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Why are Polish Americans mocked in the American media?

Marynka11  3 | 639
30 Mar 2011   #211
I remember some years ago Madonna started taking kabala classes but said that she's not going to switch to Judaism. One commentary in the press said "Jewish people are so relieved". I guess nobody likes nuts in their ranks.

I remember vaguely she got some tattoo in Hebrew that had some spelling mistakes in it or something like that.
MediaWatch  10 | 942
30 Mar 2011   #212
Do you really think people don't look through that propaganda (because that's what it amounts to)?
Do you really think you are not just then INVITING jokes and contempt because of that behavior?

I'm not sure what you mean by "people don't look through that propaganda".

But as for, are Poles/Polish Americans perfect? Absolutely not.

If a character of Polish ancestry on TV has negative qualities, then fine. As long as its within reason.

I just don't want to see a Polish character all of a sudden acting like he has subhuman intelligence and then incorporated into the theme of the show, is that he's acting like he has subhuman intelligence BECAUSE of his Polish ancestry. You know what I mean? Like a certain show in Germany. ;)

Like imagery of a Polish guy (we both know of) acting like he has subhuman intelligence, as in - he all of a sudden wants to live like an animal in a barn and act like an animal. All the while making it absolutely known he is POLISH POLISH POLISH POLISH or in the case of this one show, he's from "Polen". LOL

If the Polish American cop in this show has flaws like a Polish American Detective Andy Sipowicz in the old show NYPD Blue, then I guess that's OK.

Those negative qualities are at least understandable.

Detective Andy Sipowicz in NYPD Blue had problems with alcohol, had anger problems, problems with some disfunctional people in his Polish American family, he wasn't the best looking guy, etc. Those negative qualities, although obviously bad, at least have some plausibility. Not exactly things that make his Polish character look good. But at least they are within reason.

Polish American Detective Andy Sipowicz - NYPD Blue

Andy Sipowicz
Marynka11  3 | 639
30 Mar 2011   #213
Andy Sipowicz

Mine main problem with detective Sipowicz is that he is so ugly. He is giving a bad name to all Polish men!

MediaWatch  10 | 942
30 Mar 2011   #214

Well there you go!

I thought overall the show portrayed him OK as a Polish American. But like I say, he had his fair share of negative qualities including his looks....he wasn't exactly the best looking guy LOL

So nobody can say..... I MediaWatch (and other Polish Americans).... will only accept Polish characters on TV if they only have good qualities.

Detective Andy Sipowicz had his fair share of bad qualities....but I still liked him overall. But that's just my opinion.

At least with the new Police show "Chicago Code", the Polish American detective is better looking

Chicago Code

Meet Jarek Wysocki
PennBoy  76 | 2429
30 Mar 2011   #215
Mine main problem with detective Sipowicz is that he is so ugly. He is giving a bad name to all Polish men!

That's just him. What about Detective Jarek Wysocki from Chicago Code?
Jared Padalecki Supernatural
Paul Wesley (Paul Thomas Wasilewski)
MediaWatch  10 | 942
30 Mar 2011   #216

Jared Padelecki is a cool guy.

Here he is on the Bonnie Hunt show.

Both he and Bonnie are half Polish and proud of it.

She introduces him as a "nice Polish boy"
PennBoy  76 | 2429
30 Mar 2011   #217
Both he and Bonnie are half Polish and proud of it.

I saw that clip. Funny how Detective Wysocki's name is pronounced, instead of Visotzki it's Wisaki like Japanese.
shewolf  5 | 1077
30 Mar 2011   #218
Oh, I do remember these from my teens, a classic american cop show...........honest ;)

The Unpronounceables is hilarious. I had never seen that before.

Paul Wesley (Paul Thomas Wasilewski)

Do they actually play Polish American characters? I thought Paul Wesley plays a hispanic character. It's always like that. The Polish characters are portrayed by non-Polish actors, like probably Wysocki in The Chicago Code.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
30 Mar 2011   #219
It's always like that. The Polish characters are portrayed by non-Polish actors, like probably Wysocki in The Chicago Code.

Or like Marika Dominczyk playing Bernadette in the 40 year old virgin.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
30 Mar 2011   #220
Mine main problem with detective Sipowicz is that he is so ugly. He is giving a bad name to all Polish men!

I loved this guy ,right untill he belted that prisoner across the face.....mind,still better than the ginger one :)

The Unpronounceables is hilarious. I had never seen that before.

Glad you liked it,its from an old 90s programe called The Fast Show....a bit of a cult, Jonny Depp asked to be in it once :)


Ok,maybe this is a different guy,buy, "sock" in Reaper,he's cool,part from the chasing his step sister bit ;)
shewolf  5 | 1077
1 May 2011   #222
Has anyone mentioned the movie V.I. Warshawski with Kathleen Turner? The lead character is part Polish. The movie was supposedly made from a series of books about the same character.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543
1 May 2011   #223
A propos american cop shows, here is a piece from my favourite British stand-up comedian.
mafketis  38 | 11260
20 Dec 2011   #224
Merged: Poland on This American Life

The American radio show This American Life has a segment on Poland this week.

The show's theme is "Nemeses" and is about people on opposite sides of an issue who start to come together ... and end up further apart than when they started.

The show is (obviously) about the all too brief almost national reconciliation after the Smolensk catastrophe and how things went sour so quickly and so thoroughly.

All things considered the show is very fair, they use the old Poland A and Poland B talking point as a departure point for describing the initial split and take both seriously, describing the good (and bad) of both in a pretty even handed manner.

Definitely one of the better reports on Poland in the American media that I've heard.

An mp3 of the broadcast can be downloaded for free through Sunday.
10 Aug 2015   #225
Merged: Polish Americans in "The Wire"


There are many characters of Polish origin in the television show "The Wire."

Such examples were:

Stanislaw Valchek
Roland "Prez" Pryzbylewski
Frank Sobatka
Ziggy Sobatka

Basically the Poles in the show are portrayed as: clumsy, nepotistic, stubborn, mean-spirited, hypocritical, and dumb ( in comparison to the other ethnicities in the show).

I was wondering if anyone thinks this is an accurate portrayal of Polish people, as this show is considered 'the most realistic and best show ever." ?
5 Feb 2023   #226
What name have this book by The Polish American Guardian Society? I can't find in google

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