johnny reb 49 | 8003
19 Dec 2017 #31
a political witch hunt that produced nothing.
Nope, not one single shred of evidence costing the Country MILLIONS to investigate as it now has fizzled out so the Snowflakes are now accusing Trump of sexual misconduct of (20 years ago) to disrupt the next year, to waste more of the tax payers money and time.
Whatever happened to Bill Clinton when he was frequenting a private island of under aged girls 29 times ?
When this blows over the Snowflakes will try something else to scandal Trump with.
I am convinced that they will never give up trying to remove Trump from office no matter what Trump does to Make America Great Again.
NOW - NONE of this has anything to do with Poland so without giving you electrical shock therapy will you PLEASE, Lyzko, stop taking us off topic.