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Getting job in U.S. with Polish degree

clifborder4fm  20 | 35
5 Mar 2013   #1
Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone had experience with looking for a job in the U.S. with a degree from Poland? I got my bachelors of arts in the U.S. and then went to Polska to get my masters in business management from a wyzsza szkola (wsb). Anyway I am going to be finishing up soon and will have to come home and was wondering what a job search will look like for me with a Polish degree and how potential employers might view it.

pgtx  29 | 3094
5 Mar 2013   #2
Evaluate your Polish diploma when you get back to the US.
Monitor  13 | 1810
6 Mar 2013   #3
I don't know personally, by doubt that Polska Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu is worth anything in time of high unemployment in USA. It seams that to get good job in corporation it's better to graduate some highly ranked uni and private polish universities even in Poland have low reputation. (except of maybe few exceptions)
OP clifborder4fm  20 | 35
6 Mar 2013   #4
Thanks for the feedback guys. My school does have a partnership with NL University in Chicago so they recognize it so that might help. How should I go about evaluating my diploma?

I think it might be important just to land a solid internship and go from there.
mjd  2 | 3
15 Mar 2013   #5
So you are an American with an American BA and a Polish business degree?

This reminds me of when we hired an American with an American BSEE and a British degree in the history of science. We wondered why in the world he had gone to the UK to study the history of science instead of getting an engineering job right away. We hired him on the strength of his bachelor's degree and considered his British degree to be a type of personal development experience.

Similarly, a US employer will wonder why you went to Poland to study business when American business schools are world-class. So you will have to provide a narrative that hangs together, that will make going to Poland to study business seem an obvious choice.What unique strengths and skills did you gain?
phtoa  9 | 236
15 Mar 2013   #6
will look like for me with a Polish degree and how potential employers might view it.

In my opinion this is a huge strength.
The school might not have been close to as good as many American business schools, but going abroad taking your MBA shows that your a go getta who can get sh*it done on his own.

Huge American corporation off course will not take this into consideration, but who want's to work for them anyways?
Start out with some smaller business to gain some experience.
ufo973  10 | 88
15 Mar 2013   #7
Why you people don't try to change the situation in your home country, kick your soviet era mentality, corrupt leader's asses? Every 2nd Poles you meet has already frasturated and packed his stuff to leave his dearest families and friends and go to work in another country o.O
15 Mar 2013   #8
Every 2nd Poles you meet has already frasturated and packed his stuff to leave his dearest families and friends and go to work in another country

No truth there at all, but then I do live in Poland....
OP clifborder4fm  20 | 35
18 Mar 2013   #9
Phtoa and MJD, both you guys make a good point.

@MJD, yes it would look better to get a degree from an American university, but again depends on the employer. My logic is that if I am going to study international business it might be wise to go outside the U.S. to get that degree. I did do some thinking and discussing with friends and family and right now after I recieve my M.A. I would have to spend another year and a half of schooling going for my American MBA but the economy seems a little too uncertain right now..

@Phtoa, ya thanks. Its actually just a M.A. but if I continue another year and a half like mentioned, I could get my American MBA...

Regardless I have alot of thinking to do. Just at that point where I want to quit studying and start working already :P
phtoa  9 | 236
19 Mar 2013   #10
@Phtoa, ya thanks.

Aha got ya buddy.
So why don't you just stay in Poland once you finish, for a year or two and gather some work experience before returning to the states?
mjd  2 | 3
19 Mar 2013   #11
A similar idea: do a "stage" or internship as part of your program. All the Eurotypes I've known have done this. Then you have some work experience on your resume.

Further, such internships must be more common and thus easier to get in Europe than here. Try to make some accomplishments you can brag about to a future employer.
20 Dec 2023   #12
I graduated from university of business and economics wroclaw, Im planning on doing masters degree in sweden or any other european country. Is it possible for me to find a job in america / Im not polish.
Novichok  4 | 8485
20 Dec 2023   #13
Im planning on doing masters degree in sweden

When you are in Sweden, ask how their Somalis contributed to the Swedish economy. I hear that refugees are a boost and an asset.
Alien  25 | 6397
20 Dec 2023   #14
, ask how their Somalis contributed to the Swedish economy

Well, they are doctors and engineers.

Home / USA, Canada / Getting job in U.S. with Polish degree

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