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Why are Polish Americans mocked in the American media?

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Mar 2011   #181
I don't get you!

I do - it's called being of peasant origins and having a major problem with it.

I mean, look at Europe. We mock the French and Germans constantly, we've started to mock Poles and Russians are forever portrayed as the bad guys. Normal British perspective of the world - along with the image of Italians, Spanish and Greeks being terribly lazy.

I dare say we get mocked just as much in return.

Everyone's happy, and no-one screams about it.

Funnily enough, it only seems to be insecure Americans that actually get offended - despite all the nonsense about "Free speech".

From a purely practical point of view, I'd expect a Polish American to have some insecurities about his unclear origins, problems with religion vs work, plus a strong sense of loyalty to his family (sometimes to his detriment).
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
29 Mar 2011   #182
I dare say we get mocked just as much in return.

Oh that you are...who would forget the "mocking wars" at football games between our BILD and british SUN and Daily Mail! :):):)
Babinich  1 | 453
29 Mar 2011   #183
Why are Polish Americans mocked in the american media?

Who cares? Have you taken a good look at American media?
Ice cold  - | 43
29 Mar 2011   #184
Russians are forever portrayed as the bad guys.

This is true. Hollywood loves Russian gangsters and portraying Russian women as either spies or heartless gold diggers or both.
No one it will continue.

But..Italian Americans are up in arms about Jersey Shore. They're shooting season 3 in Italy. I don't think they will get a key to the city.

On a lighter note, the brainiac in the cartoon, Penguins of Madagascar is named Kowalski. Seems goofy but it does have a positive effect on next generation.
pgtx  29 | 3094
29 Mar 2011   #185
But..Italian Americans are up in arms about Jersey Shore. They're shooting season 3 in Italy. I don't think they will get a key to the city.

haha...omg, you aren't watching it, are you.....
Ice cold  - | 43
29 Mar 2011   #186
It's like a Train wreck, hard to pass by without staring in disbelief.
Crow  155 | 9699
29 Mar 2011   #187
Why are Polish Americans mocked in the american media?

because American ruling elite have evil intentions on all Slavs
Ice cold  - | 43
29 Mar 2011   #188
Here we go again.
If you have natural resources that we can exploit, ( oil, gold, diamond mines, cheap labor etc) then hell yea!
Why should you be exempt?
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
29 Mar 2011   #189
Why are Polish Americans mocked in the american media?
The Polish Americans mocked in the American media are exclusively male. Polish American women are portrayed as desirable such as Kelly Kapowski on Saved By The Bell. Decades ago the ridicule may have been due to Jewish media people getting a bit of revenge for the slights their parents, or grand-parents, suffered at the hands of rude Poles back in Eastern-Europe on market days, but now the Polish-American male as strong and virile, but dumb, is conventional, and it is doubtful that many authoring such depictions are doing so out of Semitic malice. We do tend to grow quite tall and robust here in America. Our vigor is bound to cause some jealousy.
29 Mar 2011   #190
You are right , I have never met a Jewish man to be strong and desirable as Polish:)
pgtx  29 | 3094
29 Mar 2011   #192
it doesn't mean they don't exist...
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
29 Mar 2011   #193
of course not, but I doubt that Monia met them;)

on the other hand if Monia hasn't, then they don't exist - Monia knows what she is talking about.
29 Mar 2011   #194
I guess not too many.

Polish guys look definitely more sexy and are better build and taller . Those Jewish whom I`ve met were all inconspicuous . I am talking about those whom I have met but also what I could notice from my personal experience .
PennBoy  76 | 2429
29 Mar 2011   #195
Polish guys look definitely more sexy and are better build and taller . Those Jewish whom I`ve met were all inconspicuous .

Of course all men in my family are 190cm and taller, pretty well built too. Little scrawny Jew boys are jealous.

True Jews control the media in this country any chance they get to mock Poles they take it because of what we in their imagination did to them during WWII. I've read a few article in the last year or two from Jewish survivors who came out and said that most Poles didn't do anything wrong and tried to help them. It's kind of irritating and demeaning that you have to dance the way they want you to or else.
shewolf  5 | 1077
30 Mar 2011   #196
Has anyone mentioned Detective Jaruszalski on Law and Order Los Angeles? There have been many characters on television through the years that have had Polish last names and that were portrayed as well as anyone else but they don't really get recognition.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
30 Mar 2011   #197
Law and Order Los Angeles

OMG,theres more of them to come? Chrikey,thats Channel 5s weekly sched filled now :)
Bring back George Dzunda !!!! :)

How about Prezbo in The Wire?
Ok,lets just forget about the corrupt PolAm senior cop and all the dodgy geezers in the cargo yard.....but, Prezbo was a very cool charector.

If you leave out the bit about being a complete numbnuts as a Cop....a great teacher :)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
30 Mar 2011   #198
True Jews control the media in this country any chance they get to mock Poles they take it


Why don't they mock Jaroslaw Kaczynski senseless then?

because of what we in their imagination did to them during WWII.

Actually, a lot of the bad feeling comes from other incidents, such as what Poland did in L'wow.
shewolf  5 | 1077
30 Mar 2011   #199
How about Vince Vaughn and Vincent D'Onofrio as Polish American brothers in The Break-Up, which also starred Jennifer Aniston?

The Chicago Code with Jennifer Beals also has some Polish American characters, including the lead character, but I've never watched the show.

There was also a Polish character in Last Chance Harvey with Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson, but he was only known as the Polish neighbor.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
30 Mar 2011   #200
As a kid in Britain shewolf,I think I like most first heard of Poland and Polish people through American TV, I dont remember them ever being the " dumb polacks" people seem obsessed with round here. They were always Cops,or cool,or both.....

Oh, I do remember these from my teens, a classic American cop show...........honest ;)

and its follow up dealing with Heroic PolAm NYPD officers taking on Italian American gangsters
wildrover  98 | 4430
30 Mar 2011   #201
Why don't they mock Jaroslaw Kaczynski senseless then?

Now there is a prize dipstick....!
30 Mar 2011   #202
Why don't they mock Jaroslaw Kaczynski senseless then?

They would have to explain to the eyeballs who this dude is first. And even after extensive explanation half of the public would still think its unabomber.

Actually, a lot of the bad feeling comes from other incidents, such as what Poland did in L'wow.

Quit explaining Polish history. It's not your forte.
Marynka11  3 | 639
30 Mar 2011   #203
How about Vince Vaughn and Vincent D'Onofrio as Polish American brothers in The Break-Up, which also starred Jennifer Aniston?

I loved Vince Vaughn in his Polska/white eagle T-shirts. I don't think it was mocking by any stretch. The characters lived in Chicago, tried to grow their business. I thought that entrepreneur aspect was great.
30 Mar 2011   #204
He was ok, just bit immature :)
Marynka11  3 | 639
30 Mar 2011   #205
Does anyone watch "Real Housewives of New Jersey"? Some Italian fanatics could probably say that the show mocking Italians. To me it's just a bunch of dumb nouveau riches who happened to have Italian ancestors.
30 Mar 2011   #206
Never saw any episode but I watched heated discussion on Oprah about this show. Opinions were split evenly.
pgtx  29 | 3094
30 Mar 2011   #207
To me it's just a bunch of dumb nouveau riches who happened to have Italian ancestors.

that pretty much sums it up....
PennBoy  76 | 2429
30 Mar 2011   #208
To me it's just a bunch of dumb nouveau riches who happened to have Italian ancestors.

what about "Basketball Wives" ? the wives of wealthy basketball stars fighting like ghetto trash.
Marynka11  3 | 639
30 Mar 2011   #209
Opinions were split evenly.

The problem is that too many people have red light go on when they hear the name of their country. And if it's something negative that red light shines on the whole perception of that situation. I would say in 99% cases it's not the intention to mock the country. The name of the country just happened to be said without further connotations.
30 Mar 2011   #210
The problem is that too many people have red light go on when they hear the name of their country.

It's definitely getting some people's attention. I guess nobody likes to be portrayed in negative lights. Especially if they think they were already presented unfavorably.

To go bit off topic:
I remember some years ago Madonna started taking kabala classes but said that she's not going to switch to Judaism. One commentary in the press said "Jewish people are so relieved". I guess nobody likes nuts in their ranks.

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