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Now American men want to marry Polish women for polish papers.

PlasticPole  7 | 2641
21 Mar 2011   #31
I'm not talking about one goddamn state or region.. I didn't say white never do it. However, look at the statistics of unwed black mothers. That's not exactly rocket science. Whites put more sway on rearing kids, and eschewing violence.

I am just saying, it's a wide spread problem that affects both white and black Americans. In fact, it effects all Americans because it's part of our culture. I mean, look at the divorce rate @ 50% What about all the single parents? Are all of those black? Some are, but many aren't. In fact, there's more single white parents than their are black because our divorce rate is so high and blacks make up only 8-10% of the population in the US. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. I bet even you can if you try hard ;)
ShawnH  8 | 1488
21 Mar 2011   #32
Only those that get married face the risk of divorce... I may be wrong, but my guess would be that a set of white parents to be would be more likely get married because it is the "right thing to do".
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
21 Mar 2011   #33
Yes, marriage and divorce are "the right things to do."
TheMan  - | 56
16 Jun 2011   #34
Oh dear, unfortunately most of you have a very limited range of friends so most of your "statistics" are from watching COPS or other useless sources of "facts" of the 200+ black friends I have, about 5 are in single parent families... None from divorce/abandonment. One was a heart attack, one was a plane crash, one was complications of kidney failure, one was shot during a burglary attempt. So before you prejudge why a woman is single, you should also consider that some women feel they simply don't NEED a man in their life.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 Jan 2021   #35
Certainly not much has changed in 10 years. There's more and more Ameriacns looking for an easy way to EU residency/citizenship, especially in cities like Kraków and Wrocław. It rarely ends well because of the cultural differences, but by the time they get divorced, they've already got permanent residency.

Poland recently changed the rules to allow for permanent residency to be acquired after only 3 years of marriage, too.
Joker  2 | 2447
12 Jan 2021   #36
There's more and more Ameriacns looking for an easy way to EU residency/citizenship,

Its seems plausible to me. People with money can afford to move away from Bidens socialist policies surely will, leaving behind the middle class to pay for everything. Tax the rich! Ya right, I have bridge to sell. I dont why they would choose Europe bc there are a lot nicer places in the world to pick from.

Obviously, they aren't going to Poland to look for employment.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 Jan 2021   #37
A lot of South Americans are coming here for employment, funnily enough. It's because they're cheaper than Spanish natives, and it's much cheaper to employ them in helpdesks/etc for Spain than it is to employ them in Spain.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Jan 2021   #38
A lot of South Americans are coming here for employment, funnily enough.

I hate to let you take us Off - Topic but............
It seems real funny.
How many is a lot ?
Do you have any sources to back up such a bizarre statement ?

Actually it is quite the opposite as I see more Polish working in other countries then I do immigrants working in Poland.
More Polish girls want to marry American men to get American papers then do American men wanting to marry Polish women for Polish papers.
pawian  226 | 27817
2 Mar 2025   #39
That vice Vance guy will soon look for asylum in another country when MAGA gangsters are kicked out of the US by decent Americans.

There is a problem though coz he wears heavy make up. In some traditional countries like Poland it is viewed as unusual.

Do you think he should give up making up before settling in Poland or not????
Joker  2 | 2447
2 Mar 2025   #40
pawian  226 | 27817
2 Mar 2025   #41
Joker, what do you think of your Vice`s make up???
jon357  72 | 23654
2 Mar 2025   #42
your Vice`s make up

There are drag artistes who wear less.

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