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Cigarettes reach nine dollars a pack in New York

krysia  23 | 3058
20 Aug 2009   #31
second hand smoke kills more children than a pathfinder
pgtx  29 | 3094
20 Aug 2009   #32
children shouldn't hang out in bars then... ;)
LAGirl  9 | 496
22 Aug 2009   #33
Thats true Krysia and PGTX. keep kids away from smokeand they will be fine and healthy.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 Aug 2009   #34
What do fags cost in Poland at present? Are Popualrne still produced? And Carmen, Caro, Extra Mocne?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
23 Aug 2009   #35
Are Popualrne still produced? And Carmen, Caro, Extra Mocne?

I haven't seen Carmen for quite some time. I'm not sure about the others.
beckski  12 | 1609
5 Sep 2009   #36
keep kids away from smokeand they will be fine and healthy

I've been looking at many children's book lately, both old and new copies. I'm thinking if obtaining a teaching credential in elementary school education.

To my surprise, many of the older books showed scenes of daddy smoking a pipe. He was shown smoking while working around the lawn, also during a leisure moment of relaxation. One edition even showed a small child bringing papa his smoking pipe for him; quite pathetic imo.

Looks like tobacco is here to stay.
LAGirl  9 | 496
7 Sep 2009   #37
Hi agreed Becski lately I been seeing these dumb retarded stupid mothers smoking near their babies. today I saw a women smoking while strolling her two kids how stupid can women be to do that.
beckski  12 | 1609
7 Sep 2009   #38
I been seeing these dumb retarded stupid mothers smoking near their babies.

What's even worse is when you see a pregnant mother lighting up a smoke. She demonstrates lack of concern for her unborn baby.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
7 Sep 2009   #39
Over here in Ireland, cigarettes undergo an increase in price a few times per year, the past year being the worst. The brand that I smoke cost exactly a year ago € 6,95 and through several price-increases it's now € 8,15. And this is a cheaper brand. Regular brands cost by now about € 8,55 (app. 12 bucks). But as soon as the government needs more money, they probably will increase the price again. And again. They can do so under the pretence that it's bad for your health and by making it more expensive they will discourage ppl to smoke. While this is true, they just use it to get more tax-income. They need to finance the billions they promised the banks to save their *sses after scr*wing up, don't they?

M-G (time for an Irish strike)
LAGirl  9 | 496
10 Sep 2009   #40
Thats is very true Beckski thats what my mother did to can women be stupid and they have babies?
kielbasa84  - | 6
21 Sep 2009   #41
HAHA I just bought a pack of Winstons here in Portland, OR for $4.60. No time to quit....just move!
richasis  1 | 409
27 May 2010   #42

We SHOULD legalize marijuana, however that will probably never happen because the feds would have no way of controlling it.

Sorry to dredge up an old topic, but here's a story that was published at about the time of this thread:

If Pot Prevented Cancer You Would Have Read About It, Right?

Two just-published studies assessing adults' risk of cancer have reported wildly divergent, and fairly extraordinary, outcomes. One study you may have read about. The other has been ignored entirely by the mainstream media. But no doubt the results of both will surprise you.

First, the study you may have heard of. Writing August 3 in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, investigators at McGill University in Montreal reported that moderate alcohol consumption -- defined as six drinks or fewer per week -- by adults is positively associated with an elevated risk of various cancers, including stomach cancer, rectal cancer, and bladder cancer.

And now for the study you haven't heard of. Writing in the August issue of the journal Cancer Prevention Research, investigators from Rhode Island's Brown University, along with researchers at Boston University, Louisiana State University, and the University of Minnesota reported that lifetime marijuana use is associated with a "significantly reduced risk" of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Oct 2019   #43
Cigarettes reach nine dollars a pack in New York

That`s good. How much today?
How many Americans make their own cigarettes like my friend who had used a manual cig machine for years until his son bought him an electrical one?
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Oct 2019   #45
Wow! Nearly 50% rise during 9 years. Is it inflation or anti tobacco policy?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
12 Oct 2019   #46
How many Americans make their own cigarettes

...and write their obituary? Zero.
How many would give all they have for just one more year...
PolishGirlThief  5 | 18
13 Oct 2019   #47
Cigarettes in Nigeria costs around 0.80 cents at the most, some brands are even cheaper. I came to Poland with 20 packs and my wife did the same. She doesn't smoke though.
Sylvio  19 | 154
13 Oct 2019   #48
Smokers tend to be more sociable, and are easier to start a conversation with a stranger. I sense that the battle against smoking isn't about health only about how it alters attitudes. Studies of such matters are stricktly forbidded, but I notice that very few smokers are found among any street protesters, vigilanties or political hot heads. And, there is also the origin of tabocco smoking, among North American indians, where it predesposed tribesmen for peace, in smoking the so called "peace pipe.
Joker  2 | 2447
13 Oct 2019   #49
Smokers tend to be more sociable, and are easier to start a conversation with a stranger

What a load of rubbish your post is. Are you actually condoning ppl to start smoking?

I notice that very few smokers are found among any street protesters, vigilanties or political hot heads.

If everyone smoked cigarettes we would have world peace? Perhaps, you're talking about weed instead of cigs?

North American indians, where it predesposed tribesmen for peace, in smoking the so called "peace pipe.

Right, this stereotype won't help your cause...balwan!
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Oct 2019   #50
Funny observations, Sylvio. :):) Unfortunately, most are failed or useless.
TheOther  6 | 3596
13 Oct 2019   #51
very few smokers are found among any street protesters, vigilanties or political hot heads

Depends what you smoke... :)
Sylvio  19 | 154
14 Oct 2019   #52
I guess you guys arn't smokers. I rest my case.
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Oct 2019   #53
I am not. When I smell smoke or a smoker, I sometimes turn away and leave coz the stink of some brands is awful to me. That is why I said that your observations are failed, e.g,. the one about social advantages of smoking. For me - fully antisocial. Apart from physical disgust, I tend to view smokers as weak people who are unable to cope with their addiction. Who wants to make friends with addicts who smell? Only other addicts. :):)

PS. My one old friend who smokes doesn`t do it in my presence but goes away. :):)
Joker  2 | 2447
14 Oct 2019   #54
I guess you guys arn't smokers.

I used to smoke. Its a really nasty habit and Im glad I was able to quit, It was one of the hardest things I ever did! Having said that. The stench of cigs really bothers me now, but when ppl smoke weed it actually smells good and doesn't bother me at all:)

I tend to view smokers as weak people who are unable to cope with their addiction

Society has become extremely negative towards smokers. They changed the laws so you can't smoke in a Pub and the patrons have to go outside and stand in an alley durning the middle of winter. You cant smoke at sporting events or concerts anymore, even when it is outside. The worst insulting thing Ive seen was recently at Chopin airport, where smokers were confined inside this glass looking vestibule, just standing there, puffing away with this big cloud of smoke hanging above them. If you didn't have any cigs you could just walk in there and get a fix...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
15 Oct 2019   #55
The walls and the ceilings in our house turned yellow.
Joker  2 | 2447
15 Oct 2019   #56
I seen that before and also a 1976 Chevy Monte Carlo with white interior, turned yellow and he had yellow fingers too.

  • VintageHealthyCiga.jpg
pawian  226 | 27817
15 Oct 2019   #57
but when ppl smoke weed it actually smells good and doesn't bother me at all:)

Do you join to share a joint?

The walls and the ceilings in our house turned yellow.

You don`t smoke so who? Your wife?
Bobko  27 | 2215
17 Mar 2023   #58

It is 2023, and now a pack of Marlboro Reds (the only cigarettes for real men) in NYC costs $16-18.

It seems bad... but in Sydney, Australia it's close to $30.

On the one hand, I'm happy for NY's budget, which must be bursting from tobacco tax revenues (right? surely this policy could not result in interstate contraband?). On the other hand, I'm worried that eventually people will get fed up and stop smoking altogether. We will lose an entire culture then.

How will I explain to my grandkids, what it meant to light a cigarette for a beautiful stranger? How you would cup your hands, just so, to shield the flame. The eyes meeting, and a conversation effortlessly started. Yes, it will be sad when this is gone.

We're already always on our phones, and without cigarettes people will just stop talking to each other - period.
jon357  72 | 23654
17 Mar 2023   #59
How will I explain to my grandkids,

Pack in smoking and you'll have longer with them to explain.

We will lose an entire culture then.

A (sometimes literally) short-lived one. Cigarettes haven't been around for long. My great-grandparents smoked clay pipes.

The social aspect is the only good thing about smoking. Better to create something to replace it with. Mjnd you, the social aspect now seems to be huddling outside in the rain behind an office, or vaping surrepticiuously in a stairwell.
Alien  26 | 6527
17 Mar 2023   #60
light a cigarette for a beautiful stranger?

Hey Bobi, smoking is out, now is aid to Ukraine in.✈

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