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What I don't get about Americans vs Polish

14 Dec 2017   #1
Is why are Ameican males so obsessed with pleasing females and leting them run their lives? you can see this from American films. Like comedies. Or romantic comedies. The guys are push overs and women do what they want wth them while they live in some big house and the guy works a lot and she gets pedicures or has girls night outs with her frinds. its also with sex. when I used to live in the usa and you can see this onu.s. or wst based forums as well, so many mena re willing to please thir female partners sexually its almost gross. they lick their ******** and everything and it even turns them on and dont even expect it back. What gives? not to mention that many of those women dont even give head or feel like they dont have to in bed and its all about them. they dont even cook or clean for the guy and cheat at least as often. its like usa and the west isheaven for feminists and women and males are seen as dirt. look at all those r cent sexual harassment allegations, theyre all against males none against women there and it is almost always super petty like he looked at me wrong or touched me as Iw alked by.hell, ive been tr ated much worse as a young man in san francisco bars (not even gay bars) than this and none of them would care so what gives?

Basically why are they so entitled in the west and espcially the usa? why the ego and princess syndrome?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
14 Dec 2017   #2
Its this weird feminism they learn on college campuses. Yet on the weekends they're all trolling for some vitamin d. **** ******* get money
Joker  2 | 2447
14 Dec 2017   #3
The guys are push overs and women do what they want wth them while they live in some big house and the guy works a lot and she gets pedicures

You watch too many movies. The liberal Hollywood elitists would have you believe this is reality and every white American behaves like a brain dead Californian.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
14 Dec 2017   #4
Too many of the wrong movies, you mean!

Pre-mid-to late sixties, we were a VERY different America in nearly every respect one can think of. Model oneself after that era when the New Deal was in full force, I would say it's a good model to stick with. Apart from that, the image projected by US movies from around '68 onward, is that of a cultural and social cesspool, ready to self-destruct any time now.
Joker  2 | 2447
14 Dec 2017   #5
Are you predicting another huge liberal meltdown? Only this time the Hollywood version, oh they should film it! LoL

Ill get my popcorn for this one:)
Lyzko  45 | 9751
15 Dec 2017   #6
Afraid I don't quite follow.
17 Dec 2017   #7
Please don't try to learn our culture, or anyone else's, from their movies and TV. The America you see is not reality.

There was a horrible show call Jersey Shore. It's cast did not come from New Jersey they came from New York City and showed a bunch of drunk fools. The town of Seaside finally told them you are hurting their image and wouldn't let them film anymore. All shows of this type are fake. I have no idea why idiots watch them but they keep producing them.

Actually many Polish college students come to the New Jersey shore for summer jobs. Less these days because illegal workers come and will work for much less. But that's another topic.
nickknock  - | 19
17 Dec 2017   #8
Please there is nothing liberal about American media, its corporate owned and controlled. The message serves that purpose. . It also makes American life look far far better than reality. Its a country in massive decline
Bluzeki  - | 30
17 Dec 2017   #9
The liberal msm is the most corrupt political entity in the USA. You must be getting paid by Vlad or a disgruntled Hillary supporter.
The election is over, its time for the libs to stop crying about it. However, it is quite funny watching you squirm.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
17 Dec 2017   #10
I think some of us missed the point of my post.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Dec 2017   #11
The election is over

That it is, and the loser Republicans still can't get over the swing in Alabama. It's going to be fun watching the Republican mass failure in 2018!
Lyzko  45 | 9751
17 Dec 2017   #12
I frankly think all this sexual harrassment stuff that's been coming out is an attempt to finally nail the Groper-in-Chief with the same misdeeds and finally get him to resign or be impeached.

But I could be wrong:-)
johnny reb  49 | 8058
17 Dec 2017   #13
there is nothing liberal about American media

And Jesus wept.

Its a country in massive decline

America's economy grew over 3% in each of the last two quarters, how does that compare with your Ireland ?
I did see that Kerry Gold butter sales are up though.
Why are jealous foreign trolls (and a couple of unpatriotic American ones) allowed to go Off Topic to belittle the U.S.A. with their ignorance......... not stop ?

Maybe this forum should have two sections, one for us adults and one for the immature kids that just want to post off - topic smack.

But I could be wrong

You are..............AGAIN !
Bluzeki  - | 30
17 Dec 2017   #14
I haven't seen one Republican complaining about Moore losing the election. Were not libturds that lose their minds and act like fools.

I'm not worried about 2018 either. The Dems are going to lose in a landslide again.

Not that it natters what a foreigner troll thinks anyway.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Dec 2017   #15
Were not libturds

Well, you're certainly not helping your case. Calling voters names because they didn't want to elect a failed judge and child abuser, well, doesn't that say it all about the sour grapes?
Bluzeki  - | 30
17 Dec 2017   #16
I never said that I wanted Moire to win in the first place. Nice try troll.
He has too much baggage, its better for the Reps that he lost.
Your not very bright as well.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Dec 2017   #17
Your not very bright

If you're going to insult someone, at least use English properly when you do so.
Bluzeki  - | 30
17 Dec 2017   #18
I'm sorry, it timed out on me. I'm not here around the clock like you are.
Seriously, that's all you have as a come back?
(A typo)too funny!
Isn't it getting past your bedtime yet????
johnny reb  49 | 8058
17 Dec 2017   #19
It was an insult, it was a fact.

I haven't seen one Republican complaining about Moore losing the election.

I have never ever seen a Republican Conservative go into the streets and burn the American flag, riot by assaulting the police, looting, burning buildings and cars like the Liberal Snowflake 'meltdown' did when crooked Hillary lost giving them their deserved name, "The Snowflakes".

Or for that matter Republicans doing any of that because they lost any election.
I have seen the Snowflakes do this while screaming at the sky in rants at the top of their lungs how crazy Trump is. :-o

Your not very bright as well.

In all fairness the ex-pats only know what they read in the Liberal media.
NOT ONE negative attack on Obozo in eight years from the Liberal news media and yet there have been endless attacks on Trump from the same Liberal bias fake news media.

One and half years the Liberal media has been attacking Trump on Russia collusion yet NOT ONE shred of evidence has appeared to substantiate it.

Costing the American tax payers MILLIONS$$$$ when the time and money could have went to something constructive.

So now they have moved on trying to accuse Trump of sexual misconduct of thirty years ago.
The embarrassing part for the Snowflakes though is the more and more these appointed committees investigate the more dirt turns up on Crooked Hillary.
It is very important that Poland is made aware of what the media refuses to print and the false news the Commie Socialist trolls spin here and post to brainwash Poland with.

It's nice to see that most members here have learned to consider the source and recognize the Commie trolls that want to "enrich" Poland's culture with their own Liberal Socialist beliefs.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Dec 2017   #20
Poor snowflakes, still melting down over that devastating loss in Alabama. If the same thing repeats itself in the 2018 elections, the USA will be a sea of blue. Even Trump couldn't save the Republicans in Alabama, and his ideology has clearly been rejected by even Southern voters.
johnny reb  49 | 8058
17 Dec 2017   #21
But that's just it delph, it was not "devastating" as you keep spinning it as with your minnie orgasm that the Dems FINALLY won an election.

It is bound to happen by the laws of average.
I'm sure not as excited about it as an American citizen as you are as a Scottish citizen.
Actually it was no big deal other then it would have increased the power that the Republicans already have.
You act like it was the Presidential election itself.......maybe try giving it a rest so you don't insult yourself anymore then you already have.
Taxpaying voter
17 Dec 2017   #22
Poor snowflakes, still melting down over that devastating loss in Alabama.

Christmas hasn't come early for them, has it? Nevermind, let's wish them Happy Holidays anyway.

Even Trump couldn't save the Republicans in Alabama

Hard to see who could save a candidate with a vile past which includes molesting children. Harder to understand why anybody would want to support such a candidate, well, apart from the obvious reason.
Bieganski  17 | 888
17 Dec 2017   #23
But I could be wrong:-)

You're wrong.

Trump won by a landslide despite all the allegations made against him.

His eye is on the next presidential election in 2020. All the fallout in Hollywood and news media that's going on at the moment shouldn't be seen as unconnected.

Trump previously said the media were the opposition:

Trump: Media is opposition party in many ways


Groper-in-Chief? Try Machinator-in-Chief.

Trump says he's 'not at all surprised' by Weinstein allegations


He has dirt on people and it's payback time.
Joker  2 | 2447
17 Dec 2017   #24
But that's just it delph, it was not "devastating" as you keep spinning it as with your minnie orgasm that the Dems FINALLY won an election.

The only election they can win is against a flawed candidate that should have never been there in the first place.

Harder to understand why anybody would want to support such a candidate,

Who on this forum is supporting him Harry?

I haven't seen one person yet, keep trolling!

You act like it was the Presidential election itself....

Its going to be his only victory, hope he doesn't pee his pants!

Do you see how the left grasps for any little straw they can find and then blow it waaaay out of proportion?
johnny reb  49 | 8058
17 Dec 2017   #25
which includes molesting children

Now now, don't spin it into children when only one child alleged what may have happed 50 years ago.
Alleged by the bias Liberal media Harry.
In all seriousness, I would not have voted for him either.
Why is it you claim if a Republican candidate with a tainted past should not win yet when a Democrat like Crooked Hillary with a unending tainted past should win ?

Crooked Hillary even took several trips with slick Willie on the Lolita Express to the island of under aged girls knowing what it was all about.

And that ain't fake news !
Joker  2 | 2447
17 Dec 2017   #26
Trump won by a landslide despite all the allegations made against him.

Hes going to win by even bigger margin in 2020

Now that the Russian Collusion hoax has been debunked, they will try anything, but this will backfire in their face as well:)
Taxpaying voter
17 Dec 2017   #27
Trump won by a landslide

That's hilarious, even by your standards. Trump lost the popular vote by millions. That's not a landslide. It'll never be a landslide no matter how many times you lie about it being a landslide.
Bieganski  17 | 888
17 Dec 2017   #28
Hes going to win by even bigger margin in 2020

I agree. "Bigly" as he would put it!

The media are already untrusted especially with younger disenfranchised voters. More younger people will vote for Trump as more and more of them turnoff and tuneout from the leftwing propaganda machine. They will also vote for him while seeing more job opportunities for themselves as the economy expands and larger paychecks once Trump's 'Cut, Cut, Cut' tax bill is passed.
johnny reb  49 | 8058
17 Dec 2017   #29
Trump lost the popular vote by millions

Did you take into consideration the millions of illegal immigrants that voted for her Harry ?
She lost and I can give you a dozen good reasons why that you are in denial about and couldn't begin to debate with me.

And if you think can let's take it to an Off Topic thread to educate Poland on the FACTS of why.
Bieganski  17 | 888
17 Dec 2017   #30
Did you take into consideration the millions of illegal immigrants that voted for her Harry ?

Of course he didn't. The DNC has as much ethical standards as Zimbabwe's ruling ZANU-PF and South Africa's ruling ANC when it comes to how campaigns and elections are orchestrated.

Nevertheless, all leftwing ideologies are being rejected in the Northern Hemisphere particularly among younger voters like in Poland, the US, and most notably and recently in Austria.

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