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Had the most unwelcoming experience in all my travels in Poland, very unfriendly people.

mafketis  38 | 11142
21 Jun 2021   #91
considerate Polish drivers noticing your foreign plates and tip-toeing through the tulips around you. That's a lol moment!

Yeah... the phonies always give themselves away, don't they?
Atch  22 | 4299
21 Jun 2021   #92
Usually in the very first post they make :)

The response they get largely depends on whether the forum members decide to give them the benefit of the doubt or we're in the mood for a bit of amusement at the troll's expense, so engage in a bit of batting back and forth and enjoy watching them dig themselves ever deeper into the troll hole.

Actually, we could do a kind of academic analysis of a typical troll's first post and how they set up the scenario. Your man's OP is a classic. It has all the tried and tested, seasoned troll basics which they learn in the various trolling academies :))......... graduated **'cumlaude' from the National Academy of Trolling, majored in Baiting etc.

** had to make that one word because algorithm for this site was obviously designed by Puritan.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
21 Jun 2021   #93
Either I'm Polish or I'm not.

Of course you are not. Seek therapeutic help if you think you are.

He certainly isn't American nor does he live there - nor indeed Cuba or Mongolia.

North Korea?

Your man's OP is a classic. It has all the tried and tested, seasoned troll basics

Yes, he seemed a troll to me even before I finished reading his opening post. There is this ... something, I don't know what it is exactly, which always gives the troll away. And he is probably Dutch since he wrote 'nieuws' rather than 'news'.
OP Badholidayinpola
21 Jun 2021   #94
I am not F*cking trolling i was just treated very badly by the Polish people why is this so hard to beleive

I came to this forum with my story to find some understanding but i was greeted wuth the same hospitality i encountered in my travels

Still tripping over me taking a 2 hour long bath?
Next time i make it 4!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
21 Jun 2021   #95
You would be kicked out of the country, if you did that in the Netherlands.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
21 Jun 2021   #96
but i was greeted wuth the same hospitality i encountered in my travels

Not surprising as you are obviously a lazy, inconsiderate slob.
amiga500  5 | 1492
21 Jun 2021   #97
Next time i make it 4!

I invite you to my family apartment in warsaw, and you can relax in the bath all day. Only condition is I get to throw a plugged in toaster i whilst you are in the tub.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
21 Jun 2021   #98
Using foul language serves little mature purpose! This ís so typical of the Dutch I've often encountered abroad.
mafketis  38 | 11142
21 Jun 2021   #99
i was just treated very badly by the Polish people

Lyzko  44 | 9713
21 Jun 2021   #100
Nice one!
OP Badholidayinpola
21 Jun 2021   #101
Another death threath from a Polak, typical.

Doing what?
Novichok  4 | 8485
21 Jun 2021   #102
Another death threath from a Polak, typical.

Avoid them. I do.

Poles are naturally rude or trying too hard to fake it. I can tell them from the kurwas they use as commas and periods, with all the rest being incomprehensible noise. For that extra impact, they expand to "kurwa mac". And "pierdole", of course.

I spent 9 months in Maastricht in 1966 and 1967 after I left Poland. The people I met were more than nice in spite of the language barrier. This included the hostess of the boarding place where I stayed and, as the only one, consistently violated the "no showers" rule. Before I left, I gave her 100 bucks and thank you for being patient.
21 Jun 2021   #104
Badholidayinpola. Sir after a week and over 100 posts I am pretty sure your story is a fake in every single word. I hope my post will be not again canceled.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
21 Jun 2021   #105
Hear, hear, Alien! An attention-grabbing troll's troll if I ever saw one.
OP Badholidayinpola
21 Jun 2021   #106
My story is veey much real, and i am just engaging with the people who responded to me.
pawian  226 | 27475
21 Jun 2021   #107
Avoid them. I do.

Since when? I haven`t noticed it here yet. :):)
21 Jun 2021   #108
Yes you are engaging with some people but it ist mostly argument. Dutch people i know are very polite and behave correct abroad. Only dutch lorry driver are sometimes dangerous.
mafketis  38 | 11142
21 Jun 2021   #109
I haven`t noticed it here yet. :):)

Yeah, when is he actually going to start? Avoiding PF would be a good first step for him.
OP Badholidayinpola
21 Jun 2021   #110
I behaved polite and respectfull in all my travels and was greeted with the same kind behaviour as how i present myself, it was just this polak sniffed through on amfetamines or whatever that was treatening my life because i left water in a bathroom that bothered me the most. The rest i can ignore but this incident overtopped any experiance i ever had traveling. Making me never want to return to poland
mafketis  38 | 11142
21 Jun 2021   #111
because i left water in a bathroom

So... not only do you spend two hours in a tub (doing what?) but you leave the place flooded and wonder why the owner is upset?

Real, totally not fake picture of the bathroom after you used it...

OP Badholidayinpola
21 Jun 2021   #112
I was making chilling out on a rainy day, after traveling and sightseeing a lot. What i was doing? Watching some youtube, making some phone calls back home, just relaxing.

How do you post pictures i can show you the crime scene aka the wet bathroom
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
21 Jun 2021   #113
I was making chilling out on a rainy day

For two hours in a shared bathroom?
You really are a lazy slob git.....and deserve all you got.
What a waste of space!
OP Badholidayinpola
21 Jun 2021   #114
Poland is a waste off space u guys clearly werent educated enough by the germans & russians
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
21 Jun 2021   #115

Nah, what has been obvious from your first post is that you are a waste of time troll and I don't even believe that you are Dutch, despite the false clues you dropped.

I reckon that you are either an English, German or American neo Nazi.
You gave away too many clues......
Anyway, your mission here has failed, Poles are too bright for your small brain.
Now F off you total loser.

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