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What Airline do you take to Poland from Chicago?

Klicka83  2 | 1
17 Sep 2017   #1
United Lot or what
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Sep 2017   #2
Turkish Airlines is the cheapest at about $550.
For an extra $100 or so you can fly LOT non-stop.
In fact I think LOT is the only airlines that does a non-stop from ORD for about $675.
Joker  2 | 2447
17 Sep 2017   #3
LOT has their own terminal at O`Hare, less hassle.
17 Sep 2017   #4
LOT has their own terminal at O`Hare

No, it really does not. Go have a look some day.

United Lot or what

Probably LOT, but only because their flight is non-stop. I'd certainly have a look at Skyscanner to see what deals were available.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Sep 2017   #5
Go have a look some day.

How many times have you physically been in O'Hare Joker ?
How many times have you physically been in O'Hare Harry ?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Sep 2017   #6
No, it really does not.

I wonder why LOT would need their own terminal for one or two flights a day.
17 Sep 2017   #7
How many times have you physically been in O'Hare Harry ?

More than enough times to know that LOT do not have their own terminal there.

They don't even have their own terminal at their main base, Warsaw Chopin.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Sep 2017   #8
They don't even have their own terminal at their main base, Warsaw Chopin.

Do they even have their own gates? I've been in transit through Okecię a few times and never seen any logic to the gate allocations.

As for LOT in Chicago.

Posts 18/19. LOL. Don't even have their own gates at ORD, let alone their own terminal.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Sep 2017   #9
Posts 18/19. LOL. Don't even have their own gates at ORD,

Jan 17, 2010, post #18

Jan 18, 2010, post #19

Eight year old information ?
You can do better, maybe e-mail them and ask.
Then we can get back on topic.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Sep 2017   #10
So in fact, what we have here is an admission that LOT at ORD:

a) do not have their own terminal
b) do not have their own gates

I thought so.
Joker  2 | 2447
17 Sep 2017   #11
I thought so.

Ok, you have to walk out to the tarmac and climb up a ladder at O`

How many times have you been there?????

Enlighten us with you infinite wisdom about Chicago`s airports
Ironside  51 | 13083
17 Sep 2017   #12
So in fact, what we have here is an admission that LOT at ORD:

What are talking about. If you look for LOT you can always find it - terminal 5.
Are you trolling?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Sep 2017   #13
Doesn't mean that it's their own terminal.
Ironside  51 | 13083
17 Sep 2017   #14
I knew you were trolling - you know very well what he meant.
Joker  2 | 2447
17 Sep 2017   #15
I happen to call the corridor you have to walk through to get to the plane "the terminal" Sorry, if that isn't the correct terminology, but these 2 trolls know fully well what I was talking about. Its just more proof of their abuse and bullying on this forum!

United Lot or what

Im sorry you have to deal with such infantile posters on this forum.

I would definitely go with LOT because they fly non stop to Poland.

I used another carrier once and was laid over at Heathrow for 6 hours, not fun:(

Just fly with LOT its A LOT easier!! LoL
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Sep 2017   #16
That's the first time I've ever heard anyone referring to a corridor as a terminal, unless you're speaking about some of the airports Ryanair used to fly to back in the day.

Just fly with LOT its A LOT easier!! LoL

I'd avoid LOT at all costs, they've got horrendous problems with delays.
Joker  2 | 2447
17 Sep 2017   #17
I knew you were trolling - you know very well what he meant.

The guy just doesn't stop trolling Ironside. Notice how he always has to have the last word?

I feel sorry for the OP

I hope they ban the troll soon!

Back to the topic please
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Sep 2017   #18
Its just more proof of their abuse and bullying on this forum!

That is because they are ignorant to American terminology.
Take Atlanta's has five "Concourses" that we commonly call terminals.
Someone from Europe would not be indoctrinated to such terminology.
In Atlanta the Concourses are A-B-C-D-E which are all connected by an underground tram.
If you were to ask ANYONE (American) in that airport where "terminal" D was they would know you were talking about "Concourse" D.
The Eurps are not savvy to our lingo as much as I am not when Roz pops off with Brit terminologies that I have never heard before.

I had a horrible time trying to explain to an Auzzie on here one time that I could walk into an automotive parts store and ask for a timing chain or a timing belt and I would be handed the same part for the year and model of car that I gave them.

Harry and delph however are not savvy to American terminology and enjoy bullying people like they did above by splitting hairs not understanding that 'we' knew EXACTLY what 'we Americans' were talking about very clearly.

Or as we say here down south, "C-ya'll".
jon357  72 | 23654
17 Sep 2017   #19
Do they even have their own gates? I've been in transit through Okecię a few times and never seen any logic to the gate allocations.

There's some. Aside from the Schengen/non-Schengen thing, they sometimes try to put the cheap 'n' nasties on the front gates near the non-Schengen barrier. Ones that aren't too tight to pay for a finger go on the gates on the other side, Germanwings flights go on the mid gate, LOT and KLM slightly higher up, domestics on the low-numbered gates. This is just a basic description of what they did the last dozen or so times I was there this year, they change allocations as per need - sometimes they allocate a gate you don't expect, for whatever reason.
jon357  72 | 23654
17 Sep 2017   #20
Just a quickie. A lot depends on the size of the plane, i.e. how many people are going to be waiting for it, as well as the routine mainainance of the fingers - they like to rotate them.

For non-Schengen, some destinations have extra security requirements and tend to go on the furthest 2 gates at Okecie, others. e.g. to the UK tend to be at the nearer non-Schengen gates,

They also like passengers for richer destinations to have to walk past as many airport shops as possible.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Sep 2017   #21
I've never been into the non-Schengen part, though I see they were extending the exit controls last time I was there. I'll have a look again in a couple of weeks when I have to transit through Okęcie on a domestic connection (going to Rzeszów, much quicker to fly), though the endless hassle with the Dash-8's on internal flights really annoys the hell out of me.
17 Sep 2017   #22
they change allocations as per need

Exactly. LOT do not have their own gates at Warsaw airport, just as they do not have their own jetways or their own terminal. The idea that they have their own jetways at Chicago airport is almost as laughable as the idea of them having their own terminal there. The OP would do well to take advice only from people who have actually flown.

the Dash-8's on internal flights

I can't stand those things. LOT sometimes use them on the Prague route and I hate each flight on them.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Sep 2017   #23
I can't stand those things. LOT sometimes use them on the Prague route and I hate each flight on them.

I like them, but the baggage restrictions and the need to take a bus to/from the terminal winds me up every time. I don't think I've managed yet to take a flight that wasn't delayed in some way with them.

I'm fond of LOT's Embraer's though, and I wish they'd get more to use on domestic flights.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Sep 2017   #24
Harry and delph however are not savvy to American terminology and not understanding that 'we' knew EXACTLY what 'we Americans' were talking about very clearly.

Maybe this will help you Eurps get it.
I just called O'Hare and the call went like this......

O'Hare> thank you for calling Chicago's O'Hare, how may I direct your call ?
Johnny Reb> Would you be kind enough to connect me with the LOT Terminal please
O'Hare> one moment please
Johnny Reb> sigh
O'Hare> This is the LOT terminal, how may I be of help ?
Johnny Reb> Just a quick question or two, does LOT always use this terminal ?
O'Hare> Yes they do, that would be terminal 5.
Johnny Reb> And which gate do they use ?
O'Hare> That would be gate M7 sir.
Johnny Reb> Thank you mam, you have been a tremendous help.

So my Eurp friends, that is the terminology American's use.
I hope you get it this time around so we don't have to listen to you repeat yourselves.
Oh, and here is the Polish airlines website referring to the LOT Terminal.
See how LOT refers it to their terminal !
Since you don't live here to understand our lingo, debate your hearts out on how laughable we are as we laugh back at ya.
17 Sep 2017   #25
that is the terminology American's use.

Yes, we're aware of how the word 'terminal' is used. The point is that your young friend claimed LOT have "their own terminal at O`Hare", which is a laughably ignorant claim to make.

here is the Polish airlines website referring to the LOT Terminal.

Top top for you, jimmy, if you do ever decide to visit Poland, you'll find that the website for the Polish airline is, not

Bonus top tip: Polish websites use the .pl suffix.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Sep 2017   #26
Top top for you

Don't invent phone calls, for a start.

Still, according to the website he posted - Terminal 5 is also the Aer Lingus terminal as well as many others. So, it's clearly not the LOT terminal, not least because LOT only fly once or twice a day from there.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Sep 2017   #27
we're aware of how the word 'terminal' is used.

Sure doesn't sound like it.

here is the Polish airlines website referring to the LOT Terminal.

Again Harry, we are talking about O'Hare LOT terminal and LOT website in the U.S.A. but I know how you like to argue that the flower was pink and not rose.

So, it's clearly not the LOT terminal,

Sure it is silly.
Then why does O'Hare refer to it as the LOT terminal and why does LOT's website refer to it as their terminal ??????
Again and again and again, you are ignorant to our terminology and just want to argue.
Joker  2 | 2447
17 Sep 2017   #28
Dude, The Brit Bully club is trying to bait you! Everyone knows these are just trolling jerks with nothing going on in real life.

I'm fond of LOT's Embraer's though, and I wish they'd get more to use on domestic flights.

Im sure your budget won't let you fly internationally and you still don't know anything about what happens in Chicago.
Btw, its almost 1:00am in Poland, I thought you had to teach children in the morning or is the job fictitious just like the rest of your stories?

The point is that your young friend claimed LOT have "their own terminal at O`Hare", which is a laughably ignorant claim to make.

Liar! What do you know about O`hare. Im sure you never have been there or just talking out your a$$ as usual?

Dont listen to these British Trolls, they hate America and Poland. Ive flown on LOT from O`hare on several occasions and never had an issue.

It`s not the best customer service, but they get you there, and better yet, you avoid all of Britain! As you can probably tell what a nasty treacherous lot they are.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
17 Sep 2017   #29
Most of the time LOT.. Sometimes Lufthansa. Never had issues with either and I've been on dozens of LOT flights

Terminal 5 is all international flights at ohare not just lot and I believe there's some 30 gates for international

Lot currently uses the dreamliner for flights from Chicago to Warsaw. Good entertainment but seats are very cramped if you're a taller person like me. Your knees will hate you
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
17 Sep 2017   #30
Also every time I've flown from Chicago to Warsaw to Wroclaw Lot was the cheapest with Lufthansa and sas close behind it. I've paid as little as $600 (trip in late Jan/early feb) to as much as around $1800 (most recent trip like 2 3 months ago) for a round trip ticket on Lot.

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