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Polish-American criminals

OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
1 Jun 2017   #61

Racist Polish-American viciously assaults and abuses delivery driver

A nasty story from the US, where a poor defenceless Amazon delivery driver was viciously assaulted, both verbally and physically by a Polish-American.

The Polish-American in question seemed to fail to understand the irony in this...

"You are a f-king immigrant, go back to your country," Zatorski allegedly yelled while kicking and punching the victim.

He continued...

"What the f-k are you doing here? Here is my country. We are white power," he continued.

Nevermind the fact that with a name like "Zatorski", America is clearly not his country...


Steven Zatorski, 48, was handed the charge of assault as a hate crime in Manhattan Criminal Court Tuesday after allegedly beating his victim senseless

As we can see yet again, the real threat to American society comes from white men, not from immigrants. One can only wonder what a great country America would be without the presence of racist Americans. It seems that you can't open the news without reading about yet another hate attack carried out by white American men towards defenceless minorities.

Perhaps the only solution is to provide all immigrants to the US with a gun so that they can defend themselves appropriately against this threat.
1 Jun 2017   #62
There is no such thing as ''polish american'' americans are retarded and they always say **** like ''I'm 1/16 Irish, 1/20 Apache and 1/50 Polish'' if someone doesn't speak the language and has no contact with polish culture then he simply isn't polish.
johnny reb  49 | 7993
1 Jun 2017   #63
It seems that you can't open the news without reading about yet another hate attack carried out by white American men towards defenceless minorities.

Perhaps you should see what we do when foreigners degrade and call our families hillbillies. :-)
Actually the crime rate in the U.K. is much higher then it is in the U.S.
And with the U.S. having over 300 million privately own guns and the U.K. none it does make one wonder why we read daily about the crime against the Polish foreigners in the U.K.

Sima Kotecha was left in shock after being called a 'P***' in Basingstoke
-Two Polish men were beaten to a pulp in Upton Park, east London
-Polish community centre was vandalised in a suspected racist attack
-Immigrants delivered cards reading, 'Leave the EU - no more Polish vermin'
-Two men were arrested in Birmingham after a protest outside a mosque
-Muslim Council of Britain has had 100 'hate crime' reports since EU vote
England has worse crime rate than the US, says Civitas study
England and Wales has one of the worst crime rates among developed nations for rapes, burglaries and robberies, a major report has found.
Perhaps we should give foreigners guns to protect themselves in the EU.

if someone doesn't speak the language and has no contact with polish culture then he simply isn't polish.

We Americans don't see it that way, our ancestry is precious to us and ain't no foreigner gonna take that away from us American Poles.

I speak Jamaican patwa, have lived in Jamaica for an extended period and learned their culture and those criteria don't make me a Jamaican.

Perhaps if I went to Mexico and learned Spanish and their culture would that make me a Mexican ?
You Polish kids have got to get over your myth.
Joker  2 | 2390
1 Jun 2017   #64
As we can see yet again,

You don't live here and don't know squat about America, get off your high horse and find a job you useless piece of crap!

Perhaps the only solution is to provide all immigrants to the US with a gun s

That is the dumbest comment Ive ever heard coming from a Libturd!!! LoL

American men towards defenceless minorities.

One story and this bigot paints our whole country in this way.
pawian  226 | 27572
30 Jun 2020   #65
Poland no more a safe heaven for American-based criminals.

A Polish citizen who caused a fatal accident in the US 25 years ago has just been extradited by Poland.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
30 Jun 2020   #66
Poland no more a safe heaven for American-based criminals.

It never was,I know 2 guys who did embezzled money in the States were extradited in early 2000s when Poland was not even in the EU.
jon357  72 | 23519
11 Jun 2023   #67
So Ted Kaczynski, better known as the unabomber, was found dead in his cell.

The day started well with news of r·SSian losses and now it's suddenly got even better.
Alien  25 | 6433
11 Jun 2023   #68
Oh Kaczynski is dead ..... aha it's not the one.
Novichok  4 | 8568
13 Jun 2023   #69
Oh Kaczynski is dead .

A proof that an IQ of 180 is more dangerous than 90.
jon357  72 | 23519
13 Jun 2023   #70
IQ of 180 is more dangerous than 90.

It was ever thus.

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