You say the same about Sweden, the UK, anywhere in which the common citizen is given a fair shake. Surely these countries are far from perfect. Sure beats a plutocracy though.
Trumpists are declaring tariffs. In return they receive boycott. Amasing! Canada wants to abandon American F-35 aircraft Canada's re-elected Defence Minister Bill Blair told the CBC last night (March 14) that his country is looking at potential alternatives to the US F-35 fighter jet and will hold talks with rival aircraft manufacturers.
US standards are plummeting like a Russian plane shot in the Ukrainian skies.
The widely commented Tesla show in front of the White House also caused mixed feelings in the American public. - In response to Tesla's falling ratings and growing criticism, President Trump decided to organize a car show in front of the White House to publicly support Elon Musk, which was met with a lot of criticism and a little embarrassment. Promoting the private company of his largest donor and employee in front of the White House is unprecedented and seen as a transgression of the norms of conduct of public officials - says the political scientist.
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