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Poland in photo riddles - part 2

13 Nov 2019   #152
Yep, well done Philip.
17 Nov 2019   #153
New riddle.
I would like to know where this instituition is, what it was and is today, and who was the architect of the spire in one of the pictures. Simple!

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26 Nov 2019   #154
The photos are of the former Radogoszcz prison in Łódź. In WW2 it was a German Order Police and Gestapo prison. Today it is a museum commemorating its wartime victims. There is also a mausoleum there containing the remains of about 1500 prisoners who were burned alive on the night of 17-18 January 1945.

The Radogue Spire is 30 metres high and was designed by Tadeusz Herburt.
Joker  2 | 2389
2 Dec 2019   #155
The riddle master is gone, so heres an easy one....

  • Krakow.jpg
Joker  2 | 2389
6 Dec 2019   #156
The riddle master is gone

I miss our photo riddle master, he was a hoot!
I became lost on the way back from Krakow and was dropped off near this train station???? At least they left some wodka in the bottle for me:)

  • polskatrain.jpg

  • polskatrainwodka.jpg

  • polandoldstation.jpg
Philip 666  - | 39
6 Dec 2019   #157
@Joker ... 2nd December post. Adam Mickiewicz monument, Krakow.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
6 Dec 2019   #158
This is a good picture of the monument intended for a riddle. It doesn't show Adam, so it is not easy to guess what monument it is. Chapeaux bas to Joker!
Joker  2 | 2389
12 Dec 2019   #159
Yes, Indeed! Krakow is a very intriguing city with beautiful architecture and a rewarding destination for any traveler.


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Dougpol1  29 | 2497
13 Dec 2019   #160

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Joker  2 | 2389
18 Dec 2019   #161
You're around 300mi away, its too obscure and isnt on google maps either.

Heres a nice Post Office, name the location?

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Ziemowit  14 | 3936
18 Dec 2019   #162
Heres a nice Post Office, name the location?

It looks like a Post Office in Sandomierz to me. If not in Sandomierz, then it must be in one of the towns of the historic area of Małopolska (Little Poland).
Joker  2 | 2389
19 Dec 2019   #163
It looks like a Post Office in Sandomierz to me

Yes, you nailed it! I like this town with all the little shops and restaurants. It looks like a nice tourist destination during the summer as well.

  • Sandomierz.jpg

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OP pawian  226 | 27571
2 Feb 2020   #164
Obviously I did a bit more walking and exploring than you when you visited this place.

Rabka-Zdrój cemetery.

Aargh, quite possible.:):) As for walking and exploring Rabka, we never did it in the cemetery. There was no need coz I don`t remember any special monuments there.

He couldn't see a slightest contradiction between being Polish and Lithuanian at the same time.

Like being English/Scottish and British at the same time?

was dropped off near this train station????

If it is a riddle, only another traveller who once visited this place will be able to guess.
OP pawian  226 | 27571
6 Feb 2020   #165
OK, back to work.
Easy one
What and where is it?

  • Poznan709.jpg
OP pawian  226 | 27571
1 Apr 2020   #166
The previous riddle is still pending.
Another one: What and where?

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jon357  72 | 23519
1 Apr 2020   #167
The Philharmonia in Sczecziń. I posted about it here when it won an architectural prize.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
1 Apr 2020   #168
Easy one
What and where is it?

Easy allright Poznan international fair building.
OP pawian  226 | 27571
1 Apr 2020   #169
The Philharmonia in Sczecziń. I posted about it here when it won an architectural prize.

Yes! But you showed us the conservative bright white building, while mine is liberal rainbow. hahaha

Easy allright Poznan international fair building.


Another question without a picture: What structure does Krakow have in bigger supply than any other city in the world?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
1 Apr 2020   #170
It's got the most clubs and bars than anywhere else , but it also has many good universities
OP pawian  226 | 27571
1 Apr 2020   #171
I am sorry, no, I was talking about structures, not institutions. Besides, I am sure London and smaller cities in the UK have more bars , pubs etc.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
1 Apr 2020   #172
I was talking about structures

And bars and clubs are structures are they not!!!!

So your question is fulfilled, don't cheat because a correct answer didn't suit YOU.

LEARN how to phrase your questions better if you have a precise answer in mind.

many are saying that your credibility on this forum is wearing thin, now run along and post some pictures.

Told you that I am ten times smarter than YOU ha,ha,ha

"Eastern European city has the highest density of bars in the world"
OP pawian  226 | 27571
1 Apr 2020   #173
And bars and clubs are structures are they not!!!!

No, they are institutions, genius. hahaha You can bring and install some drink/food service equipment and furniture in your potato field and you already have a bar. Is it a structure? No.

So your question is fulfilled,

Nope ,it isn`t. :):) Try harder. Think!!!

So, the question is still about the structures.

Told you that I am ten times smarter than YOU ha,ha,ha

The fact that imbeciles say sth doesn`t instantly make it holy truth. hahaha

now run along and post some pictures.

Not before you show some intelligence at last. :):)

I will give you a hint:
So, what structures does Krakow have in abundant supply that other cities don`t - not even one?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
1 Apr 2020   #174
Now you are being silly, just post the pictures twitty :)
OP pawian  226 | 27571
1 Apr 2020   #175
Nope, you must think first. How well do you know Krakow? These structures are famous in Krakow and the world, but google won`t give you a direct answer to my question.

Another hint:
they are very old. :):)
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
1 Apr 2020   #176
How well do you know Krakow? T

Its got a dragon, salt mines, and it stinks in winter.
OP pawian  226 | 27571
1 Apr 2020   #177
Dragon is one and there is only one salt mine but not in Krakow proper. While I said sth about structures in plural.

I will develop my previous hint: they are not only old but very old: even ancient. London has some but NYC - none.
1 Apr 2020   #178
These structures are famous in Krakow

Kraków mounds.
OP pawian  226 | 27571
1 Apr 2020   #179
Bull`s eye bingo! Wow! What a comeback. Like a glove. :):)

Of course, I was talking about mounds - 5 of them - two ancient from 7th century.
OP pawian  226 | 27571
2 Apr 2020   #180
And now, this is the view from one of them: which one?

  • krakowwidokzkopca.jpg

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