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Polish Nazi's humiliated in London - anti-Jewish demonstration

jon357  72 | 23528
8 Jul 2015   #32
that Pole's are like that

They aren't - this is a tiny number of individuals.

Why are they like that in the UK ?


when Hitler did what he did in Poland to Jew's

Before 1939 there were a surprising number of admirers in PL - their own government was pretty awful too.

I think it's weird

Yes, it is weird. But more stupidity and mental disturbance. As I say, a tiny number of troubled individuals, mostly of low intelligence.
8 Jul 2015   #33
They must be some reason for it apart from low IQ and Putin. Is it historical ? Do they blame the Jew's for the invasion of Poland or something?.
jon357  72 | 23528
8 Jul 2015   #34
Most of these are too inarticulate to come up with something new - they just look for the lowest common denominator.

Is it historical ? Do they blame the Jew's for the invasion of Poland or something?.

Hatred of 'the other' by essentially rural semi-literate people along with distaste of traders and the "ger orff my laarnd" farmer v. nomad thing that's as old as Cain and Abel. Plus a deep-seated inferiority complex due to being invaded so often and a need to blame others and of course the fascho/hooligan thing is a ready made bit of camaraderie that appeals to uneducated but aggressive young males.

Do they blame the Jew's for

I've known certain Poles blame them for double parking, a loss at football and even the weather. These people are in a shrinking minority though.

A shame it's spread to London, however the demographic of poor, uneducated provincial people (remember the economic and educational elite don't have to go to England to work in Tesco's) who went means statistically there are bound to be a few. The ill-adaption of people like that just encourages sticking together and of course the UK skinheads and their foul 'music' bands have long been idolised by fascists across Europe.

Sad really, but all of them inadequates and not a threat to anyone.
archiwum  12 | 122
8 Jul 2015   #35

I only read some of you'alls posts. I didn't think there was a difference between National Socialists.

Another man's fortune is another man's poison.

I was being funny only.Thanks.
Crow  154 | 9562
28 Aug 2015   #36
Polish Nazi's

by the good God, what is this? More young Slavs deluded with germanic ideological constructions?

Our Slavic younglings needs clear mind.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
9 Dec 2017   #37

Polish terrorist in the UK

"(..)A Polish-born Britain First supporter who said he wanted to "kill a Muslim" gave a Nazi salute and shouted "white power" before driving at a curry house owner, a court has heard.

Marek Zakrocki, 48, launched his drunken attack outside Spicy Night, a takeaway in Harrow, north-west London, on the first anniversary of the Brexit vote on 23 June.(..)"

god thanks this time nobody was killed!
13 Dec 2017   #38
Why would a Pole want to be like the people who tried to exterminate them?
Ironside  50 | 12959
13 Dec 2017   #39
I believe you were to leave this forums - said so yourself. What keeps you? Trolling thrills?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
13 Dec 2017   #40
there are idiots from every country, nobody has a monopoly on stupidity...
Crow  154 | 9562
13 Dec 2017   #41
Shame that Nazi movements, EU and NATO have followers in Poland and, not only in Poland. Shame how our Slavic youth becoming victim of degenerate and heretical ideas. For now, Poles only resist, fortunately sure, to the Nazi-Islam but EU and possible even NATO leads to it so one have to be vigilant.

When would I hear about movements in Slavic countries such are for example: ``Guardians of Sarmatia``, ``Svetovid`s hand`` or something similar???

Why hands of Slavs always search for the light in western European ass? Wash your fingers my sisters and brothers!
Wulkan  - | 3136
14 Dec 2017   #42
god thanks this time nobody was killed!

Thanks god nobody was killed indeed, unfortunately next time when muslim does it, the opportunity of taking few lives or more will not be wasted.
18 Dec 2017   #43
My father has my back, I'm a Jew who lived in Poland and I was called so many names on regular basis including son of a dog(*****), a dog, and also black female slave and so on..those are what I remember, what happened that I didn't remember is much worst I suppose.
Wulkan  - | 3136
18 Dec 2017   #44
Sounds like an early stage of schizophrenia.
Crow  154 | 9562
18 Dec 2017   #45
My father has my back, I'm a Jew who lived in Poland and I was called so many names on regular basis including son of a dog(*****), a dog, and also black female slave and so on..

when you mentioned. See, Jews took part in era of slavery and stolen many Slavs or their children and then sold them on slave markets to Arabs or on slave markets on the west of Europe. While I am all for reconciliation among Slavs (ie Sarmats) and Jews, please forgive to us Slavs and Poles in particular if we sometimes lose our nerves. Nobody is innocent, you see and we all need a lot of time to heal our wounds.
18 Dec 2017   #46
That's true, you will need a lot time until God heals you...
kaprys  3 | 2076
18 Dec 2017   #47
So they called you a puppy?
Crow  154 | 9562
18 Dec 2017   #48
That's true, you will need a lot time until God heals you...

I have my God and that is Svetovid. In me, he goes hand in hand with Jesus that is also my God. In me, they coexist.

I won`t say this makes me a better man then you are but, for sure, this means that I have more tolerance in me then you have. You have only your God in yourself.
18 Dec 2017   #49
Most Catholic are only talk, no practice... And believe me when I say God is going to punish you without mercy just like you treated his son without mercy! ;)

Catholic and Orthodox are more like reformed church now days, just talk and bs, maybe prayers and such, but is there practical that mean things to God?...they think they took the easy way but the truth is they took the long and the hard way, just as it was written in the bile in revelation. The board gate!

They turned Christianity into saved by grace, they declare it in schools, churches , everywhere, so even if your bible says you have to prove you believe in Christ the reality is all of you are lazy and so in love with your life... I will name them Lutheran Catholics ;)

Being called a puppy is no big deal, but arrested for standing against "Allah" in supposedly "Catholic" country means I have to bring charges against the Police there regardless of their religion, so pray hard to pope Francis that he saves them from what is going to come.
Crow  154 | 9562
18 Dec 2017   #50
Catholic and Orthodox are more like reformed church now days, just talk and bs

I am Serbian. Essentially and practically, we Serbs never abandoned Svetovid. Plus, we gave chance to Christ. Tell me, what Jewish historical experience you can compare to this?

My people is more tolerant then you Jews. Even no matter that we were, same as you Jews, in grave danger to extinct, because of our choices. We are Sarmatian finest. Last scream of endangered heritage of our venerable civilization.
19 Dec 2017   #51
I truly believe that people from Serbians are God's Children, honest and tough, they went through a lot, unlike wanna be Christians from Europe. I'm pretty sure Christ the Son of God is always with Serbia who fought America's JIHADIS, on the other hand Poland is kissing USA ass day and night to have a sense of belonging.. Poland is ready to sacrifice millions and their people's future just to get a better reputation in the west! Christians being raped by USA allies(Saudis and Wahabis) in Serbia, Syria, Iraq etc...? Nie ma problemu.

this is the true neighbour love that they learned from Jesus.
Anyone who seeks glory outside of Christ will only inherit death and failure, it's going to be a big shock and people will tear and cry out for mercy with no answer.
19 Dec 2017   #52
Israelite Christians are superior to Non-Jewish Christians, more reliable, and ready to go through anything for Christ, that's why Jesus was only interested in making disciples from his Jewish community, he knew only Jews are capable of giving it all for all, they been trained for thousands of years, they have in the DNA. Non-Jew Christian will always twist any verse or teaching if it doesn't comfort their earthy life.
19 Dec 2017   #53
You said you guys "Serbs" give a chance to Christ??? The truth is Christ is the one who gave you a chance!
Crow  154 | 9562
19 Dec 2017   #54
Its philosophical and not only religious question. Some would tell that you are wrong, some that you are right. Some would tell that Alexander of Macedon was great, some would tell that Greeks double-crossed and used him.
pawian  226 | 27587
18 Mar 2020   #55
Are these people Russian agents trying to instigate/justify a invasion of Poland?

Those far-right migrant Poles who attended that anti Jewish march in London - did they have British citizenship to feel so motivated? If not, why did they poke their dirty noses into other people`s affairs?
Miloslaw  20 | 5141
19 Mar 2020   #56
Those far-right migrant Poles

Mate, you need to accept that this is happening.
Instead of just condemning it you need to look at the cause.....
pawian  226 | 27587
19 Mar 2020   #57
Hmm, I already looked at the cause long ago. Now, I am only asking questions. :):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5141
19 Mar 2020   #58
Yet anorher thread that seems to have been censored. ....
pawian  226 | 27587
19 Mar 2020   #59
Not sure what you mean.
pawian  226 | 27587
19 Mar 2020   #60
Yet anorher thread that seems to have been censored. ....

What censorship were you talking about? I am worried about you coz you see things which don`t exist.

Home / UK, Ireland / Polish Nazi's humiliated in London - anti-Jewish demonstration

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