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Polish-American criminals

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Oct 2011   #1
I thought I'd start a thread to discuss Polish-American criminals. We can start with -

Dennis Kozlowski

Named one of the Top Ten Crooked CEO's by Time Magazine -,28804,1903155_190 3156_1903152,00.html - Kozlowski is an excellent example of a crook. For instance -

Tyco paid $1 million (half of the $2 million bill) for the 40th birthday party of Kozlowski's second wife, Karen Mayo Kozlowski. The extravagant party, held on the Italian island of Sardinia, featured an ice sculpture of the Statue of Michelangelo's David[clarification needed] urinating Stolichnaya vodka. This birthday bash was disguised as a shareholder meeting in order to get corporate funding. In a camcorder video, Dennis Kozlowski states that this party will bring out a Tyco core competency - the ability to party hard. Subsequently, this shareholder meeting/birthday party became known as the Tyco Roman Orgy.[5]

And his conviction -

Kozlowski was convicted on June 17, 2005 of crimes related to his receipt of $81 million in purportedly unauthorized bonuses, the purchase of art for $14.725 million and the payment by TYCO of a $20 million investment banking fee to Frank Walsh, a former Tyco director.[2] On September 19, 2005 he was sentenced by Judge Michael Obus of the Manhattan Supreme Court to serve from eight years and four months to twenty-five years in prison for his role in the scandal.

Tut tut.
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Oct 2011   #2
KaczyƄski is another, probably best known, Polish American villain.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Oct 2011   #3
The Unabomber, right?

Nasty chap -

is an American mathematician, anarchist, social critic, primitivist, and Neo-Luddite[1] who engaged in a mail bombing campaign that spanned nearly 20 years, killing three people and injuring 23 others.

JonnyM  11 | 2607
24 Oct 2011   #4
Not American, but there was that Polish guy in Wales who fed his business partner to the pigs a few years ago. He always maintained his innocence, despite the trail of human blood from the farmhouse door to the pigsty.
24 Oct 2011   #5
Nasty chap

Although he was a very intelligent nasty chap. It's a shame he didn't use his mind for more good things. His insanity was obvious at an early age considering he locked himself in his room everyday solving differential equations for hours instead of socializing with friends. I blame mathematics on this one. :-)

Another Polish-American criminal was Paul Jaworski. He was a mobster who committed the first armored car robbery along with his gang.

Before his execution, he said, "I preached atheism since the day I quit singing the choir. A man is yellow if he spends his life believing in nothing and then comes crawling to the church because he is afraid his death is near."
MediaWatch  10 | 942
25 Oct 2011   #6
I thought I'd start a thread to discuss Polish-American criminals. We can start with -

Yes leave it to Delphiadomine to always look for negative things about Polish people ever since some Polish people dared to suggest that Delphiadomine's beloved Russia was not giving us all the facts on the Smolensk crash.
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Oct 2011   #7
Ryszard Kukulski, the Iceman
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Oct 2011   #8
It's Kuklinski and he was also half-Irish. Aha, one of those 1/2 German, 1/2 Dutch, 1/2 Polish, 1/2 Irish, 1/2 Scottish folk then? ;) ;) Kuklinski, that's who I meant :)
BBman  - | 343
25 Oct 2011   #9
LOL delphi really needs psychiatric care!

This obsession with Americans and Pol-Ams is too much.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
25 Oct 2011   #10
So people should only write posts about the good guys? Plenty of those already.
BBman  - | 343
25 Oct 2011   #11
No. I'm simply pointing out mikey's obsession with degrading Americans and Pol-Ams. I wonder what americans or pol-ams did to him...
Meathead  5 | 467
25 Oct 2011   #12
Actually very few Pol-Ams are on this site, most are expat Poles living in America.
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431
25 Oct 2011   #13
Martha Stewart the famous Omnimedia founder and tycoon born Martha Kostyra (Polish parents) was convicted for financial fraud and served 5 months in Jail.
She is Polish American but never boasted about her Polish roots and never even actually promoted in anyway Polish recipes and Polish specialties.
25 Oct 2011   #14
She is Polish American but never boasted about her Polish roots and never even actually promoted in anyway Polish recipes and Polish specialties.

Not true, look up her "Tribute to Mrs. Kostyra" show (or so) in which Martha Stewart teaches the audience how too cook traditional polish food. This was after her mother passed away.
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431
25 Oct 2011   #15
Martha Stewart picked up a "Wasp" name and as you said started to mention anything relating her to Polish ancestry only
"After her mother passed away ", no comment.
25 Oct 2011   #16
lwowskakrakow wrote:

Martha Stewart the famous Omnimedia founder and tycoon born Martha Kostyra (Polish parents)

man Delph, you've got quite the hard on for Pol-Ams. i think it's high time you go to Duhmerica and see it all for yourself. then you can come back on here with some real experience.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
25 Oct 2011   #17
Seems a bit of a "sad" topic for a thread,(as in, oh we go again...) but scanning through and seeing Martha Stewerts name along side serial killers and peado's did make me chuckle :)
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Oct 2011   #18
An interesting case is the interestingly named "Kielbasa Posse" -

I mean, guys - couldn't you have picked a more fearsome name?

On the other hand, these guys -

Thoroughly nasty from the sounds of things!

But they do seem to be Polish crmiinals rather than Polish-American criminals - so off topic.
PWEI  3 | 612
25 Oct 2011   #19
We can add to this list SS guard at Treblinka Bronislaw Hajda (although his US citizenship was revoked when the truth came out).
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
26 Oct 2011   #20
My, Google is good - if you search for "Polish-American criminals", this link is now top!

One of the more interesting serial killers is the "Killer Clown" -

My my. Certainly another nasty piece of work!
26 Oct 2011   #21
There were a lot of Polish-American mobsters during the 1920s.

Also, Polish-Americans were frequently hired to do work for the Italian Mafia. The Gambino Crime Family hired many Polish assassins. Kuklinski (The Iceman) was one of them.

Come to think of it. One of the US Presidents was assassinated by a Polish-American.
MediaWatch  10 | 942
26 Oct 2011   #22
John Wayne Gacy, Jr. (March 17, 1942 - May 10, 1994)

Why is it you did not disclose that Gacy is also of Danish heritage?

If this was a good guy, you would be quick to point out that he had non-Polish ancestry. But since he's a terrible person, you only mention that he's Polish.
sascha  1 | 824
26 Oct 2011   #23
criminals u will find in all kinds of ethnical groups. thats nothing particular just for polish people. think about all the italo mafia, they made even tons of movies about them.

why the focus on polish people? they might get that maybe as a degradation.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
27 Oct 2011   #24
Why is it you did not disclose that Gacy is also of Danish heritage?

Thread title : Polish-American Criminals.

Not "Danish-American Criminals" - and anyway, Polish-Americans are quick to claim when someone successful is "one of theirs" despite being only half Polish-American - so it logically follows that they have to accept that the bad guys can be Polish-American, too.

But seeing as you feel a bit upset that he wasn't a pure Polish-American serial killer, let's mention an honourable gentleman who was thoroughly Polish -

When Wojciechowski's brother Fred was questioned about him in 1926, he replied, "I've seen him once in twenty years...that was when he shot me, six years ago."

Nice chap, huh?
BBman  - | 343
27 Oct 2011   #25
Polish-Americans are quick to claim when someone successful is "one of theirs" despite being only half Polish-American

You and your limey PFers are also quick to point out that these successful individuals are only 1/2 Polish-Americans. Where are you guys in this thread???

I thought so...
27 Oct 2011   #26
Delph wrote:

Polish-Americans are quick to claim when someone successful is "one of theirs"

If you ask me, Polish Polish people do the same.
PWEI  3 | 612
27 Oct 2011   #27
Where are you guys in this thread???

Why point out what has already been pointed out?

Personally I think that the topic of this thread should be "Polonia criminals", that way we could include both proper Poles like holocaust participant Anthony Sawoniuk and anybody who thinks that constantly repeated comment removed
Ironside  51 | 13083
27 Oct 2011   #28
hat way we could include both proper Poles like holocaust participant Anthony Sawoniuk

He is Polish in the same way that makes James Clarence Mangan the most famous British in the XIX century.

I-S (Harry and his fixations)
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
27 Oct 2011   #29
Personally I think that the topic of this thread should be "Polonia criminals",

Maybe "American Polonia" criminals would be best - as it's in the Polonia - USA forum, and it should be on topic, right?

Mods? :)

You and your limey PFers are also quick to point out that these successful individuals are only 1/2 Polish-Americans. Where are you guys in this thread???

That's what you guys are for, right?

Nice to see that you resort to ethnic slurs when trying to make a point, though.
BBman  - | 343
28 Oct 2011   #30

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