Did she work as an actress over here (the US), and, more importantly, did she use her Polish name?
She used Modjeska and she was famous and acclaimed for her Shakespearean roles though she spoke with heavy accent. There is Modjeska Street in LA.
Woodrow Wilson - 28th President of the US of A. he directive for an independent Poland in his 14 Points
Yes. He insisted on the creation of independent Poland with sea access. It was point 13. Lucky one.
The posterboy of leftist elitism. A disaster of a President-- he's in Obama's company of terrible Presidents, IMHO.
Oops, I am sorry, I didn`t intend to annoy you so much.
So even in partitioned Poland not all decisions resulted from political reasons. Simple, isn't it? :-)
Of course. But, it has always been obvious that one of her reasons for going abroad were her battles with Russian censors. Read about it on Wiki entry on the Russian director of State Theatre at the time
Your suggestion is mentioned too -
frictions in her theatre team. After it, "disheartened by Russian censorship."
E,g, Russian rulers didn`t allow her to play Lady Macbeth in 1874, 3 years before emigration. Read about it in an online book
Modrzejewska. Życie w odsłonach by Szczublewski. Google it because those online books have very long addresses.
Will you agree that censorship can be a political reason? I chose it as an important one, while you rejected it. Rightly? I doubt it.
Which reason was crucial - political or artistic, or both were equal, is a subject for a longer debate which would soon become boring so why don`t we move on.
Who is that woman? Very active before her retirement.
