but surely this wouldn't normally be their job?
Well, if the car is viewed as a danger (it's on the road and not in a ditch, for example) firefighters in Poland have to remove it, from what I understand. 🤔 It's not the case in the UK?
The car appears to be missing a wheel on the passenger side and there doesn't appear to be anyone in the vehicle.
Wow, yes, exactly - you're so observant! :D
The fire brigade are moving it off the road for some reason, breakdown? blocking traffic?
Yes, they're moving it off the road! :) It wasn't due to breakdown though, so what happened? Why the wheel would fall off?
Btw, for moving the car they used those thingies with wheels that I think are called car wheel dolly jack (?) in English. Can you guess why they would need two of those for one car?:

