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Poland in photo riddles - part 3

OP pawian  220 | 24841
4 Jul 2024 #361
Long socks?

Yes, black socks!! I considered the view so amasing that I took that photo. With you in mind, sweating over this riddle. :):):)
Alien  22 | 5456
4 Jul 2024 #362
They aren`t sleeves

Everything is black
Yes, black socks

And I thought they were cassocks of priests who left the order.
OP pawian  220 | 24841
5 Jul 2024 #363
were cassocks of priests

A hungry man dreams of bread..... :):):)
Feniks  1 | 458
7 Jul 2024 #364
With you in mind, sweating over this riddle. :):):)

Nah, that riddle wasn't as difficult as some you've set :)
OP pawian  220 | 24841
7 Jul 2024 #365
as difficult as some you've set :)

Ok, so let`s try a more difficult one. Where can you find this notice?

OP pawian  220 | 24841
7 Jul 2024 #367
Sorry, no, the language doesn`t suit a typical Polish church which is still very conservative. :):):)
OP pawian  220 | 24841
7 Jul 2024 #369

I see you are indefatigable today:

This is a piece of my key documentation. I produce a few pages like this each year. What about?

Feniks  1 | 458
7 Jul 2024 #370
What about?

I cannot read any of your handwriting! :(:(:(
OP pawian  220 | 24841
7 Jul 2024 #371
Coz you give up too easily. Enlarge the photo and try again. I can post it again with highlighted words which you will be able to decipher but that would be too simple....
Miloslaw  20 | 4836
7 Jul 2024 #372
you give up too easily.

No, your handwriting is abysmal........
Miloslaw  20 | 4836
7 Jul 2024 #373
Probably due to too much alcohol........
OP pawian  220 | 24841
8 Jul 2024 #374
your handwriting is abysmal.......

Exactly! Like a doctor`s. Ha!
Alien  22 | 5456
8 Jul 2024 #375

I only recognized 'seler'.😀
OP pawian  220 | 24841
8 Jul 2024 #376

Exactly, celery!

What else?

Alien  22 | 5456
8 Jul 2024 #377
What else?

OP pawian  220 | 24841
8 Jul 2024 #378
Yes, leek, too.
These two should allow you to guess now.
Alien  22 | 5456
8 Jul 2024 #379
guess now.

This is some description of your vegetable beds.
Feniks  1 | 458
10 Jul 2024 #380
I think I spotted marchewka and cebula. To be honest before you circled them the only word I could see was 'Olga' ?
jon357  73 | 22632
10 Jul 2024 #381
Exactly, celery

Celery or celeriac?
Crow  154 | 9098
17 Jul 2024 #382
Hotel Gołębiewski coraz bliżej pozwolenia na użytkowanie!

OP pawian  220 | 24841
23 Jul 2024 #383
I think I spotted marchewka and cebula.


the only word I could see was 'Olga' ?

Perfect! It was a variety of some veg I don`t remember now.

How about this??

mafketis  38 | 10816
23 Jul 2024 #384
poop samples?

But.... people or animals?
Feniks  1 | 458
23 Jul 2024 #385
poop samples?

I would say so. Looks like samples for lab testing but there's no way that that that much would be needed as in the first 2 samples.
OP pawian  220 | 24841
23 Jul 2024 #386
Looks like samples for lab testing


that much would be needed as in the first 2 samples.

Exactly! Some patients must have brought such samples, hence the warning. :)::):):)
OP pawian  220 | 24841
23 Jul 2024 #388
Where did I see the notice? On the reception desk of a sample station which ran the program 40Plus. You could have a lot of things tested for free. However, I finally didn`t bring this sample shown above - it was too embarassing.
johnny reb  46 | 7426
23 Jul 2024 #389
What kind of flower is this growing on my property ?

Vincent  9 | 795
23 Jul 2024 #390
Look's like Yucca flaccida, commonly called Adam's needle.

Home / Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3

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