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Why are Polish Americans mocked in the American media?

28 Sep 2010   #1
Where does all of this prejudice come from? Are American Jews from Poland responsible for this? Maybe Germans? Or maybe it's your own fault that you can't adapt to the other white groups and despite of being 3rd or 4th generation Americans you still work in blue collar jobs?

I'm curious becaue I'm polish too (but living in the fatherland)
scottie1113  6 | 896
28 Sep 2010   #2
Re the title of this thread: I didn't know that they were. How do you know this, and do you have any proof? Hmmmm. I didn't think so. Go away troll.
OP wildeckirenegat
28 Sep 2010   #3
Scottie half of the posts here proves that you have some problems and complexes because of it
z_darius  14 | 3960
28 Sep 2010   #4
he is not Polish, you half wit.
OP wildeckirenegat
28 Sep 2010   #5
How could I know? I'm not a regular poster here
convex  20 | 3928
28 Sep 2010   #6
That's interesting, I never heard anything about Poles in the media when I lived in the states. I don't think the majority of Americans care about Poles one way or another.
pgtx  29 | 3094
28 Sep 2010   #7
I never heard anything about Poles in the media when I lived in the states.

same here...
well, maybe after our president died, they were talking a bit about it, but that's it...
OP wildeckirenegat
28 Sep 2010   #8
I never heard anything about Poles in the media when I lived in the states.

So maybe it's a false stereotype in Poland that American Polonia is a scapegoat (Not that they talk much about American Polonia)
convex  20 | 3928
28 Sep 2010   #9
I think so. Don't take this the wrong way, but Poland and Poles isn't exactly a hot topic in the US. At least not outside of a handful of places in the US with heavy migration. Most Americans will probably go through life without ever having consciously known a Pole. I didn't before moving back to the old continent.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
28 Sep 2010   #10
Most Americans will probably go through life without ever having consciously known a Pole.

That's outrageous!

We have to do something to stop this but what? :)

Why are Polish Americans mocked in the american media?

To my knowledge they are not.

If you don't produce any evidence of this, I will be lead to believe you are a troll.
convex  20 | 3928
28 Sep 2010   #11
We have to do something to stop this but what? :)

Send more women, give the US a reason to want to know a Polka.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
28 Sep 2010   #12
You think human trafficking is the answer to everything ;)
convex  20 | 3928
28 Sep 2010   #13
I never said anything about human trafficking...I'm talking about loving long term relationships...

OK, maybe a little bit of human trafficking. You got me.
trener zolwia  1 | 939
28 Sep 2010   #14
I never heard anything about Poles in the media when I lived in the states. I don't think the majority of Americans care about Poles one way or another.

I agree. I never hear much about Poles one way or the other. Unless OP has a particular recent incident in mind...
pgtx  29 | 3094
28 Sep 2010   #15
Most Americans will probably go through life without ever having consciously known a Pole.

when i went to Chicago, many Americans didn't even know about Chicago's big Polish community.. hmm...
guesswho  4 | 1272
28 Sep 2010   #16
That's interesting, I never heard anything about Poles in the media when I lived in the states. I don't think the majority of Americans care about Poles one way or another.

Yep, that's the way it is. Never heard anything about Poles where I live either.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
28 Sep 2010   #17
Where does all of this prejudice come from? Are American Jews from Poland responsible for this? Maybe Germans?

MediaWatch? Is that you???
scottie1113  6 | 896
29 Sep 2010   #18
I love these people who post provocative threads as guests. They can't be bothered to register. Sheesh! GO AWAY TROLLS

Scottie half of the posts here proves that you have some problems and complexes because of it

Check your grammar, then disappear troll. No, I'm not Polish, but I live here.
OP wildeckirenegat
29 Sep 2010   #19
English is not my native language and I'm not a troll (btw. learn to use commas)

As for this topic - are you all implying that polish jokes disappeared?
Pinching Pete  - | 554
29 Sep 2010   #20
are you all implying that polish jokes disappeared?

He probably is.. most people on the thread have told you Polish jokes are rare in the US now.
They were last prevalent maybe in the 80's.
OP wildeckirenegat
29 Sep 2010   #21
He probably is.. most people on the thread have told you Polish jokes are rare in the US now

Nobody said anything about it earlier.. but thanks this is what I wanted to know
Pinching Pete  - | 554
29 Sep 2010   #22
Nobody said anything about it earlier

I can't say they don't exist anymore but I hear a lot more jokes about Irish drunks, Mexicans, Jews, etc.
richasis  1 | 409
29 Sep 2010   #23
Yep, that's the way it is. Never heard anything about Poles where I live either.

For some Americans, exposure to Poles is the 'Dumb Polack' joke.
trener zolwia  1 | 939
29 Sep 2010   #24
many Americans didn't even know about Chicago's big Polish community..

I might have learned about this here.

Polish jokes are rare in the US now.

For some Americans, exposure to Poles is the 'Dumb Polack' joke.

Haven't heard onea them in years.
Ironside  51 | 13083
29 Sep 2010   #25
Polish American or Poles?
Well, I don't know about it but I would mock myself some of the so called Polish American if PF can be representative....
Anyway its old ....if you ain't troll register and you'll find similar thread aplenty here !
trener zolwia  1 | 939
29 Sep 2010   #26
I would mock myself some of the so called Polish American if PF can be representative....

Poles do seem to be the peeps hardest on Poles, around here anyway...
guesswho  4 | 1272
29 Sep 2010   #27
For some Americans, exposure to Poles is the 'Dumb Polack' joke.

Even when someone says "Dumb Polack", he usually means this particular person who just peed him off and not all Poles. Besides, I gotta say, the Polish jokes are pretty dead by now.
Ironside  51 | 13083
29 Sep 2010   #28
Poles do seem to be the peeps hardest on Poles, around here anyway...

yeah !
Expecting some brains from them maybe ?
f stop  24 | 2493
29 Sep 2010   #29
Why are Polish Americans mocked in the american media?
Could you give an example?
The only one example I can only think of in TV is Dorota, the Polish maid in Gossip Girls:
Not too good, but not horrible, either.
MediaWatch  10 | 942
29 Sep 2010   #30
Polish-Bashing in the "American" media happened a lot in the 1960's and 70's as far as anti-Polish mocking, as in portraying Polish people as having "inferior intelligence". It then gradually subsided after Polish American groups spoke out against it and people like the Polish pope was in the news.

Anti-Polish bias still exists today, but its nothing like it used to be decades ago.

What kind of mocking are you talking about? Do you have any recent examples?

Also the American media today is a big place. I have noticed that the conservative American media like Talk Radio has been relatively fair to Polish people and from time to time has been nice to Polish people. Like radio talk show host Laura Ingraham (Laura is half Polish) who is not shy about talking about her hard working Polish mother who put her through law school or talk show Host Michael Savage who is not shy about talking about how he likes English Writer "Joseph Conrad" and gives him credit for being one of the greatest English Writers even though English was his second or third language. Michael Savage is not shy about talking about Joseph Conrad's Polish ancestry.

I was pleasantly surprised the other day when I heard former Republican Newt Gingrich plug his Pro-Polish book about the Polish Pope & Poland, on the Sean Hannity Radio talk show (2nd Biggest talk show in the US) as well as plugging it on the O'Reilly Factor which is a popular cable show.

If you go to Youtube and do a search for "Quiet Hero" by Rita Cosby (who is half Polish) you will see the media has been pretty fair to her about her promoting her Pro-Polish book about her father and Poland.

Martha Stewart for years has had her own TV show and was NEVER SHY about talking about her Polish ancestry. She used to have her mom on the show and they always talked up the Polish traditions in their house when she was growing up.

I do agree there still is anti-Polish prejudice in some ELEMENTS of Hollywood and the media. I have talked about this quite a bit in the past. But in fairness, we Poles should also appreciate the positive and fair portrayals of Polish people when we see that as well.

We should always speak out against anti-Polish prejudice in that element of the media when we see it, but ALSO give credit to those elements of the media that have fair and or positive portrayals of Polish people in that part of the media complex.

The media in the US has its bad and good just like anybody else.

As for American Jews in the media, it would NOT be fair to paint them with one brush. I have seen anti-Polish Jewish Americans just like I have seen Jewish Americans who are fair and friendly towards Polish people. I personally like listening to Conservative American Jews on the radio. They seem like good American patriots in my book.

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