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Polish lorry driver arrested for smuggling 9 million cigarettes

johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Aug 2017   #31
Coming to Poland soon.

NYC where the same cigs retail at 15 a pack

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has signed legislation raising the minimum price for a pack of cigarettes to $13 in New York City.
Health Department officials say the hike from $10.50 will make the city the most expensive place to buy cigarettes in the country.
The $13-a-pack cost includes taxes.
The law goes into effect on June 1.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
28 Aug 2017   #32
Ehh I wouldn't totally agree with that. The 1/2 price cigs can be purchased within a 5 10 minute walk in just about any direction from SkyTower in Wroclaw although I'm sure every city is different. The 15 16 standard zloty price is still far cheaper than what cigarettes cost here at $6 $7 a pack so for the most part I generally don't buy the bogus ones since they taste like $hit and it's not worth saving $2 to smoke what we've dubbed 'czernobylskie' (from Chernobyl). In rural and suburban areas almost every kiosk has them but they'll only display like one pack in the window (often the Russian Zebra ones). Authorities obviously know about it I just don't think they care a whole lot and they have other fish to fry. I use to only smoke cigs but now I smoke hookah at home and in the office - bit healthier and cheaper and cigs only if I like can't use a hookah (i.e. driving, going out somewhere).

Yeah there's been a few incidents like that especially in Russia with bad liquor. I'm sure Poland too. I remember seeing a clip of some Russian guys catching two dudes driving a load of bad liquor and they put them in cuffs and beat the crap out of them afterward. The Russian cops there are no joke. They beat people up, demand bribes, do all sorts of things especially if it's something that they believe is hurting Russians or Russian society.

In Cook County Illinois $10.50-$13.00 would be a deal lol! $15-$16 is standard. Generally people who smoke regularly will drive 20 minutes, buy a carton for the week or whatever at half price in lake or will county, and not buy in cook unless they run out.
OP jon357  72 | 23654
28 Aug 2017   #33
The 1/2 price cigs can be purchased within a 5 10 minute walk in just about any direction from SkyTower in Wroclaw although I'm sure every city is different.

Yes, In Warsaw there's only one place near the centre where it's overt. Apart from that, you have to know that the little old lady with the stall or whatever has them.

In rural and suburban areas almost every kiosk

Again, not round Warsaw - the police etc are very keen on this.

bad liquor

With alcohol/cigs in large quantities, it tends to come through Poland rather than originate there. It looks like this is what happened with the lorry driver in the original post.
Roger5  1 | 1432
29 Aug 2017   #34
They beat people up, demand bribes, do all sorts of things

I could write a long article on Russian cops' abuses, having lived there for three (academic) years. The mentality is different there. There is no conception of 'to protect and serve', or being of the people. The soviet model remains. The function of the police is to keep the people controlled, intimidated and frightened. As for OMON, don't get me started.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
30 Aug 2017   #35

Well they enforce Putin's agenda as well as the criminal penal code. I.e. if one tries to wave a lgbt flag, you'll get beaten and jailed. Different mentality you're right. Putin has instituted a sort of fort Russia policy - in some ways I agree with certain things he's doing like trying to unite the country through Russian things - orthodox religion Russian history patriotism russian arts and music etc. He doesn't want Russia to turn into the type of culture Brussels has promoted and it appears Russians seem to support him in that quest. Although the corruption the attacks on people like Jehovah witnesses etc is a bit too much.
OP jon357  72 | 23654
30 Aug 2017   #36
The soviet model remains

Yes. That and the Tsarist and post-Soviet mode tool. Very little to choose between them, and Russia (with the enthusiatic support of Russians in the Baltic) is the source of so much that is smuggled into Europe.

Much tougher action is needed against them, cutting off their export markets and depriving their authoritarian and corrupt regime of income.


I wonder what that £2.5 million in lost excise could have done for a local police force's budget.
mafketis  38 | 11260
30 Aug 2017   #37
He doesn't want Russia to turn into the type of culture Brussels has promoted

This is not so accurate. Predominantly muslim immigration from central Asia and caucasus has exploded under his rule and ethnic Russians are now a minority in Moscow. He's done nothing to stop this and won't (he's a globalist too, just a different kind of globalist).
OP jon357  72 | 23654
30 Aug 2017   #38
muslim immigration

We know it's your favourite subject, however does it relate to cigarette smugling within Europe?
mafketis  38 | 11260
30 Aug 2017   #39
however does it relate to cigarette smugling within Europe?

Who died and named you thread boss? Are you a mod?

It's response to a mistaken assertion. Deal. with. it.

Why so defensive?
OP jon357  72 | 23654
30 Aug 2017   #40
It's response to a mistaken assertion.

It's also irrelevant. The demographics of 'central Asia and caucasus' don't impact on the problem of cigarette and alcohol smuggling from Poland into the UK, even in those cases where the contraband originates in Russia or the Baltics.

The loss of excise revenue (£2.5 million in this case alone) have an impact.
mafketis  38 | 11260
30 Aug 2017   #41
Won't Brexit help in tightening the borders against contraband?
OP jon357  72 | 23654
30 Aug 2017   #42
Won't Brexit help

No. If it goes ahead, it's unlikely to affect customs inspections at Dover and in any case, the customs union is expected to remain.
mafketis  38 | 11260
30 Aug 2017   #43
the customs union is expected to remain.

Seems like a lose/lose situation. Being on islands, the UK should be able to keep contraband from coming through entry ports (though then shore patrols would have to be increased of course.

Or they could just figure out some other way to get the money they currently get from tobacco taxes and eliminate the incentive to smuggle in the first place.
OP jon357  72 | 23654
30 Aug 2017   #44
should be able to keep contraband from coming through entry ports

They mostly do. The stakes are however so high that some people will always try doing it using often ingenious means.

some other way to get the money they currently get from tobacco taxes

That won't happen - the excise duty brings in much needed revenue as well as making the price of tobacco a deterrent.
Atch  22 | 4299
30 Aug 2017   #45
Being on islands, the UK

But it's not. It has a land border with another EU country, the Republic of Ireland.
Ironside  51 | 13083
30 Aug 2017   #46
Why start this this BS? Is that a criminal chronicle forums?
Deph does it out of spite. Also he is a sociopath with serious mental issues - a freak.
What is your excuse?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
30 Aug 2017   #47
a land border with another EU country, the Republic of Ireland

... which country may be neglected as being too small. Didn't your sister experience this notion of Ireland in France?
Atch  22 | 4299
30 Aug 2017   #48
Well in the Brexit talks it's going to be one of the first issues discussed. In fact they're talking about it today.
mafketis  38 | 11260
30 Aug 2017   #49
But it's not. It has a land border with another EU country, the Republic of Ireland.

Which is on an island even further from mainland europe than Great Britain.... getting contraband to Ireland to cross the border into ulster is too much work for most smugglers (unless they're making contraband stuff in the republic itself...)
Atch  22 | 4299
30 Aug 2017   #50
There's already a massive tobacco smuggling racket in Ireland. No problem at all to get it across the open border into the North and then over to the UK.
mafketis  38 | 11260
30 Aug 2017   #51
There's already a massive tobacco smuggling racket in Ireland.

This just cements my idea is that the real problem is the UK's hypocritical tobacco taxes rather than the UK citizens who rebel against it (no buyers = no incentives) or nonUkers who willingly help them. Good for freedom of choice, down with the Miss Grundies!
OP jon357  72 | 23654
30 Aug 2017   #52
In fact they're talking about it today.

Which is on an island even further from mainland europe than Great Britain

As far as I know, the two countries work together on smuggling. As for getting it from NI to the rest of the UK, all lorries are checked on the ferry.

UK citizens

Fewer than you think buy tobacco smuggled in bulk. Nevertheless, one consignment, the one driven by the Polish guy, cost society a revenue of £2.5 million, enough to educate around 600 primary school kids per year.
mafketis  38 | 11260
30 Aug 2017   #53
Fewer than you think buy tobacco smuggled in bulk. Nevertheless, one consignment, the one driven by the Polish guy, cost society a revenue of £2.5 million,

These two sentences contradict each other (smugglers have to know the market, if the market weren't there they wouldn't be 'costing' the government so much money.

And also, I still say it's silly (and terrible policy) to count on a source of income one is trying to eliminate.
OP jon357  72 | 23654
30 Aug 2017   #54
No they don't contradict at all. Crime is opportunist, and you fail to (or ignore) the very significant difference between large and small scale smuggling.

Basically petty crime and serious crime.

I still say it's silly (and terrible policy) to count on a source of income one is trying to eliminate.

Who says they 'count on it'? They certainly appreciate fiscal revenues (society always does) however the excise duty is high for a reason other than revenue.
mafketis  38 | 11260
30 Aug 2017   #55
Crime is opportunist, and you fail to (or ignore) the very significant difference between large and small scale smuggling

If there's no market for something there's no smuggling. When's the last time you heard of smuggled anteater meat in Poland?

Who says they 'count on it'?

You implied it heavily more than once, linking 'losses' to specific government programs

the excise duty is high for a reason other than revenue

A very stupid reason. I don't smoke (and strongly dislike the smell of burning tobacco) but most anti-tobacco laws are puritanism in disguise and I just can't get down wit' dat. diggit?
OP jon357  72 | 23654
30 Aug 2017   #56
no market for something

The idea is to kill the market, before the 'market' kills the smokers.

You implied it heavily more than once, linking 'losses' to specific government programs

Nope, simply suggesting ways that society could use that amount.

When's the last time you heard of smuggled anteater meat in Poland?

You've never seen those ladies selling it in town? On ul. Poznanska.
mafketis  38 | 11260
30 Aug 2017   #57
You've never seen those ladies selling it in town? On ul. Poznanska.

You mean I could have had anteater meat for dinner tonight (if I lived in Warsaw)? I'm devastated. hmmmmmm anttttyyyyy
OP jon357  72 | 23654
30 Aug 2017   #58
If you've got the dosh anything is possible. Ask for the 'special stuff'.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Feb 2023   #59
Over the course of two years, an organized crime group from Bialystok and Warsaw, smuggled twice that at 18.8 million packs of cigarettes worth PLN 440 million into Poland.

That's a record high, putting the case at the top of the largest cigarette smuggling cases in history.
This is why they say, "Quit while you are ahead."
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Feb 2023   #60
packs of cigarettes

One more reason to prefer Poland to the USA. Here, they smuggle tons of tobacco products. In the US, it is tons of narcotics.

Home / UK, Ireland / Polish lorry driver arrested for smuggling 9 million cigarettes

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