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Cigarettes reach nine dollars a pack in New York

nunczka  8 | 457
3 Apr 2009   #1
In an attempt to deter people to stop smoking,a 65 cent tax was added to a pack of cigarettes.. But now, if people stop smoking, . Where is that lost revenue from tax money going to come from? Is alcohol next

Should Marijuana be legalizes?
still_wisher  7 | 97
3 Apr 2009   #2
the same is happening in poland !!:( the prices this morning became higher !! it's a good way to stop smoking ! ppl will just go for cheaper then cheaper till they will smok shit !!
scotjock  1 | 40
3 Apr 2009   #3
Average price in UK is about £5-60..
sledz  23 | 2247
3 Apr 2009   #5
$9.00 in Chicago but a new state and federal tax is coming that will make it close to $11
It would be a good time to quit:)

Should Marijuana be legalizes?

Why not then they can tax that also
beckski  12 | 1609
3 Apr 2009   #6
Coworkers buy their cigs in cartons at smokeshops. Depending on the brands, the average cost is $5.00+ per pack.

Over the wknd I saw them for sale at a local casino for $7.00 per pack. I'm sure the price has probably gone up since then.
plk123  8 | 4119
3 Apr 2009   #7
Is alcohol next

they are definitely considering this in my area.. the state is losing revenue since the unemployment line is so long.. my state is also considering other taxes to bail out certain things which i am 100% against but they're going to do whatever the hell they want.. it'll only add to the issues facing the state already.. they are all a bunch of fokers.

Should Marijuana be legalizes?

i still don't think that's going to happen.. the fed just won't pursue those laws for the next 4 years.. and so the states will just continue what they do.. some allow it some don't..

Why not then they can tax that also

yup and the criminal element would also be minimized.. waste of tax dollars spent on mj crime would be reversed and hopefully put to better use.. but that's all a pipe dream, imho.
Davey  13 | 388
5 Apr 2009   #8
$13 where I live...=/
beckski  12 | 1609
17 Aug 2009   #9
Today I went to a different casino, with my parental unit. Neither of us smoke, buy I'm surprised to see that cigs are still priced @ $7.00 per pack.
Dice  15 | 452
17 Aug 2009   #10
Seriously, who smokes nowadays? I don't know anybody who smokes and if you are, why shouldn't you pay the taxes?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
17 Aug 2009   #11
*cough* *cough* smoking is such a bad habit. It stinks and it's gross just like smoke from marijuana. All of that stuff is gross and everyone should tear their cigarettes in half and chuck them into the toilet.
beckski  12 | 1609
17 Aug 2009   #12
cough* *cough* smoking is such a bad habit

I agree, we were nearly gagging at the casino from all the cig smoke. Smoking is allowed there, due to Native American tribal land, sovereign nation.
TheOther  6 | 3596
17 Aug 2009   #13
it's gross just like smoke from marijuana

Have a cookie instead...
17 Aug 2009   #14
well, i can't wait for the fat tax.
james ski  - | 6
17 Aug 2009   #15
Smokers should be taxed more than that...

I was never prouder of my dad when i found out that he finally stopped smoking. And now, he bought a brand new 08 Pathfinder, and the money he saves from not smoking ciggarettes is enough to pay for his monthly payments of his car. He basically just got a free car for quitting smoking.

We SHOULD legalize marijuana, however that will probably never happen because the feds would have no way of controlling it. Why legalize something they cannot tax effectively? Sure they could tax the large farmers and stores that sell it, but lets be serious, Americans have been growing weed for a very long time, there's no way we are going to stop privately growing just because its legal now, and the government knows it. It will be an impossible nightmare to regulate and tax, which means no benefit to their pockets, which means it ain't gonna happen any time soon.
Wroclaw Boy
17 Aug 2009   #16
$9.00 in Chicago but a new state and federal tax is coming that will make it close to $11
It would be a good time to quit:)

Well 9 PLN in Poland and consideriing the dollar is what $1 - 3PLN. Its still cheap to smoke here.
dnz  17 | 710
17 Aug 2009   #17
I was never prouder of my dad when i found out that he finally stopped smoking.

So he's gone from killing himself with smoke to killing the planet,

Somebody please think of the children
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
17 Aug 2009   #18
well, i can't wait for the fat tax

I fully support the fat tax. Make the veggies and fruits cheap and the junk food prices sky high and you got healthier people.
TheOther  6 | 3596
17 Aug 2009   #19
and the junk food prices sky high

Here in the US junk food is everywhere as you know. Just browse a random food aisle of your local Safeway: hydrogenated vegetable oils everywhere, trans fats, corn syrup, and so on. All the crap that makes you fat first and kills you later. You can't increase prices on all those products, as they are so widespread.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
17 Aug 2009   #20
You can tax junk food easily. Twinkies, Lil Debbie, Hostess, the candy aisle, and all the chips and soft drinks on the soda pop aisle. If they taxed the foods with very little nutritional value they would make a lot of money and could prop up the health industry and social security with it. Make the truly nutritional foods cheaper and tax the stuff that makes people sick and fat.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883
17 Aug 2009   #21
I fully support the fat tax.

Wont happen, too much money if fast food and junk food...its a disgrace how many fat kids there are in the UK, makes me sick when I see them waddling down the road with their chubby thighs chaffing, yuk!
TheOther  6 | 3596
17 Aug 2009   #22
You can tax junk food easily...

In theory... . I would love to see all those lobbyists of the food industry scream if someone would try. A longer shelf life and higher profits have always been more important than a few million people killed by trans fats for example.
LAGirl  9 | 496
18 Aug 2009   #23
My Polish friend who I live with in Buffalo NY says each pack of Marlboro ciggarettes cost him $10 a pack.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
18 Aug 2009   #24
Wont happen, too much money if fast food and junk food...

I hope it happens because they can use the tax to prop up health insurance and not raise taxes on the middle class who will have hissy fits over it. They would have fits anyway tho after having to give up cigarettes and now junk food on top of that but they would be better off.

In theory... . I would love to see all those lobbyists of the food industry scream if someone would try..

Yes that's unfortunately true. The manufactures of chob (processed cheese product resembling a blob) want everyone to buy their product so they use their advertising to brainwash people into believing they crave the food and can't live without it. They call macaroni and cheese "comfort food" even tho it's a lie. I am way happier with a sliced peach or a nice Romain salad with a white wine vinegarette dressing.
pgtx  29 | 3094
18 Aug 2009   #25
in Buffalo NY says each pack of Marlboro ciggarettes cost him $10 a pack.

in TX you buy 2 packs for $10... carton ~ $50...

you can always shop lol...
Wroclaw Boy
18 Aug 2009   #26
Come on Plastic if you honestly though that your bottled brand of water was pre bottle before the what industrial revolution what else are you so far out on. I dont want to hammer you too much but how dare you come here with some of your philosophies. Its endearing and cute really that youre so niave. Sorry girl the world just doesnt work like that.

You got some kahoonas on yah coming here with your views, i'll give you that. Its a free for all i suppose i said some weird shite too so what the hell.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
18 Aug 2009   #27
WB they said the same thing about cigarettes in the US and look at it now - nine bucks a pack in New York. Junk food is next. It will happen.
james ski  - | 6
18 Aug 2009   #28
So he's gone from killing himself with smoke to killing the planet

Somebody please understand that Global Warming is more a natural cycle than it is an effect of man kind. Sure we help a bit, but truth be told, the earth has already gone through it several times before...
mvefa  5 | 591
18 Aug 2009   #29
Junk food is next. It will happen

Hope so! i mean would be a postive change to be able to eat normal food in the US...
LAGirl  9 | 496
20 Aug 2009   #30
I should tell my Polish friend that PGTX. in LA they cost $14 for two packs.

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