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American wanting to move to Poland from USA - how hard is it?

Alien  25 | 6397
1 Mar 2025   #31
Average 79.46

It's a miracle anyway... considering what they eat.
Novichok  4 | 8485
1 Mar 2025   #32
According to available data, a 70-year-old male in countries like Japan, Switzerland, and South Korea can expect to live the longest, with a life expectancy around 84.

On average, a 70-year-old man in the United States can expect to live to 85 years old.

pawian  226 | 27475
1 Mar 2025   #33
a 70-year-old man in the United States can expect to live to 85

Exactly not. Only 77. Ha!!!

You are a noble exception. We are so lucky to have you here. Ha!! Thank you for everything.

considering what they eat

Yes, for example they eat the so called "Polish" hot dog which has never lain next to original Polish sausage. They should call it Russian hot dog to please that Golden Cow Trump.
Novichok  4 | 8485
1 Mar 2025   #34
Exactly not. Only 77. Ha!!!

No, azzhole...

77 includes acts of violence, car accidents, childhood diseases and everything else.

85 if you reach 70. Then the US is as any other country in the top 10.
pawian  226 | 27475
1 Mar 2025   #35
77 includes

Darling, we don`t care what you include into your daydreaming. 77 is 77. Simple. Like 44 is 44. Ha!!!
Alien  25 | 6397
1 Mar 2025   #36
85 if you reach 70

You can't count like that. Many men die before they reach 70.
Novichok  4 | 8485
1 Mar 2025   #37
Many men die before they reach 70.

...most if they do stupid things ...

In fact, people who drink, smoke, and do other stupid things like that are doing the rest of us a favor when they die earlier.

SK has the longest life span and the highest suicide rate ...equal to Russia's and Lithuania's ...Duh! Now what?

But that is not your slimy point.

Your slimy point is that the US as a country is worse that some shltholes in Europe.

To quote JR and God: We all have free will to be stupid.

Ptak would comment: Is it the best you got??????????? hahahaha buhahaha

Novi would comment: That's the best you deserve.
pawian  226 | 27475
1 Mar 2025   #38

Summary for this unusually long post, please. 1 sentence max.
Joker  2 | 2374
2 Mar 2025   #39
. 1 sentence max.

Its all your feeble mind is able to comprehend, we get it youre a bit slow in the head.
pawian  226 | 27475
2 Mar 2025   #40
we get it youre a bit slow

In my slow country life which sometimes assumes sudden accelaration, I don`t have time to read all bs by confirmed mentals. Who pays me for that??? Nobody.
So, Pimpek, either you provide a summary or look for naive readers of your biggerish (sic!) somewhere else.

Home / USA, Canada / American wanting to move to Poland from USA - how hard is it?

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