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Poles in the UK, you know were the door is

yobando  1 | 3
18 Oct 2010   #1
You're always bashing the Brits, the UK, saying you despise it, yet you come here, reap the benefits, & still criticise - you people are such hypocrites. If you dislike the UK so much, you know were the door is, have I made myself clear?
Pinching Pete  - | 554
18 Oct 2010   #2

probably an alias of Espana's little twink
OP yobando  1 | 3
18 Oct 2010   #3
You're mistaken. You Poles never get to the point, you arrogant lot. And you're an American Pole -that says it all.
Ironside  50 | 13046
18 Oct 2010   #4
have I made myself clear?

yapidy yap kid?
Tlum  12 | 309
18 Oct 2010   #5
Being in the EU all doors for Poland are open : ).
OP yobando  1 | 3
18 Oct 2010   #6
yapidy yap kid?

At least come out with something worth saying

Being in the EU all doors for Poland are open : ).

But you Poles are not welcome by the majority of Brits, they laugh at you/spit on you whenever they can
convex  20 | 3928
18 Oct 2010   #7
Don't worry, you guys are doing a great job of ruining your currency. The UK isn't really that attractive anymore, and with the pound sinking like a chunk of lead, you won't have to worry about Polish immigration for too much longer.

PS, hope you put some money into precious metals.
OP yobando  1 | 3
18 Oct 2010   #8
The economy is not the problem, it is you Poles, don't you get it, it's your attitude you bring here
guesswho  4 | 1272
18 Oct 2010   #9
even they despise you

Well, if they despise me then it's definitely not because I'm Polish, lol
18 Oct 2010   #10
Yobando, have you not worked out yet, the majority of people on PF are Brits, so its the Brits bashing UK policy.Do not worry about the benefit cheats, because the war on benefit cheats has already started. If you are invited to stay in the UK, it is your responsibility to contribute to the UK. The country has allowed to many leeches to suck on its blood and with an aging population, it is time the government focus on helping the people that helped fill the coffers, not the vampires of the state.
convex  20 | 3928
18 Oct 2010   #11
The economy is not the problem, it is you Poles, don't you get it, it's your attitude you bring here

Soon the economy will take care of the immigration problem, in fact it's already started. Then the UK will be back to only having migrants from poor third world Asian and African countries.

گندی پاکستانی
18 Oct 2010   #12
You're always bashing the Brits, the UK

The only grudge I bear against the UK is that they didn't invite us to the victory parade
(but this issue has been mentioned on this forum before, so I won't go into details.)

Oh, and I still hate Gary Lineker (scored 7 goals against Poland throughout his career.)

Apart from that, Great Britain is OK, I guess. Sir Clive Sinclair, P.G. Wodehouse, Mini Morris,
Sherlock Holmes, Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry - I could go on. Sound country.

saying you despise it

Never said that.

you come here, reap the benefits, & still criticise

I've never been to Great Britain, I don't plan to go there in a foreseeable future
and an overwhelming majority of Poles can say exactly the same thing about themselves
(sure, there's over 1 million Poles living in the UK, but that still leaves us with 37 million,
living in Poland and not giving a flying f*ck about Brits, Great Britain, the Queen and so on.)

If you dislike the UK so much, you know were the door is, have I made myself clear?

I have to agree with that. If there are Polish (or other) immigrants in the UK, constantly
complaining about the country despite working there and/or getting benefits, then they
should not be surprised when the locals tell them to feck off :)
Seanus  15 | 19666
18 Oct 2010   #13
For sure! Locals on both side can only take so much. I think the attitude the OP was getting at was those that view the UK as a dumping ground and there are quite a few of those that I've encountered. They see it as a bailout clause and that they will instantly get a job if things don't work out here.

However, many and likely most Poles now research it well before going. They are not like those that were on the first plane across in May 2004. There were so many losers then that jumped ship and my Polish contacts want nothing to do with them.
redlorryyellow  - | 1
21 Oct 2010   #14
The country has allowed to many leeches to suck on its blood and with an aging population, it is time the government focus on helping the people that helped fill the coffers, not the vampires of the state.

too true

I'm English and I don't hate Polish,
some slag England off yes, which is annoying but some don't, I know a lot of Polish who slag Poland off are never returning to Poland.

just because you're bitter, please don't try and speak for the rest of England
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
6 Jun 2011   #15
Yes, an English person who can not even spell the world "Where" correctly.

English people go out of their way to be tolerent to Muslims, Nigerians, Pakis, Indians, ect.

But, English people don't go out of their way to tolerate Polish people. Rather the opposite. Poles are the scape goats in the Anti White nation of England.
pawian  226 | 27561
6 Jun 2011   #16
I despise British food which is simply awful. Once I bought a few products during a British campaign in Liedl. Then, after trying and realising what **** it was, I didn`t know what to do with it, but, fortunately, I came upon and excellent idea and I fed them to people I didn`t like.

But the rest of English, Scottish and Welsh culture is very OK and I love it.
Seanus  15 | 19666
6 Jun 2011   #17
Pawian, no disrespect but you have likely tried the stereotypical foods, many of which aren't even British anyway. Scottish soups (the 2nd best in the world IMHO, maybe even the best), Aberdeen Angus beef, Moray Firth haddock and scampi would not disappoint you. There is so much good food in Scotland. I'll let English people put their culinary delights forward but Scotland has amazing pub meals.

Poles, you know where the door is? Being overly harsh is not going to win you favours, right enough. However, I have not enough experience to really make a comment here. I can only say that I can imagine such griping and disgruntled types but you get those everywhere.
Meowmeow  5 | 57
6 Jun 2011   #18
I hate to partly agree with him, so many europeans come to the U.K, and are treat well, but always are complaining about British. It's one of the most multi cultural countries in the world and you would think people would have better things to say about the U.K when they give benefits out, job e.t.c But no. Don't get me wrong I know Polish people are among the hardest working people but if your going to move into a country try integrate and appreciate it's culture a bit, yes British don't really have their own culture because it's very multi cultural but still....
Seanus  15 | 19666
6 Jun 2011   #19
Scotland doesn't have its own culture? That's one of the most absurd things I've ever heard, Meowmeow!!!
Meowmeow  5 | 57
6 Jun 2011   #20
seanus ... I consider myself more english. I often forget they exist considering they are trying to break away from the U.K
Seanus  15 | 19666
6 Jun 2011   #22
Scotland created much of the modern world :) England colonised folks and spread smarminess.

I'm not surprised that Poles want to get away from England and back here.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
6 Jun 2011   #23
Poles & Scots are very similar.

Both are Nations which were much smaller & fought very bravely but after so many years could no longer hold up against much bigger nations.

Scots also have the highest R1a in Britain & R1a is the main Haplogroup of Poles.

Scots also have the highest B Blood type in Western Europe. Poland & Slavs generally have higher B Blood type.

Some Scottish Historians say Scythians started Scots & All Historians say that Celts started Scotland.

Some Polish Historians say that Scythians started Poland / Slavs & Some Polish Historians say Celts started Poles / Slavs.

Scots also had some links. Like Scythians used Mushrooms in Shamanism & So did some Scottish Pict tribes.

Also some Scythians wore tatooes & dyed their hair blue as did the Scottish Picts.

We even share some inventions.

Like Paul Nipkow a Polish Kashubian in Germany invented what became Television
Then Scottish John Baird took from Nipkow & Invented his Television.

In both cases Poles in Germany & Russia & Scotsi n England both made up a large portion of the greats proportionate to the amount.

Scots are clearly superior to the English. Scottish James Watt made England what it was by creating the Industrial Revolution.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
6 Jun 2011   #24
Only two things are ever said on PF about immigrants.


if your going to move into a country try integrate and appreciate it's culture a bit,

2. They move into a country and take OUR women and take OUR jobs.

Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Seanus  15 | 19666
6 Jun 2011   #25
Tell it as it is, PolskiMoc :) We are much more similar in the ways that you said. As a generalisation which I think holds some weight, the English turn their noses up more at Poles. Us Scots tend to be more down to earth and rugged in the same way as Poles.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
6 Jun 2011   #26
Yes, True. Scots & Poles both have a much more indepedent spirit. Scots & Poles generally like to be left alone & are generally rather libertarian in nature. We are Rebels by nature. Scots & Poles are much more tough & rugged & down to earth is correct.
Seanus  15 | 19666
6 Jun 2011   #27
Quite a few English folk just can't accept that Poles have made London a big thing. Not only London, of course. The British government opened the door and now the offer has been graciously accepted. The door is there when they have saved up enough money ;) ;) ;)
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
6 Jun 2011   #28
going to move into a country try integrate and appreciate it's culture a bit, yes British don't really have their own culture because it's very multi cultural but still....

Yes, the great Polish Writer Joseph Conrad who is considered the best Novelist to write in English is prime example of Poles not integrating into England. His name is really Josef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski

But, He changed it to Joseph Conrad to be more Anglo

Another good example is Jack Szostak a Polish Brit who is the only White Brit to win a Nobel Prize last year for discovering how Telomeres is encoded on Chromosomes (One of the biggest genetic discoveries)

Along with the Human Genome project.
Which the Human Genome project was made possible by Szostak invented the Yeast Artificial Chromosome which was used to study & create the human genome.

Now, Notice his first name is JACK not Mateusz, Not Grzegorz, Not Mieczyslaw Not Miroslaw, ect

but, JACK one of the most common English names.

Now, Muhammad is one of the most common names in England but that is okay! Muslims are clearly assimilating right?

Yes, Muslims are sure integrating well to Britain.

Britain sure does not seem to care about muslims not integrating into Britain with England giving Muslims their own sharia courts.

Studies show younger generations of Muslims in Britain are more likely to support Sharia law, Veils, & Terrorism than Older generations of Muslims in Britain.

So, Not only are Muslims in Britain not integrating they are becoming more Muslim!

Your government is helping them to not integrate by giving them sharia courts!
Seanus  15 | 19666
6 Jun 2011   #29
Isn't it funny that the BNP actually used a Spitfire to glorify Britain, using it as a poster for their campaign, only to discover that the Spitfire in question was used by the Polish 303 Squadron? :) :) They had to find another poster, LOL

What culture are Poles supposed to be trampling on in England anyway? Binge drinking? Laziness? Chavism? Cheap sluts? Britain in general is highly stagnant. Give a Pole sufficient incentive and impetus and you will see them sail past many Angols :)
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
6 Jun 2011   #30
get back on topic, please.

Home / UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK, you know were the door is
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