I think you`ve made quite wrong conclusions , Bangkok is a world capital of paid sex , and all prostitutes are Thai women .
Objection Lawyer Lady!
All that chart shows is where Prostitutes are busiest, that is, men who admit to visiting prostitutes at least once in their lifetime. It does not follow that is where the most prostitutes are working. Looks more like an inverse scale of prudishness to me.
Several European countries have higher percentages of prostitutes. Dominican Republic has the highest percentage of local prostitutes, though not the busiest. I read somewhere Brazil is the highest exporter. Israel has highest in terms of importing from a CNN documentary.
tobefree.wordpress.com/2010/08/29/israel-the-highest-rate-of-prostitut ion-in-the-world-cnn-one-million-visits-made-every-month-to-brothels-i n-israel-population-7-million/
[Spain] turns over an estimated 40 billion euros
This site claims 18 Billion Euros spent by 'tricks'
htt p://ww w.typicallyspanish.com/news/publish/article_17805.shtml
as an example how the difficulty in quantifying such behaviours.