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Getting a UK state pension in Poland

Lazarus  2 | 295
13 Aug 2024 #1
Have you lived and worked in the UK for at least three years? You could get a UK state pension for a very reasonable amount even though you live in Poland.

You need 35 years of payments to get the full amount. That amount is £221.20 / 1,111zl per week, so 57.772zl per year. To get that you can pay only Class 2 voluntary contributions and those £179 / 895zl per year. Yes, those numbers are correct. For paying thirty-five times 895zl, you get 1,111zl per week for life from your 67th birthday. So it takes 28 weeks to get back what you paid in, after that you're in the money. Live to 80 and you get back 751,036zl for the 31,325zl you paid in!

More information here:
Tlum  12 | 247
14 Aug 2024 #2
This is a very good deal for Poles who worked in the UK. 3 years is a low threshold.
amiga500  5 | 1485
14 Aug 2024 #3
Looks like Delph or Harry is in the money :)
OP Lazarus  2 | 295
14 Aug 2024 #4
This is a very good deal for Poles who worked in the UK.

It's the deal of the century! I wouldn't like to try to live off 5,555zl but as one pillar of a pension here it would be OK. I reckon 5.5 from UK state pension, the same again from ZUS, and contributions from dipping into 20 years of maxed out IKZE, PPK and PPO, plus either income from selling off the portfolio or an annuity, one could live pretty well in Poland in one's golden years.

Home / UK, Ireland / Getting a UK state pension in Poland
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