  155 | 9715
1 May 2015   #16
Leaving USA?

good for you. USA is totally crazy. Poland is better for decent life
sledz  23 | 2247
4 May 2015   #17
It sounds like fiction, another story created to discredit America....Nice try, Tally HO!!
4 May 2015   #18
Sounds like you have used the temporary excuse to kid yourself. Get on with living, your parents went there for a reason.. Ask them and there will be your answer.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
3 Apr 2021   #19

Im glad I dont live in the USA anymore

look at this **** another one or company bites the dust on twitter and expresses some big support or political statement n twotter about transexuals and gays it is so behind. Is it just the gaming industry or are all usa companies like this now? And do you guys see this trend coming to polwnd too where they openly talk about gays trannies or politics on their twitter feeds?

oh and its hilarious how their reply to people like Christian or non liberal left gamers is oh this is our company twitter and we all stabd behind the statement go to our destine or some game twitter wnd buy our **** please:

is this the majority of gamers or something now or all Americans or how does this **** make people buy their games or make them money alienwting Christians or those against gays and trannies? Oh and its literally every us game company now same with the black lives matter crap but again is it just USA or is this worldwide outside of Poland and guys like iron guys?

Home / USA, Canada / 18 and moving back from USA to Poland??

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