The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Had the most unwelcoming experience in all my travels in Poland, very unfriendly people.

17 Jun 2021   #1
So i came to Poland with optimistic excpectations. I am from the Netherlands and i know a lot of Polish people over there where i get allong with just fine.

My idea for traveling to Poland also came from all the friends i have in my country that are from there for me to experiance where they came from and enjoy their country.

I also know some words and frases in Polish.

Ofcourse i had also good experiances and met some lovely people who treated me very kind but also i have been treathed with the most rude and unwelcoming behaviour in all my travels. (Ive been to south america allmost all of europe also a lot of countries in eastern europe and asia and was always treated nice) not a single polish person told me hey welcome to poland enjoy the country blablabla like ive encountered in other places.

Now to focus on the very negative experiances.
I went out in the weekend and i notice from sunday to thursday its a different country than friday and saturday most of them were loud drunk and aggrisve and ive been told to 'w pierdalai' (this means **** off) a lot for example i was walking and i barely bumped into a guy like i didn't even feel any touch and he started cursing in polish to me. I turn around and say im sorry i dont speak polish what were you saying, on wich he responds what u dont speak polish!? Go home **** off we dont want you here. I stood a little bit dazed by this response where this guy goes screaming at me what u didnt hear me GO!! GO!! GO!!

The other imstance is way worse. So i booked an accomedation with shared bathroom facility wich had a bath, so i woke up around 11 and it was raining so i decided to take a bath. Around 12 i get in the bath and i stayed there for like 2 hours. I get out, walk outside to smoke a sigaret and from the accomedation some angry polish person approaches me i recognized him from the picture and this was the owner. He started yelling at mw and standing before me intimidating me, not a single word of english i tried to understand what was up eventually he grabbed me and he sputtered out the words YOU COME! So i pulled myself loose and followed him. Apperently he was mad that i left the bathroom a little bit wet and he said i should clean it withing 5 minutes.

I agreed and i walked to my room to get a towel to clean this up at that moment my telefone buzzes and i look and the guy canceled my reservation at his accomedation through saying i never showed up in the first place. Then i thought okay then i dont clean your bathroom and i pack my bags and leave. I was packing my bags and he starts knocking on the door violently screaming im going to kill you. At this moment im quiete frightened and i called the police, it took like 30 minutes for the police to arrive and all this time the guy was behind the door fiddling with the lock trying to open the door and screaming at me.

Eventually the police show up and all of a sudden this guy can behave and act normally to me i get my stuff and get out as fast as i could.

Before i visitied poland i thought very higly of the poles in my country i never met a polska i didnt get allong with always very friendly and good times. Now with my visit i sortoff starting to dislike them and dont plan on coming back any time soon.

I know there are good and bad people everywhere but in poland i met more bad than good :(
Lyzko  44 | 9713
17 Jun 2021   #2
You're from the Netherlands and most likely under forty-:) Hard not to judge any people based on even one awful experience. Although my all too brief sojourn to Poland was but umpteen years ago on vacation as well, I was still able to look past much inconvenience. We even plan to return one day. Regarding the Netherlands, I in fact found the Poles far more welcoming than the Dutch, and in Utrecht I even spoke some of the language, at the time far better than Polish! Try not to let a few bad apples spoil the batch.
mafketis  38 | 11137
17 Jun 2021   #3
Around 12 i get in the bath and i stayed there for like 2 hours.

What on earth are you doing in a shared bathroom for 2 hours? Did pass out or something? Are you just that inconsiderate?

I get out, walk outside to smoke a sigaret

Two hours in the bathroom and you didn't even clean it? Nightmare guest!!!!!!
OP Badholidayinpola
17 Jun 2021   #4
From 12:00 till 14:00 normal times and u find that a reason to threaten some one great example of your peoples mentality. Never coming back to your unwelcoming country u should be happy u even have tourists
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
17 Jun 2021   #5
Never coming back to your u

Puhleez dont,we will be greatly obliged.

What on earth are you doing in a shared bathroom for 2 hours?

I guess he dont get to use bathroom in his country so he was getting the max out of it:)

Go home **** off we dont want you here.

What wrong did they say?
mafketis  38 | 11137
17 Jun 2021   #6
From 12:00 till 14:00 normal times

I've never needed two hours to get clean... how dirty are you? What were you doing that takes two hours to wash away? Why couldn't you be bothered to clean properly?
Lyzko  44 | 9713
17 Jun 2021   #7
@To our Dutch holidaymaker: It takes two to tango. I also maintain you must be very young-:)
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
17 Jun 2021   #8
I am sure he is or how many matured people stay is shared bathroom places.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
17 Jun 2021   #9
Quite, C p.
OP Badholidayinpola
17 Jun 2021   #10
@Cargo pants
I am happy how you people have been threated throughout history. U clearly deserved it

I was just chilling in the bathtub on a rainy day, what else was i supposed to do?
Lyzko  44 | 9713
17 Jun 2021   #11
Take a hard look within, before casting stones! Again, the Dutch aren't exactly angels in the hospitality department.
Joker  2 | 2374
17 Jun 2021   #12
Dutch aren't exactly angels in the hospitality department.

When I went to Amsterdam before we all had GPS on our My friend and I were walking around looking for this blues pub and we stopped someone and asked for directions and they wanted me to pay them! It happened to me again by a bartender, wanted a tip for directions. Next time a foreigner asks me for directions in Chicago, Im putting my hand out too,,haha

It sounds like he ran into some nasty Aholes, every country has them not just Poland.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
17 Jun 2021   #13
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
17 Jun 2021   #14
wanted a tip

must be a jewish person.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
17 Jun 2021   #15
Watch it, bud! The Scots have the same reputation-:)
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
17 Jun 2021   #16

Just another w@nker troll.....ignore the moron.
OP Badholidayinpola
18 Jun 2021   #17
I am not trolling, my experiances are real. Also some ahole scratched my car and some dude became aggresive because i trew my cigarete to the ground
mafketis  38 | 11137
18 Jun 2021   #18
Good! Not only do you not know how to behave in a civilized manner in a bathroom, you're a filthy litterer! Every time someone yells at someone littering an angel gets his wings!
Lenka  5 | 3528
18 Jun 2021   #19
Every time someone yells at someone littering an angel gets his wings!

So true. I hate that. One can even buy travelling ashtrays.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
18 Jun 2021   #20
because i trew my cigarete to the ground

Do you think thats right thing to do??I almost got arrested in Singapore way back in 70s for doing that.
Novichok  4 | 8478
18 Jun 2021   #21
When I went to Amsterdam before we all had GPS on our phones

As a test, at 5:30 pm in NY, I asked three guys rushing home for directions. All three stopped and gave me the details. Up to that moment, I believed the lies of how rude New Yorkers are. The US vs Europe...What a difference...
Atch  22 | 4299
18 Jun 2021   #22
Also some ahole scratched my car

So you travelled to Poland by car? I'm surprised you didn't mention your driving experiences in Poland ..........

I was just chilling in the bathtub on a rainy day

Are you sure you don't mean chilly? Two hours in a bath - the water would be stone cold and you'd be shrivelled up like a prune. I don't know of any sane person who'd spend their holidays wallowing in a tub of cold water.

what else was i supposed to do?

What about visiting some sort of indoor attraction? Or if you're a bit of pleb (look that one up in your English dictionary), you could just go to a shopping centre and gaze in wonder at the shops, topped off with sitting somewhere having a coffee and watching the world go by.
Paulina  19 | 4458
18 Jun 2021   #23
Two hours in a bath - the water would be stone cold

My thoughts exactly... lol

It's probably Strzelec35 anyway...
Lyzko  44 | 9713
18 Jun 2021   #24
@Badholiday Dude, your cross-cultural skills are woefully lacking to say the very least! How old are you anyway?
mafketis  38 | 11137
18 Jun 2021   #25
Two hours in a bath

My guess is that he's a druggie and he wasn't in the bath but sprawled out on the floor passed out or something....
Lyzko  44 | 9713
18 Jun 2021   #26
In all probability, Mafketis.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
18 Jun 2021   #27
driving experiences in Poland .

They are not bad at all,a myth by expats to rant about Poland to show some kind of superiority.I have driven all over Poland and you see the same lunatics even here in NJ especially now when the New Yorkers come to the Jersey shore.

It's probably Strzelec35 anyway...

He is in your brain and heart I just texted him this lol.
Paulina  19 | 4458
18 Jun 2021   #28
@maf, yeah, I was also thinking that something else was probably happening in that bathroom... lol

He is in your brain and heart

And in Alien's? lol Don't be jelly Cargo, if you work hard enough for it I might despise you almost as much as him :)
Joker  2 | 2374
18 Jun 2021   #29
The US vs Europe...What a difference...

Americans dont care about talking to strangers unless theyre a weirdo and you can usually tell in about 2 seconds. Especially, down South the ppl are really friendly and hospitable.

Also some ahole scratched my car and some dude became aggresive

Its beginning to sound like you have some issues getting along with ppl if this is constantly happening to you or youre just trolling.

myth by expats to rant about Poland t

Everyone was nice to me... I had a great time walking around Krakow stepping in and out of a few pubs. I didnt have any problems at all.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
18 Jun 2021   #30
I didnt have any problems at all.

Exactly,I have been going there 21 years,never had a problem,yes years back paid 100pln bribe for speeding but thats about it.I have driven all over Poland and to most major cities,never a proble.

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