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Where to request Polish Birth Certificate / change of name from the UK?

8 May 2008   #1
Where can we request Polish birth certificate? We are here in UK.
plk123  8 | 4119
8 May 2008   #2
in PL from the hospital the person was born
8 May 2008   #3
...or the local Urzed Stany Cywilnego. But you need to be able to prove you are a close relative.
29 Sep 2012   #4
Merged: Obtaining Polish Birth Certificate

Does anyone here have any resources or ideas for obtaining a Polish Birth Certificate from the year 1924? I live in the UK and am looking for the birth certificate of my grandfather. Many thanks.
inkrakow  1 | 98
29 Sep 2012   #5
It's very easy - just go to the USC and ask for a copy. Take your parent's and your birth certificates with you to prove you're related as these documents aren't available to everyone.
warszawianka  - | 31
12 Oct 2012   #6
I am curious to know if the writer who inquired was successful getting the bc. I for one can't locate my relatives' bc from 1928. The church records were destroyed in a lot of places so how does one go about finding family records? Have they all been re-written or something? Just curious.

7 Feb 2013   #7
Try The Church of Latter Day Saits (Mormon) who wisely photographed many Church records from Poland/Ukraine etc. Just today I have located my family's records from a village just outside of Lwow/Lviv Ukraine. Persist I am!!!!
29 Sep 2015   #8
Merged: Robert Casar Eisenbraun. Need my grandfather birth certificate from St Johannes in Lodz

Hello, I am the granddaughter of Robert Casar Eisenbraun. We are in desperate need of his birth certificate. He was registered in St Johannes in LODZ and the number of birth registration is 152.

Anyone can help me with this please? I am based in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
17 Nov 2015   #9
Merged: Polish Change of Name and Birth Certificate in London, UK

I am Australian, recently relocated to the UK. I changed my surname many years ago I applied for a change of name with the Polish Consulate in London, along with a "long version" of a Polish birth certificate, showing my name change (zupełny odpis aktu urodzenia). They told me this would take 6-8 weeks. It has now been 9 weeks and I am about to overstay my UK tourist visa! Can anyone tell me how long this takes? I keep trying to call the consulate, email etc. No one will reply or answer me. I can't speak Polish either (note: I have confirmed my citizenship and need this name change for my Polish passport).

jmk  1 | 2
13 Apr 2016   #10
Merged: Obtaining Polish birth certificate in UK

I want to apply for a copy of my Polish-born father's birth certificate. I have his parent's details, the district, and USC address... Can I apply by post, or is it better to get via the Polish embassy in London? It's the piece about proving I'm a relative that makes me think the embassy route could be best.
20 Sep 2016   #11
katarzyna szurlej warszawa 13 sierpien 1942
27 Sep 2016   #12
Hi I would like to apply polish birth certificate for our new born. Is that possible from uk or do we have to go Poland to register baby? We have been to embassy but wasn't that helps.
14 Jan 2021   #13
I am trying to get a copy of my fathers Birth Certificate :
I have the archive from a website for LODZ district .
I now need to get hard copy from LODZ Registry Office ??
Any ideas ?
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Jan 2021   #14
Read this info:

Probably you will have to contact the nearest embassy but I see there is an online option called e-konsulat.
shadowcat81  - | 1
13 Apr 2021   #15

how to obtain polish birth certificate

Hi, I hope someone can help.... my passport has expired and I thought it would be as easy as popping down to get a new one (like last time) but ohh no life is just not as easy as that, I've been informed that you need a PESEL number or birth certificate and I have neither, so I'm hoping someone can help me on how to get a new birth certificate as I'm at my wits end and pulling my hair out

Home / UK, Ireland / Where to request Polish Birth Certificate / change of name from the UK?

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