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Poland in photo riddles - part 2

26 Oct 2019   #91
Water storage tanks? There also appears to be some sort of walkway/gangplank.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
26 Oct 2019   #92
I am on the verge of telling you the truth but let me give you one more chance, please, don`t give up, you will guess it, as the best riddle solver here.

When I said you are close, I meant the facilities I showed and you mentioned (brewery, distillery) have sth important in common.

As for the gangplank, it isn`t one, those are pipes. Paradoxically, they are not for water. Think hard: what does a brewery, distillery have in common with a facility which features pipes for sth else than water?

Hint: recall the whole production process.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
26 Oct 2019   #93
Another hint: there are 4 giant metal containers in the facility. Not without a vital reason.
26 Oct 2019   #94
what does a brewery, distillery have in common with a facility which features pipes for sth else than water?

Sorry, you've lost me. I don't know if these metal containers have anything to do with alcohol production or not now. All I know is that whatever raw material is used, it needs to be fermented to produce alcohol. Those don't look like fermentation towers, silos or fractional distillation towers. They don't look like gas storage towers either. I can only think of alcohol or gas/waste products in pipes if it isn't water.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
26 Oct 2019   #95
No alcohol production in the towers. Yet, they have sth in common with alcohol production. E..g, whisky............ :)

OK, let`s take a rest from this riddle for a while - Saturday should be relaxation time after all. :)

Another one:

What is the name of this reenactment man`s job?

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26 Oct 2019   #96
sth in common with alcohol production. E..g, whisky............ :)

I can only think of grain silos, but they aren't usually on rooftops.

BTW, In that other pic, is that meant to be a sheep and an egg?
OP pawian  226 | 27558
26 Oct 2019   #97
So it was those rooftoops which misled you? Why didn`t you share your doubts with me at the very beginning? I would have told you that those rooftops are in the foreground, while the MILLS of KRAKOW are in the background. :) I took a photo while visiting a friend living in a nearby housing estate.

Yes, those are grain silos. :) 4 containers for 4 kinds of grain. :):)

Yes, a gigantic sheep and an giant egg.
26 Oct 2019   #98
name of this reenactment man`s job?

Not sure yet. Is he crafting things from leather?
OP pawian  226 | 27558
26 Oct 2019   #99
Yes. What is such craftman`s name in English?
26 Oct 2019   #100
it was those rooftoops which misled you?

Well yes. I couldn't see any logical reason why silos would be on a roof, and of course they're not! But that pic is typical of something that you post that is misleading ;)

What is such craftman`s name?

If he was repairing shoes in the UK, he would be known as a cobbler or shoemaker ( Szewc), but I can only think of leatherworker if he is fashioning belts etc
OP pawian  226 | 27558
26 Oct 2019   #101
But that pic is typical of something that you post that is misleading ;)

I swear to all holy creatures (like holy cow) it wasn`t my intention to post a misleading post of the Mills of Krakow. Do you believe me? I didn`t even notice those rooftops, just looked at the metal towers.

You must believe me!

but I can only think of leatherworker if he is fashioning belts etc

In Poland it is kaletnik. How about pursemaker?
26 Oct 2019   #102
You must believe me!

He says emphatically!! I don't haha!!

In Poland it is kaletnik. How about pursemaker?

I just ran Kaletnik through Google Translate to see what it said. It came up with 'vesicle' lol
I have never heard of pursemaker. Leatherworker or crafter is the best I can think of. Someone who processes leather is called a tanner.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
26 Oct 2019   #103
I have never heard of pursemaker. Leatherworker or crafter is the best I can think of

I believe you. I have always believed you though you don`t return this affection. ):)

I don't haha!!

You don`t believe and even laugh. It is so cruel. :(:(
johnny reb  49 | 7985
27 Oct 2019   #104
I'm tellin' ya.

What is the name of this reenactment man`s job?

He's rolling cigars.
A cigar roller.
Joker  2 | 2388
27 Oct 2019   #105
A cigar roller.

Very Interesting!


Where and what is this monument? The locals refer it as " The Worlds Biggest Pu$$y"

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johnny reb  49 | 7985
27 Oct 2019   #106
Oh I saw that when I was in Poland last summer.
It is the Monument to the Revolutionary Act located in the very center of Rzeszów at the confluence of Łukasz Ciepliński Avenue and Józef Piłsudski Avenue.

It's much bigger in real life than your picture portrays.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
27 Oct 2019   #107
He's rolling cigars.

More exactly, he`s a leathermaker who specialises in engraving ornaments on leather accessories like wristbands, small belts etc.

the Monument to the Revolutionary Act located in the very center of Rzeszów

Yes, still standing there coz residents don`t want to get rid of their famous landmark.
27 Oct 2019   #108
Where can this be found? Probably far too easy for Pawian.......

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OP pawian  226 | 27558
27 Oct 2019   #109
I don`t know right away and I will give others some time. :)
Joker  2 | 2388
27 Oct 2019   #110
It's much bigger in real life than your picture portrays.

The locals poke fun at it because it has to be one of the ugliest statues in the world.
Joker  2 | 2388
27 Oct 2019   #111
center of Rzeszów

Actually, Rzeszow is a cool fun town. There is big contrast between the old ugly commie buildings and new modern ones.

Can you guess when this ugly statue thingy in the second pic is? No wonder the bishop has his back

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OP pawian  226 | 27558
27 Oct 2019   #112
The coat of arms suggests Tarnów diocese. Is it JPII statue?

Where can this be found? Probably far too easy for Pawian.......

Do you think I know all chapels in Polish cemeteries?? :):) I have no idea.
28 Oct 2019   #113
Do you think I know all chapels in Polish cemeteries?? :):) I have no idea.

I try so hard with your riddles and you give up so easily :( :(
Obviously I did a bit more walking and exploring than you when you visited this place.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
28 Oct 2019   #114
Is it JPII statue?

The man in the statue is too tall for JP II. I'd say it's cardinal Wyszyński.

Do you think I know all chapels in Polish cemeteries?? :):) I have no idea.

This is a very interesting chapel indeed. I've never seen such a big one in a Polish cemetery. My guess it is somewhere in Podkarpackie or Małopolskie.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
28 Oct 2019   #115
I try so hard with your riddles and you give up so easily :( :(

There are a few thousand cemeteries in Poland and each has a chapel. Do you think I should go through all of them? hahaha

So, first of all, are we still in Krakow series?

Obviously I did a bit more walking and exploring than you when you visited this place.

It is very probable. :) I don`t remember taking a photo of that chapel, probably it didn`t seem so special to me as I am looking at it now. I have seen many buildings like that.

Similarly, I could post a picture of a wooden church, there are a few hundred of them in Poland and ask members to guess the location. See below: hahahaha

I've never seen such a big one in a Polish cemetery.

It is an old chapel where the last mass service was or even still is celebrated before the funeral. Now they build much bigger ones.

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OP pawian  226 | 27558
28 Oct 2019   #116
The man in the statue is too tall for JP II. I'd say it's cardinal Wyszyński.

You don`t know those statue makers` crazy ideas - I wouldn`t call them sculptors coz that would be an insult to real sculptors.

No, they wouldn`t place Wyszyński so high up there in Tarnów diocese, they are very conservative. :):)
Joker  2 | 2388
30 Oct 2019   #117
Is it JPII statue?

Yes, but not located in Tarnow.

Hers a hint: The star is in the flag...

You don`t know those statue makers

Heres a statue, should be easy for you guys:)

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OP pawian  226 | 27558
30 Oct 2019   #118
I try so hard with your riddles and you give up so easily :( :(

It just occured to me that you thought I had not tried to solve your riddle and skipped it. Of course not, I had but to no avail, I still have no idea.

Yes, but not located in Tarnow.

Yes, I know, I said Tarnów diocese. It can also be Tarnów county but I can`t find this statue. Neither the female one. I have never seen it.
Joker  2 | 2388
31 Oct 2019   #119
It can also be Tarnów county but I can`t find this statue

Its not in Tarnow county either, but you're kind of close..... its located at Tarnobrzeg.
Some ppl complain about the aesthetics of this statue.

Neither the female one. I have never seen it.

Perhaps, you don't remember? This old cannon located at the front entrance might clue you in.......

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OP pawian  226 | 27558
31 Oct 2019   #120
Its not in Tarnow county either, but you're kind of close..... its located at Tarnobrzeg.

Aaah, of course. When I saw the coat of arms of Tarnowski aristocratic family, my first thought was about Tarnów, their original nest. I forgot they also established other towns, including Tarnobrzeg. A good riddle. :):)

This old cannon located at the front entrance might clue you in.......

hahaha If only I knew all old cannons and their replicas in front of Polish castles and palaces... But thanks for this hint, I just remembered there is Baranów Sandomierski Castle in Tarnobrzeg county. :):)

The garden next to the castle features more such statues:

PS. Unfortunately, I need to take a break from the riddle thread as I am going to prepare new riddles which will take some time. All riddle masterminds - have fun while I am away and good luck in guessing. :):)

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