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Poles as tourists in foreign countries

pawian  226 | 27817
22 Aug 2023   #1
There is a country where they love Poles and worship Stalin - Georgia

The cordiality of Georgians can be seen at every step. Seeing a foreigner, they have no hesitation in approaching the "stranger" on the street or on the train and asking where he/she comes from.

- Ah, Poland! - most often they talk about us with sincere sympathy and raise their thumbs up. Then the name of Lech KaczyƄski appears and from then on every Pole is a brother/sister to them. The tragically deceased Polish president not only has his own street and monument in Tbilisi; there is also a square for them. It also happens that Georgians, hearing Polish speech, will remind our compatriots about one of the famous 4 Tankers and a Dog series. The film was a huge success in the former USSR. Everyone here knows Russian. You can easily communicate with the younger ones in English.

It is better not to talk about Putin with Georgians. They regard both him and Russia as occupiers. Especially now that they invaded Ukraine.

But so far you haven't been bothered by the presence of many tourists from Russia..."

"Business is business," they say.

Georgians proudly admit that some of them or their relatives worked in Poland. And they made good money. They also boasted of knowing a few words in Polish. Most of them are not citable.,30bc1058

Lech Kaczynski memorial in Tbilisi

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Aug 2023   #2

The advantage of Georgia for a Polish tourist are certainly wallet-friendly prices. Popular khachapuri, baked pancakes with cheese or other stuffing can be bought for less than PLN 3-4. They are sold e.g. in tiny bakeries that are on every street corner. Baked on site and on a regular basis, they are often still hot. In larger towns, near the market, they are also sold by housewives who walk with a large tray out onto the street, loudly praising their pastries. Adjarian khachapuri - with egg and butter - is a real rarity for connoisseurs of Georgian cuisine. Some say that one khachapuri keeps them full for the whole day.

Georgian cuisine is associated with coriander for many. They add it to many dishes, including khinkali - these are dumplings in the shape of pouches stuffed with aromatic broth. You eat it with your hands, holding the dumpling by the tip and biting a small hole in the pouch through which you have to suck the warm, liquid broth. Only after that we eat the rest of the khinkali, leaving the tip.

In bars or restaurants, we can easily eat lunch (soup, main course, drink - popular tarragon-flavored lemonade), for which we will pay no more than PLN 30-35. Interestingly, beer in bars and restaurants often costs the same as in the store - about PLN 4. However, the selection of beers is limited. Churchkhels, also known as Georgian snickers, are sweets that are characteristic of Georgia. They are sweet and give you a lot of energy.

Adjar khachapuri and khinkali pierogis

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Paulina  19 | 4556
22 Aug 2023   #3
My cousin went on holiday to Georgia and she loved it there :)

The food looks cool!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Aug 2023   #4
The food looks cool!

Yes, amasing! :):)

You can travel in Georgia cheaply, but not always safely. It's about the so-called popular in the former republics of the USSR. marshrutkas, i.e. mini buses, on which Georgian transport is mainly based. Mini buses, mainly old worn-out Mercedes, are often in a deplorable condition, and drivers are known for reckless driving and are able to overtake on the bend. Tickets in marshrutkas are quite cheap. For the journey from Kutaisi to Tbilisi (230 km) we will pay about PLN 25-30. You pay when you get off. However, there are no tickets. There are no timetables, but the locals know that, for example, a marshrutka to a given town leaves every full hour or every quarter of an hour.

Traveling by train is even cheaper. Covering the distance of about 80 km costs about PLN 3. However, trains do not run very often, and the journey takes longer due to the poor condition of the tracks. In Tbilisi, the cheapest and fastest way to travel is by subway. The ticket costs about PLN 2.

In larger cities, you can easily rent a car for about PLN 250 per day (without fuel). However, it is cheaper to hire a taxi. For similar money, we will find a willing taxi driver who will be at our disposal throughout the day. After leaving the train or subway station, you will immediately encounter a crowd of carriers offering their services.

Motorization in Georgia is a topic for a separate article. There are no mandatory technical examinations in Georgia. If the bumper falls off or the windshield breaks, no one bothers to repair them. There are many abandoned car wrecks on the roadsides all over the country.

Interestingly, hardly anyone rides a bike in Georgia. Not only are there no bicycle paths (except Batumi, but they are mostly occupied by pedestrians). For most Georgians, a cyclist is treated as a disabled person who has trouble walking.

Georgia is a country where tourists feel very safe. Maybe it's because the police can be seen everywhere. It's hard not to notice police cars, because they are obliged - probably as the only country in Europe - to ride with flashing lights around the clock. The police in Georgia underwent the biggest metamorphosis after regaining independence. Today, it has a reputation of being incorruptible, efficient and well-equipped. It shows. No police in the world would be ashamed of these police cars. Some of the police Fords are even equipped with special bumpers to push cars escaping from the chase to the side of the road.

- Here in Tbilisi there are very few riots or fights - argues Mikhail, whom he met in the capital of Georgia. - And if something happens, after a few minutes there are 3-4 police cars on the spot. In the past, it used to be possible to arrange everything with them, each of them took bribes. It was only President Saakashvili who put things in order - he gave them a big rise, bought modern police cars and now there is finally peace and quiet.

Many tourists visit the Georgian city of Gori, where one of the world's greatest criminals, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, was born. The hut where the dictator was born is covered with a concrete structure, like a sarcophagus, protecting the house from rain and sun. Behind it is the museum of Stalin, which was established in 1937. There are many memorabilia of him in the display cases, including the famous pipe with which he willingly posed for paintings and photos. For many visitors to this place, the sight of wreaths with flowers under the monument to a tyrant from Georgia will certainly catch the eye. The posthumous mask of the leader (one of the 12 that was created after his death) and the office of the generalissimo are also impressive.

- We do not go to this museum - native Georgians swear. - First of all, Russians come here, a lot of Germans and many of you, Poles.

Attempts were made to demolish the Stalin monument twice - in the 1950s and 1980s. Each time, the inhabitants protested, occupying the place for several days and nights. In Georgia, you can still come across small, private museums dedicated to Stalin.

Stalin`s birthplace protected by a special building. Amasing!!

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Lyzko  44 | 9723
22 Aug 2023   #5
I didn't realize that, pawian! When in Germany over the past ten years, I noticed any number of Polish vacationers in Berlin, particularly fascinated with the SONY-Center on the Potsdamer Platz.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Aug 2023   #6
I didn't realize that, pawian!

You mean you didn`t realise that Poles are travellers by character?? And you didn`t know that Columbus was half Polish????
Lyzko  44 | 9723
22 Aug 2023   #7
Columbus was half-Marrano, certainly not ethnic Polish.

I was aware that since the collapse of Communism, Poles as with Russians have been travelling with a vengeance.
Where do you think I grew up, in a cave??
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Aug 2023   #8
particularly fascinated with the SONY-Center on the Potsdamer Platz.

That certainly used to be the case. When I went there myself just after it was built, some people I was visiting made a point of going there. There's better all over London and has been for years and there's now fancier places in Warsaw.

The big tourism draws for Poland in Berlin used to be TKMaxx and Primark however Poland has both now.

Georgia though is something new and it's worth mentioning that Malaga has become a big destination for Poles.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Aug 2023   #9
Columbus was half-Marrano, certainly not ethnic Polish.

Ok, let`s have a deal, half Marrano, half Polish.

Poles as with Russians

Please, don`t mix us with Russians, it is unfair and spoils the atmosphere.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
22 Aug 2023   #10
Columbus was NOT half-Polish!
"Spoiling" the atmosphere or roiling the waters is nowhere near as unfair as masking the truth.

Once the Wall fell, Russians, Poles, Bulgarians etc. all streamed into the West, desperately trying to do business with their richer counterparts. They couldn't get enough of capitalism, which is why they became such post-Reaganist Trump supporters!!

Look at the first McDonald's in Russia in Tverskaya, Moscow, opened in the early '90's! Later followed stores devoted to Western brand names, such Dior etc..
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Aug 2023   #11
Columbus was NOT half-Polish!

He was, according to some historians. You`d better consult sources. :):):)

Once the Wall fell, Russians, Poles, Bulgarians etc. all streamed into the West,

You are making a big mistake now. Poles had travelled a lot BEFORE the fall of the Wall. HA\!!!
That is why I told you not to put us together with Russians in one basket coz it is against historical facts! Ha!
Lyzko  44 | 9723
22 Aug 2023   #12
The Russians though merely were following the Poles' lead:-)

I've already read my sources, and there is not hard evidence to support
such claims!

Don't rely on Wiki for everything!
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Aug 2023   #13
Columbus was NOT half-Polish!

His brother lived in Bristol and there ar plenty of Poles there.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
23 Aug 2023   #14
That's a bit more likely....just perhaps.
Alien  26 | 6527
22 Sep 2023   #15
In the meantime, Poles do not stand out in any negative way as tourists compared to other nations. Even Polish car registrations are the same as in the European Union, not black.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
22 Sep 2023   #16
Poles do not stand out in any negative way as tourists compared to other nations

Yes.unlike brits and irish who are rowdy,loudmouth and abnoxious.
Atch  22 | 4299
22 Sep 2023   #17
You know nothing about the Irish - we have no reputation whatsoever for causing trouble abroad, unlike certain types of Englishmen. We're always welcome in any country because of our reputation. Witness how welcome we were in Poland during Euro 2012. We even got awards for being so delightful :) One of them was from the Polish Olympic Committee:

"the Irish fans demonstrated excellent support, joyful spontaneity and real devotion to their team. This fantastic behaviour presented not only at the stadiums, captivated our Polish hearts and still remains as a model to follow."

Note that last bit - the behaviour of the Irish is a model for others to follow.
Joker  2 | 2447
22 Sep 2023   #18
we have no reputation whatsoever for causing trouble abroad,

This is the funniest thing you ever posted!

Ive seen plenty of drunken Irish start fights in Chicago pubs... They come here to work as electricians and get totally bombed afterwards then act like Aholes.

They even named a police vehicle after them " Paddy Wagon" a nickname given to transport Irish drunks.

No reputation?? LOLOL
Atch  22 | 4299
22 Sep 2023   #19
They come here to work as electricians

Not tourists, are they?

then act like Aholes.

Details please.
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Sep 2023   #20
Details please.

Google "drunk Irish aholes". It's all there...
Atch  22 | 4299
22 Sep 2023   #21
Didn't find anything. Found lots of stuff about friendliest people in Europe, why are the Irish so popular etc. loads of stuff about how great we are :)
mafketis  38 | 11260
22 Sep 2023   #22
friendliest people in Europe, why are the Irish so popular etc.

I think Ireland shipped off most of its worst to the US.... the popular American stereotype of the Irish is that of a bunch of morose alcoholics who are quick to resort to violence. The stereotype seems as popular among Americans of Irish descent as anyone else....

For the morose drunk part, see Eugene O'Neill...

For the violent part see popular movie Boondock Saints

There was also the Irish mob, which lasted longer than any other organized crime group except for Italians (the Jewish mob seems curiously forgotten...) the father of one of the title characters in Rizzoli and Isles was an Irish-American mob boss...

Italians are also perplexed by stereotypes of Italian Americans totally obsessed with food.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
22 Sep 2023   #23
Bravo, Maf. Spot on, sir!
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
22 Sep 2023   #24
They come here to work as electricians and get totally bombed afterwards then act like Aholes.

Even in Poland,irish housekeepers/cleaners are known to steal your bathroom toiletries.Some when coming to work also have empty btls with them to steal your aftershave,Razor cartridges are there favorite to steal as they are very expensive in Poland.I also heard they steal cleaning stuff and a case where an irish nanny would steal kids lunch when there parents were away.

They are cheap to hire but Americans never hire them.
Joker  2 | 2447
22 Sep 2023   #25
tereotype of the Irish is that of a bunch of morose alcoholics who are quick to resort to violence.

And then 5 minutes later they forgot all about it , like it never

I grew up on the NW side of Chicago in an all Irish neighborhood. I still have have relatives in Waterford and Dublin. I know all about the Irish They used to control the city along with the Italians.. Now its a Black Democrat Dystopia:(

I moved out of Chicago and never looked back.

They are cheap to hire but Americans never hire them.

I didnt know them as being thieves , but Europeans are unpredictable and cant really trust them. I know they hate us, so why pretend to be nice to them anymore?
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
22 Sep 2023   #26
I know they hate us

This anti Irish thing makes me feel physically sick...........and of course, because the Irish are white, it's not racism! Bollox!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Sep 2023   #27
Witness how welcome we were in Poland during Euro 2012.

Yes, I also mentioned it in the 2012 EURO thread. Very cultural fans.
Alien  26 | 6527
22 Sep 2023   #28
white, it's not racism!

Racism has no skin color.
Joker  2 | 2447
22 Sep 2023   #29
This anti Irish thing makes me feel physically sick.

I didnt say anything anti - Irish most of my ancestors are Irish and many of my friends.. I said Europeans hate us. A lot of Americans dont view the UK as part of Europe, youre different, like friends. Unlike the French who despise us, a mutual feeling for sure...
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
22 Sep 2023   #30
Racism has no skin color.

You missed the sarcasm in my post.
Racism does not have a skin colour as you said.
It works in many directions.But most people only see white on black racism which is ridiculous!
I know West Indian blacks who hate African blacks......who may be their family.........racism is a sad,pathetic,joke!

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