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Can Americans Travel To Poland After JUN 16, 2020?

Videobroker  11 | 22
10 Jun 2020   #1
The American U.S. Embassy in Warsaw published this: Updates on movement restrictions announced by the Polish government:
The suspension of international passenger air travel has been extended through June 16. Poland's border restrictions have been extended through June 12. Domestic passenger flights began again on June 1.

I wonder how reliable this is before booking a ticket. If they change the date to July 1, for example, it's a royal pain in the rear end to reschedule flights or get refunds.
Miloslaw  22 | 5217
10 Jun 2020   #2
Right now I would not be planning any foreign holdays at all.
2020 is over...... and maybe 2021 too..... anyone going abroad on holiday now,is nuts....
Joker  2 | 2455
10 Jun 2020   #3
anyone going abroad on holiday now,is nuts....

I might be going for 6 weeks, just in time for a coal fired

However, im hoping for next spring. April/May, would be ideal:)
OP Videobroker  11 | 22
10 Jun 2020   #4
I guess you are right. I was planning a trip there but it's insane. Dates can change, rules can change, we can get stuck there and not be able to catch a flight back and no one is confirming whether if such thing happens, if they will extend the free visa for another 90 days. Like the poster above said, I think 2020 is over for transatlantic travels and safety. Besides, what fun would it be if most stores are closed and the general fun is over too?
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Jun 2020   #5
Dates can change, rules can change,

Very much so. The situation here in Poland is very fluid now; the first wave hasn't peaked yet. News from America suggests that it's far from over and changing fast.

not be able to catch a flight back

This has happened to me. Fortunately I'm at home since I live here, however I need to be somewhere else at the moment and can't get there (and would need to go into quarantine if I did).

what fun would it be if most stores are closed and the general fun is over too?

It feels very strange here right now. Things are open however people aren't going out.
Joker  2 | 2455
10 Jun 2020   #6
t. I was planning a trip there but it's insane.

I just checked LOT and input dates from Chicago to Krakow and its only $235 this is an insane low price!

It only jumps up to around $300 next March. I would book right now, if I knew the dates for sure.

stuck there and not be able to catch a flight

My wife family lives there, so I'm not too worried if sth happens and I have to stay longer, but I rather wait until next year.

Let everything get back to normal first.👍🏻

if most stores are closed and the general fun is over too?

It won't be fun right now, not for tourism

Im still boggling over the air fares, never has been this LOW😬

  • lot.jpg
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Jun 2020   #7
never has been this LOW

There's only one possible reason. Very low demand.
Lazarus  3 | 364
10 Jun 2020   #8
they will extend the free visa for another 90 days.

And the taxes?
Joker  2 | 2455
10 Jun 2020   #9
Prices wont stay this low very long. If you know your exact dates, its time to purchase.

I wonder if you can still buy refundable ticket, its cost a little bit more.
OP Videobroker  11 | 22
11 Jun 2020   #10
NEVER MIND... JUNE flights are all cancelled. Nothing cheap from Chicago to Warsaw one-way or round trip that I can see.

  • this
OP Videobroker  11 | 22
11 Jun 2020   #11
International air traffic suspension
Due to the unstable situation on international aviation markets and numerous travelling restrictions related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus during the pandemic, Management of LOT Polish Airlines decided to extend the suspension of air services. International LOT passenger flights scheduled until June 30th 2020 have been cancelled.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
11 Jun 2020   #12
Plenty of other airlines flying into Poland all summer. Prices are great now, but starting in August prices are way up. Visit or not, the borders will be open, just as they have been with flights in and out of Warsaw all the time.
OP Videobroker  11 | 22
11 Jun 2020   #13
Borders opening finally! 6 days!

Home / USA, Canada / Can Americans Travel To Poland After JUN 16, 2020?

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