Do you really think people don't look through that propaganda (because that's what it amounts to)?
Do you really think you are not just then INVITING jokes and contempt because of that behavior?
I'm not sure what you mean by "people don't look through that propaganda".
But as for, are Poles/Polish Americans perfect? Absolutely not.
If a character of Polish ancestry on TV has negative qualities, then fine. As long as its within reason.
I just don't want to see a Polish character all of a sudden acting like he has subhuman intelligence and then incorporated into the theme of the show, is that he's acting like he has subhuman intelligence BECAUSE of his Polish ancestry. You know what I mean? Like a certain show in Germany. ;)
Like imagery of a Polish guy (we both know of) acting like he has subhuman intelligence, as in - he all of a sudden wants to live like an animal in a barn and act like an animal. All the while making it absolutely known he is POLISH POLISH POLISH POLISH or in the case of this one show, he's from "Polen". LOL
If the Polish American cop in this show has flaws like a Polish American Detective Andy Sipowicz in the old show NYPD Blue, then I guess that's OK.
Those negative qualities are at least understandable.
Detective Andy Sipowicz in NYPD Blue had problems with alcohol, had anger problems, problems with some disfunctional people in his Polish American family, he wasn't the best looking guy, etc. Those negative qualities, although obviously bad, at least have some plausibility. Not exactly things that make his Polish character look good. But at least they are within reason.
Polish American Detective Andy Sipowicz - NYPD Blue
Andy Sipowicz